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Inguinal hernia in children

Inguinal hernia in children

May not be the word hernia strange to our ears, it might have encountered one of us mentioned, or may have heard about people having surgery for it, and hernias addition Achkalyatea medical it carries problems of aesthetic, social, and psychological and, of course, including simple and of them serious, and we will try to to shed light on one of the most important that you get hernias in children, and is not inguinal hernia, hernia, what is this?, and what are its problems?, and it is to deal with him?, Flansavr to some of the public have the secrets to each other:
The hernia condition caused by the exit part of the body from its natural place and went to another place within the body or outside its borders, and often the reason is not to lock the place which is supposed to be a natural barrier to prevent herniation, or that this Segregation is not fully for one reason or another, or may it comes to pressing the plus somewhere in the payable Bahhae that place to the place of another, less pressure, or otherwise.
The hernias inguinal hernias are those that occur in the area at the top of the thigh contact with the bottom of the abdomen, and is the case most in need of surgery early age, and occur by (10-20) per thousand live births, and affects males four times what affects females, and one-half their standard state appears before the age of one year of age, and mostly seen in the first six months of age, and these hernias are in the right hand side in (60%) cases, and in the left (30%), and the bilateral aspect in (10%), and preterm or born prematurely Vhsthm up to large (30%) of them.
Result in most of these hernias on the survival of a connection between the abdominal cavity into the canal inguinal toward the scrotum in males and the labia in females, and the failure of fusion of the diverticulitis, or call the fully lead to a complete hernia, but Ansdadeh in the remote region and the survival of part of it near took the main causes of hernia is called Ballambacr and represents the most cases, the Ansdadeh from near-term without the so-called leads Balqilh water in the testis, and the blockage near the middle and long term outcome without varicocele in the spermatic cord.
Shows the hernia Kantfaj groin lower abdomen and duels to the front or to the scrotum where the testis, and sometimes occurs swelling of the scrotum without swelling former is higher than that, and parents are usually the first to see hernia and during a heart cry for the child or through the pressed, while the be a natural phenomena, through the sleeping baby or comfort, or lassitude, as well as not scarcely hear the story of the parents they tell amazement swelling deceiver appears and disappears from time to time in the groin or the scrotum in males or in the labia in the female, and sometimes shows the hernia suddenly When the infant and is associated with alarm, or may be associated Btakia and swelling of the belly and other signs went doctor about bowel obstruction, can also erudite master to discover the hernia Once the child the status of suitable, and for older children, the mere standing may make the hernia reared its head from its nest, and in all cases, the hernia should disperse for testicular or other problems and in order to avoid the unnecessary.
Frequently hernia in the families of a certain, is also common in children who suffer from the disease called Balkisa fibrillation or who have a dislocated hip and valley, or undescended testis or with genitalia ambiguous or urethra below me or above me or have collected fluid within the abdomen (ascites), or defects defects in the abdominal wall, may also lead whooping cough to his appearance, and were observed too much of the ills affecting connective tissue such as the syndrome Ahlers - Danlos and syndromes polysaccharide mucus, such as Hunter - Hurler, and if found hernia when female We Find a disorder called Baltant testicular because the hernia There are (50%) of cases of this disorder.
As for treatment, it surgery as soon as possible to avoid complications and including asphyxiation hernia, especially in the first year, and the process is simple, and can the patient immediately after the departure of the house, and keeps Balaschfa for those who have additional risk of heart attack or respiratory or other, but Hydroceles Water in the testicle is often heals on its own during the first year, and do not have surgery unless varicocele cord, often accompanied by hernia, hydrocele, and if it continues beyond the year it is often necessary hernia treatment.
And the complications of these hernias mention jams content where and what the subsequent blockage of the intestines with vomiting, constipation and swelling of abdomen, and may squeeze the ovaries in females, may also squashed any other member within the abdomen, and once disturbed the blood supply by going what we call stifled which requires emergency surgery, and occurs in Impaction (9-20%) of cases, especially the first year of life, and frequently in females and premature infants, and manifests in the form of a fixed mass of painful, and upset the mood of the child and not likely to breast-feeding and crying strongly , and can be of the skin over the mass that Atozm or changed its color a bit, but it does not brown and does not hurt as it happens Bafattq Choker, and these cases should be replies hernia is conservative, and result in (95%) of cases, and it is unusual that required emergency surgery in these cases, and after the reply, and within a day or two, surgery is performed after the removal of edema, and stifled Visra heart and fever occur and brown mass of hernia and intense pain, and no escape from immediate surgery, despite the scarcity of it.
The results of surgery in infants and children is excellent, and Achtlatadtha not exceed (2%), and not only Linux hernia less than (1%) of cases.
The word on the premature: P (70%) of males aged less than pregnancy (30) have a week compared with inguinal hernia (0.6%) only after the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy and weighing less than (1.5) kg occurs hernia rate equal to (20) times greater than the incidence in infants largest, and frequently have a jam the contents of the hernia and possibly Ankhanagah, and therefore undergo the operation before leaving the hospital, and even after the process has been observed of an interruption in breathing unknown reason, and of course, necessary measure it and treat it.
Inguinal hernia ordered a simple and treat the simplest and thank God, but we can not as parents and cadres health ignored or forgotten because we do make the child victim of an unjustified, although it appears sometimes and absent other fact remains that it sits there waiting scalpel skilful transmitting tears smile God willing.


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