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Ear, nose and throat Related occupations, habits and hobbies

The principle (prevention is better than cure) will always be a major base in the practice of medicine, avoid the disease remains a thousand times better than falling into it and sophistication in the treatment.
Prevention is sometimes easy, low cost, and sometimes be difficult to implement expensive, but regardless of how expensive and difficult to apply the other hand, we buy health of the individual and thus the health of society as a whole.
And do not forget that this cost initially will provide us a lot of work injuries and occupational disability and the use of various means of treatment expensive.
Ear, nose and throat related to the occupations, habits and hobbies are many, and what can often avoid the disease by taking simple prevention methods or give up the habit or hobby accused.
Of the difficulties that confront us at times need to change the nature of the profession in some cases to ensure the healing of the lesion and not Nksha, which is sometimes impossible depending on the nature of work and the circumstances of the patient and convinced the bosses.
In short this topic is the subject of preventive medicine review of various diseases resulting from the exercise of certain professions or hobbies or some cling to certain habits, and intended to draw attention to the importance of providing the advice necessary to avoid such diseases.
We will review these diseases by various members.
First, the ear:
A - pests outer ear (pinna and external auditory canal):
1 - hematoma of pinna OTHEMATOME: extravasation of blood in the level of the anatomical surface of the ear cartilage and tissue around the cartilage, on the face of the lateral flap, when practitioners Mishahd more violent sport: boxers, wrestlers ..
Traumatic lesions may occur again in the pinna (the loss of physical wounds, lacerations burns) when the practitioners of violent sport.
2 - Infections of the ear phenomenon: The swimming of the predisposing factors for the occurrence of such injury, it was found that the injury found for swimmers to 5 times more people than non-practitioners of the sport.
3 - ceruminous plug in the external auditory canal: these result from the accumulation of the plug and not Asamlakh Antaraha normal physiological course of the hearing.
Indeed, the stopper ceruminous abound in people who have increased their clean their ears using matches or sticks pharmaceutical (equipped with a lumbar).
The usually clean the ear using these sticks are also irritating factors predisposing to an ear phenomenon or boil in the external auditory canal.
4 - contact dermatitis in the pinna: the dry form with a relatively mild itching peel.
Of the most important predisposing causes: cosmetics, hair fixing materials, especially in the case of lesions similar to accompany her in the face at the border of the hair.
In women: The lesions confined CONQUE in the cochlea and the back of the Otdh TRAGUS of flint went to the nail polish as a cause of doubt is ready.
May occur with the holders of glasses or hearing aids, as well as telephone operators irritating pests in the pinna.
Said stethoscope may lead to dermatitis in the course of the hearing.
Edematous lesions and moist in the pinna lobule may occur as a result of pregnancy earrings ears (especially the role of nickel).
5 - Aern bone in the external auditory canal OSTEOME: proliferation of bone at the level of bone external auditory canal with a natural skin cover almost Mishahd practitioners when swimming in cold water, and also frequently seen when the pilots who put their headsets with the application of a large strain on the ears.
With lesions of the middle ear and inner ear:
1 - acoustic trauma: It is caused by exposure to sounds very high either, as in acute exposure to explosions or chronic repeated trauma, as in professional audio.
1 - acute acoustic trauma: also occurs when exposure to the sounds of huge explosions (throwing incidents wars ..), where the infants did share a voice with a wave of explosive reaction, so there is a partnership between the infected middle ear and inner ear infection.
2 - chronic acoustic trauma: those resulting from hobbies such as resulting from occupational exposure.
The most important hobbies that lead to chronic bruising voice:
Hear the music high (disco) the WALK - MAN
The repeated exposure to loud sounds such as these lead to a lack of time was heard hitting the inner ear, so do not need to take the necessary precautions when exercising such hobbies.
The trauma is the professional voice of the many things encountered in everyday life, where exposed daily thousands of workers to the sounds of high intensity for several hours and over many years without taking any preventive action, both at the individual level or on a collective level.
And Anlbut to see the function the inner ear in a significant decline after a few years of work, and begin to evidence occupational disability appear on the worker who begins to search for the right to offset the deficit, which occurred as a result of this occupational exposure chronic sounds high, it was possible to avoid this deficit and to avoid this cost By following a few simple prevention methods.
This trauma audio professional chronic encountered in many professions, it could come across such an injury when blacksmiths or Alnhacen or textile workers or workers who are working to dig roads or drilling wells for oil or batters typewriter or tailors or other professions where there is exposure to loud noises chronically and repeatedly.
Should not forget in this context, the noise the street, which may be harmful in some areas, it may reach a magnitude in the average to 80 dB, and up to 90 dB if the road was crowded with cars, and up to 100 dB if the lot where the passage of some forms of motorcycle high-volume, high-hassle.
Through this idea we call to conduct a detailed study of noise in the streets of Damascus to determine the intensity of noise in every neighborhood, in every arena, perhaps we could take advantage of the noise map this to convert some of the roads or to take other measures that improve and reduce exposure to noise in places accused. (Can not believe this kind of noise pollution of the environment)?
2 - injuries caused by air pressure changes:
They express the injuries occurring in the ear as a result of changes in air pressure to the middle of the ocean, there are two types of lesions that occur in the ear as a result of this exposure to air pressure differences:
- Middle ear infection, which may reach the stage of a perforation in the eardrum.
- Including the inner ear infection may be caused from a lack of hearing and dizziness.
Infection may be acute or chronic.
The most important professions that are exposed to the owners of such trauma:
Diving submarine aviation passengers.
3 - ear trauma, including fractured rock: amateur car racing or motorcycle racing, the practice of some other violent sports.
4 - The practice of the sport AEROBIC may be a cause of dizziness and posture as a result of the sand hurt the audio in addition to the harmful role of the trauma caused by loud music on hearing.
Second, the nose and sinuses:
1 - inflammatory nasal vestibule:
- Allergic inflammation: eczematous lesions form on the wings of the nose may be caused by many of the materials used in industry (nickel - Cement ..).
- Inflammatory irritant: Knit in the hands of a dirty nose with irritating substances.
2 - acute inflammation of the nose career: as a result of exposure to sulfur (industry insecticides) or hydrazine (pharmaceutical industries) or formol (paint industry) and many other materials.
3 - chronic occupational rhinitis: a result of exposure to different materials used in industry (cement, iron zinc nickel phosphorus ..).
4 - allergic rhinitis: allergic reaction resulting from exposure to dust or chemicals, and more Maissadf in:
- Inflammation of the nasal vascular motor when bakers fur animals or workers.
- Vasomotor rhinitis when addicts nasal drops grim.
- Detergent chemical makers.
- Pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics .. Etc..
5 - nosebleed: frequently in industries that use them:
- Vapors of amyl acetate and acetate Alatyl.
- Sulfur, calcium and cement industry, perfume industry, etc. ..
Usually the finger in the nose and a nail scratching may be responsible for a recurrent epistaxis and possibly perforation and seen him occasionally.
6 - ulcers and Anthagabat antihelix: can occur in industries that use them: chromium acid, sodium chloride, mercury vapor .. Etc..
We must point out the role of prolonged use of cocaine or heroin through the nose, as well as the use of nasal drops grim chronically accused of that.
7 - pebbles nose: some authors give importance to the class or iron salts in the formation of these stones.
8 - usually plucking hairs from the nose predisposes to a boil in the nose.
9 - olfactory injuries: injuries are common in the industry, there are two substances can lead to injuries olfactory:
- Materials affect the odor Vuahh in particular by causing fatigue in the olfactory nerve (petroleum industries tar coatings industries, perfumes, etc. ..).
- Materials, without affecting either the smell of Vuahh Bahaddatha blockage in the nose or Ptkherisha the olfactory mucosa (chlorine ammonia flour, cement, cosmetics work in places with high heat).
As well as affect the smell prolonged use of nasal drops grim or eating cocaine through the nose.
10 - pests sinuses: sinus infections when the cement workers.
- Frontal sinus injury with changes in air pressure (the pilots).
11 - occupational cancers: the main form is a cancer of ethmoid sinus form: ADENO - CARCINOME especially when carpenters. Disease was considered professionally in France since 1981.
From other cancers:
- The role of arsenic in the pyramid of nose cancer and nasal mucosa.
- The role of nickel in the medium and cancers of the ethmoid spouse.
- The role of asbestos.
12 - bruised face, broken nose, including: practitioners of violent sport (boxing wrestling, etc. ..).
Third, the mouth and pharynx:
1 - taste disturbances:
- Addiction to alcohol and smoking play a role in bringing about a lack of sense of taste, as well as exposure to certain substances or chemicals in the metal industry (hydrogen or vapors of oil or derivatives of aniline as well as chronic exposure to lead).
2 - chronic inflammation of the pharynx: Several factors can contribute to the chronicity and continuity of pharyngitis, including:
- Prolonged exposure to cold air and dry (air conditioners).
- Environmental pollution (toxic gases - smoke - dust).
- Smoking.
- Professions that exposed their owners on an ongoing basis to excess moisture or dust or some of the irritating substances.
- Addiction to alcohol.
- Too much pepper and spices.
3 - accused of some dietary habits as a catalyst in the incidence of cancer of the nasopharynx.
4 - smoking, alcohol and poor oral hygiene, teeth is one of the predisposing factors in the incidence of cancers of the mouth and pharynx in general.
5 - Allergic inflammation of the mouth: It can arise from several factors sensitizing the most important:
Red lipstick, toothpaste, CHEWING - GUM, grain suction cleared, some foods (tomatoes eggplant ..), some metallic materials used in dental treatments.
6 - Prolonged exposure to sunlight is one of the predisposing factors for cancers of the face in general and particularly cancers of the lip.
7 - Smoking in general, and especially pipe smoking is one of the predisposing factors for cancers of the lip.
8 - usually bite on the lip of predispose to a bruised lip to varying degrees and chronic inflammatory lip.
9 - As for the lesions on the dental profession, habits and hobbies are many, including:
- Notch found in the folds at the top tailors (usually cut dental floss) or amateur eat seed.
- Drinking bottle syndrome: Some parents resort to ensure their children Scott to put a bottle of milk on an ongoing basis throughout the day in their mouths, which over time leads to a multiple dental decay.
- Finger sucking habit (or pacifier) ​​in children over age 3 years predisposes to occlusal disturbances.
- Discoloration of the gums: As a result of exposure to some of the materials used in the industry.
Fourth, the larynx:
1 - chronic inflammation of the larynx: mention of the predisposing factors: prolonged exposure to irritating substances, either dust or fumes, as well as smoking and alcohol, and finally the abuse of the sound.
2 - Hydrocele laryngeal LARYGOCELE: can you see when you professionals who have the nature of their work are larynx have a state of hypertension and when the muezzin, or the glass blower or musicians musical instruments Alnfajah.
3 - LE COUP DE FOUET: sudden extravasation of blood under the vocal cord mucosa, leading to a sudden hoarseness with pain, and this is happening, especially when fiery singer of songs, or when you scream.
4 - singers nodules: TSMC telescopic building maintenance at the confluence of a third front with the middle third of the voice rope, often two-sided, leading to a chronic hoarseness.
More than what you see when you professionals who have increased their use of their voices, especially if the use of bad (singers, teachers, preachers, etc. ..).
5 - vocal cord polyps: when seen as bad or frequent use of the sound.
6 - Foreign bruised throat: When practitioners of extreme sports (Judo - Karate - Rugby).
7 - foreign objects in the respiratory tract:
- Usually throwing some food up in the air and then receive and open the mouth especially in children, is an important cause of the reasons for the entry of foreign objects in the way the antenna.
- Some professionals who are driven to put nails or pins between the teeth (carpenters ..), as can occur with inhalation of the foreign body and entry to the respiratory tract.
8 - cancers of the respiratory tract in general and especially cancer of the larynx: the role of smoking and alcohol.
V. Al Marri
1 - Al Marri cancer: several predisposing factors, including: eating very hot foods, smoking, alcohol.
2 - foreign objects in the esophagus: usually put needles or pins between the teeth through the exercise of certain professions.
This is an overview of Near diseases, nose and throat caused by certain professions and hobbies and habits, and following the review note that some of the preventive methods, or sometimes some habits or hobbies can avoid falling into the many diseases that may be dangerous sometimes.
In some cases, we find ourselves obliged to inform the patient need to change the nature of his work to avoid the progression of the disease for the worse, which is very difficult but often impossible, making us unable to improve the health status of the patient.
We hope that this article is modest incentive to follow some preventive advice and an incentive to conduct a complete study on the methods of prevention in each place of business can be a cause for the lesions, both at the level of the head and neck or elsewhere.


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