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AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) (AIDS) a very serious disease caused by inability of the ability of immune systems in the body to fight many diseases, and often the disease leads eventually to death. AIDS means acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome), and indicates the name of this disease to the fact that it affects the immune system of the patient. And although some researchers were pursuing cases of this disease since 1959, except that the first discovery of AIDS was in America in 1981, and then follow up Ch_khasas cases of this disease all over the world.

Verosan causes AIDS virus in a virus called the background (Retrovirus), was the first discovery of the virus mediated by French researchers in 1983, researchers in the U.S. in 1984. In 1985, the virus called HIV or human immunodeficiency (HIV), as scientists have discovered another virus, named HIV - 2 (HIV-2). Virus attacks mainly certain white blood cells, these cells include helper T cells and Alblagm which play an important role in the function of the immune system, and within these cells reproduce the virus which leads to break the natural function of the immune system. For this reason, the person infected with HIV become susceptible to certain bacterial diseases may not become infected by the average person may or may not be a nurse by nature, these diseases are called opportunistic diseases because they exploit the immune system crash.

How the transmission of HIV
Lies in three reasons:
1 - sexual intercourse is the main cause of transmission of HIV: and that if the natural sex or types of sexual abnormalities. And required to be one of the two persons carrying the virus is transmitted to the other person. The practice of oral disease can be transferred and that was a very small percentage
2 - exposure to infected blood: through blood transfusion or contact with broken skin blood carrier of the virus (before blood clotting because the virus dies within minutes in the middle outside)
3 - HIV transmission from pregnant mother to the fetus.
Not been transmitted in the following ways:
- Food, water or anything that is swallowed
- The use of tools or clothes ill person (other than contaminated by fresh blood Taktherh)
- Dermal contact
- Kissing or saliva
- Air

Vuors AIDS may lie in the human body, after Antqlh him, for ten years or more without causing any symptoms. And half the people infected with HIV appear to have symptoms associated with other diseases are usually less serious than AIDS, but the presence of HIV infection, these symptoms become prolonged and more severe. These symptoms include swelling of lymph glands and fatigue severe, fever and loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, race night, and may cause the AIDS virus HIV weight and a deterioration in the overall health of humans, may infect the brain causing an imbalance in thinking, feeling and memory, movement and balance.
People with HIV are at significantly for opportunistic infections (infections that appear in patients impaired immune only), there are certain diseases affecting people living with HIV, for example, pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis Karen (Pneumocycstis Carini) and tumor sarcoma (skin cancer) is the most associated diseases that afflict 65% of AIDS patients, and pneumonia is affecting the lungs, the main cause of death, and the Kaposi tumor is a type of skin cancer appears to be similar to the affected skin burns, but the cancer grows and spreads.
Some people may become infected with HIV do not appear to have any symptoms of the disease, while others become infected with the virus does not appear to have opportunistic diseases, but they may show symptoms within two to ten years or more after infection with the virus. Children who are born infected with HIV may appear in their symptoms for less than the above-mentioned period in adults.

Became detect the presence of signs of AIDS virus in the blood is widespread and available to all, and these tests was possible to verify the presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus. Antibodies are proteins produced by white blood cells when entering certain viruses or bacteria or foreign bodies to the human body. Indicates the presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus in the blood to move to that person.
Can not be diagnosed only if there is a positive analysis. The presence of symptoms of opportunistic diseases, it leads to suspicion, and the disease is not diagnosed, these diseases can infect people who have weak immune from other causes.
Laboratory analysis is currently available in every country in the world, and it is high accuracy. Analysis is based ELISA HIV1 + HIV2, and every other species on the market is inaccurate and not supported by the World Health Organization.
Analysis of the blood to remain normal during the first three months after the transfer of the virus, and because an antibody may be delayed in appearance, due to the slow growth of the virus in the body, so it can not deny or confirm the disease, but after three months of the cause of the accident. In a few cases, delayed the appearance of antibodies, so it is advisable that the analysis in the event of a natural, with no doubt the movement of the disease, re-analysis after 6 months, for more precision.
There analysis identified PCR, based on calculating the amount of virus in the blood of a patient, and is not used for diagnosis, but rather to follow the progression of the disease when patients only.

Of drugs that can stop the growth of the AIDS virus on farms in the laboratory is a drug zidovudine, which is part of anti-viral medicines, which widely used and formerly called the name of the AZT, and knows his Manual AZT. Bio-medicine is also used in the treatment of AIDS intercom. There are some newer drugs, under discussion, and which give good results, but they are expensive, so can not be made use of only a few of the country rich.
Despite these treatments, healing remains rare, and deaths from the disease is very high (95%).
- To avoid sexual relations suspicious of all kinds
- The use of condoms in sexual relations suspicious: and it gives a high rate of protection, but it is not 100% due to accidents or use of poor manufacturing
- Avoid the use of contaminated needles (for the purposes of medical or drug abuse)
- Avoid blood transfusion is screened for the virus
- Sterilization of all tools that are different blood Oskhas (dentist tools, hair, clean nails .... etc.)


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