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Intelligent, but ..

A friend said to me once and I ask him about the state of his hair, which has become almost absent from the events in his scalp .. He said sarcastically: either hair .. And either IQ! (With my tribute and appreciation to all of the complaining about the high level of hair and the high level of intelligence at the same time), and although he said it without casting her not to but I think that there is meaningful can be Oschwh from behind his speech, and is in part a logical indication known to everyone .. Every feature you get in this life must be paid in return of a tax. The intelligence is a brain and mental skills at the top together, and had distinguished between the qualities of mental and brain because of that intelligence is the queen of queens in humans, and non-humans as well, who are not aware of the minds, of the animals ..! Indeed, some trees and plants have a certain level of intelligence, let alone a man who no matter the degree of retardation in some diseases such as Almngulya, it is possible to have an IQ in some cases up to 40-71 (IQ = 40-71), This means that the child Mongolian in this case can be smarter than the proportion of children his age in the community. And may be human, in the opinion of some scientists, you may pay as a result of intelligence, brain and brain development a lot of taxes during the period of his stay the final in the ground since about 15 thousand years ago, of which he gave up the muscle strength large enjoyed by many of the creatures, man itself is a weak creature, and small compared to those who colonized the earth in times immemorial, and many of the creatures in the current time, and may be forced to give up great speed in running as if walking on all fours, charge the problems of back pain caused by the drawing out his stature and standing in a way that distinguishes it from all other creatures, and perhaps gave up flying as much brain volume compared to the size of the cerebellum on the opposite of what is happening with objects that fly, and perhaps gave up Altmaúl Kurtih cortices between the two halves as one of them grew up in the speech center .. Which abolished this Altmaúl and made a halves responsible for arithmetic and logic .. And half is where the speech center is usually, and the other responsible for the creativity and imagination, Arts and other faculties. I said to my friend: If you usefully in yourself all this intelligence compared to what I do not see the hair on your head .. So why not affiliated with the International Club Mensah geniuses? This club includes persons Alhaúla Mufrti intelligence and genius, that your colleagues and your peers, and from all over the world. He said to me: I do not want none seconded mental concerns that can occupy the space is not useful or even harmful! Reason opens the mind, such as a bucket of water .. Either filled with fresh water clean-Taher, or bilge water turbidity .. As is clear .. Can not both be combined in one vessel! . Vtammelt it a second thought and began to think his theory about the health of hair and IQ, then continued: I also I want to grow and more naturally, and between my peers and as I am, and I do not want people treating me that I am something out of the ordinary! . I asked him, keeping watch: Is intelligent and strong .. Out of the ordinary? . He replied immediately: Sure! What is the average intelligence of people are naturally in a society? I said: 75-110%, he said, and how the average intelligent associate for this club? I said: an average of between 150 and 185%, depending on age, note that some of them rate intelligence to 220%. He said: Do you see these and natural .. And is going out of the ordinary?! I said: According to your point of view this .. They are outside of the ordinary, but not up and down! He said sarcastically: O Are not you think the doctors, "Zayed's brother missing" ..!? Is not the absence of a child born one of his kidneys is treated in terms of the account like a child who is born with four kidneys?! Children are addressing not very thin and very obese .. !? Not reckoning both short and tall giant in need of intervention and the medical advice ..!? I said to him: If you are a genius is a form of mental retardation!? He said the declared retarded genius! . Then I thought of the child Celestine Chua of Singapore, which has become one of the smallest members of the club seven years old, and after all the news of her parents discreetly genius for three years! Perhaps for fear of envy ..!? I do not know, and that the smaller members of the club is a British child Ben Woods, who became a member of the club aged two years and eight months in 1996, and perhaps he did not ask for joining the club, but his parents, who did so .. May prove that his genius is already ..! They are ordinary and natural children, but they are a little bit of high intelligence, which .. Faqatni my friend, saying: .. Which makes it easier for them to gather them in a club and has enlisted one of the like geniuses and smart, and do not Onbik for such gatherings .. That may bear their respective owners .. The children speak of them before they emerge teeth, and may be able to use the computer before the infancy, and might go to school .. As his peers learn to blow a candle gala birthday first, and perhaps invent these children to the game rather than play with them, and was having fun geometry and algebra, chemistry, and perhaps spend the evening and they are trying to discover the mystery of the theory of general relativity and the paradoxes of Einstein and the fall of the item number 118 of the periodic table ..! . I said to him: both .. Everything in it that one of them will be older in the intelligence of his age, and everything is relative! .. Although the possibility that some of them are in such a specification is said to .. However, they usually become somewhat ordinary people in terms of IQ as they enter their twenties, or they are a little smarter, but they maintain their membership in the club though, the father of the child Celestine is a member of the club, and older than her brother, who is also a member since he was a boy five years old! . He asked me: and you can have it to do with the inheritance? I said to him: You can think of that! He said: and why rates are low IQ as they age? I told him: words are true to a certain extent, it Valmtaref that the degree of intelligence and by the medical term is greatest when you are between the ages of 15 and 21 years, and is no doubt that the child is more capable of observation and conclusion, and careful attention from adults, and This is when all children are generally healthy, and the innocence of the child and Sfah play a role in intelligence, he asks questions without interruption .. And does not know the meaning of borders in that, which contributes to the development of cognitive abilities, and to encourage them to follow his style and his approach in the search, the child has to finish first month begins to turn into a creature full of curiosity and researcher tirelessly for anything, and Explorer relentlessly to its environment, is indifferent to the dangers, and is expected to ill consequences, sometimes, and has conducted a survey on the concept of creativity in children in the United States of America, and is a concept that can be linked to some extent intelligent, and according to certain criteria, it was found that at least 90% of children under the age of five are really creative ..! But immediately afterwards .. Ie, in the age group of five years and up to ten years .. This drops to only 10%!! To relay to fall to about five percent in the thirties .. And less than 1% of people in the forties are really creative ..! And you may laugh if you know that the only thing that occurs to all children at the age of five years and explains a reasonably low Queens creative they have is to attend school .. Where the system is governed by the creative thinking and mentality of the collapse of the mix with their peers, not to mention a potential role in the school curriculum and teachers and sometimes to the reduction of intellectual creativity and imagination of the child .. This is in addition to the collision of social norms and the necessity of discipline in the form that can be associated impact on their creativity, and in spite of all this .. Whenever I was a kid .. Whenever you are creative and innovative! . This in terms of age ..! . Friend said: And is there where the last ..? . I said to him: Yes! It is known that baldness and thinning of the attributes of masculinity, or to transfer it tax masculinity, masculinity was something that pays him a tax! And that some diseases associated with female and male qualities .. Accompanied by the type of baldness also known as frontal balding, and may have high levels of male hormones are the cause of baldness are generally in addition to family background and inheritance. Said my friend: that is, the more you bald .. Whenever you mention ..! . I said to him: Maybe this is true in terms of abstract and verbal only! , And it is known that brain size in males and weight greater than that of the female, and this does not imply a difference in IQ between the sexes, although the fairer sex is characterized, in addition to rates has an IQ and similar Mudallat when sex thick, that with the ability of more on patience and perseverance, and in particular with respect to the collection of science, and that it provided the opportunity for his daughters and has cared for properly, and the bottom line .. That if your hair is lighter .. You mentioned more .. And thus have the largest brain .. And a chance to be more intelligent. She wore a lineament and our friend took the initiative by saying: If .. My theory were not wrong in the end ..! . I told him jokingly: You are intelligent by nature ..! He said to me, and it signs of seriousness: If you do, and hurry! Have forgotten the keys to this table, Sasara to the house before you leave my wife ..!


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