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Insect bites

With the advent of the summer growing human love for hiking in the wilderness and forests, as well as increased activity of insects, where many people are exposed to Dgadtha so I thought it was important to talk about these injuries and ways to address them.


Of arthropods that live in warm places, which is characterized Bldgadtha toxic and fatal in some cases

Consists of the name it Fosfo lipase, acetylcholine Asstasz, Sertunin, and neurological toxins.
The contents of scorpion venom and vehicle tracking type. And the type most damage to humans is from the family Buthidae.

Degrees of injury:

First Class: - In the place of infection: pain and / or a sense of disorder.
- Pumpkin test positive (severe pain increases touch or pressure)

Second degree, as in the first class: a sense of pain and turmoil away from the place of infection (disorder in the sense of moving party, with numbness around the mouth).

Third degree: one of the following:
- Poor and neuromuscular function: dance parties, boredom, Rgevanat involuntary severe convulsions and mixing.
- Cranial nerve injury: blurred vision, roving eye movements, excessive salivation, trouble Balbla, Thzmat of the tongue, an imbalance in the way the antenna is the concept of words.

Fourth degree: injury combines previous
Scorpions with a neurotoxin
Affect the sodium channels and cause affect the fact that working with the de-polarization spontaneous sympathetic nerves and his friendly so you see the symptoms Adrnerjeeh and Kolnerjeeh together (high pressure, speed pulse, convulsions, hyperglycemia and salivation, tearing, convulsions excessive defecation, urination, vomiting).
- Alansmam may cause nervous system especially in children: the rise or fall in pressure, to Anzemiat in the heart, throat spasms, Thzmat muscle, abdominal cramps, lack of urine, convulsions, lung edema, and respiratory failure.

Treatment tends to modify the symptoms not to amend the poison.
Most cases do not cause toxemic and wound care is required only.
- Vaccine (for the third and fourth degree only).
- Nob Alkolnerjeeh of atropine.
- Calcium blockers, blockers B, ACEI, for the treatment of pressure.
- The aspirin (Alkhthreyh inhibits the effects of the venom).
- Quinine (Kalchorarin works on the muscles, depressor pressure, the effect of the membrane is installed and the impact of anti-Moscaren, the impact of the event is ambiguous, the effect of besieged receptor beta.

Ticks: Ticks

Of vermin-infested forest, which intrude Bgmaiha on animals and humans and that the transfer of Lyme disease to humans, when a human host for this Alaqradiat especially for the stage larvae that measure approximately 1 mm, as attached to his clothes and then latch onto the skin without feeling them because they do not occur any itching or Olmoandma take the tick blood meal and the diameter can not exceed the 1 cm and females induce tick paralysis develop until the rising of the respiratory tract and sometimes causes of death, but de-tick before this stage leads to healing

The cause of the rising flaccid paralysis developed in some species due to:
- Neurotoxin affects the nuclei and the spinal nerve.
- Tick must remain 56 days until symptoms begin to appear.

Symptoms: mild diarrhea, weakness in the lower limbs, followed by the absence or weakness of the deep tendon reflexes within 24-48 hours. May develop weakness, even the trunk, arms and neck still if you do not tick.

HYMENOPTREA (bees, wasp, yellow wasp, ants):

The major medical problem because mistreating cause acute poisoning and allergic reactions may be fatal. May cause double the deaths caused by snakes in the U.S.
Toxic effects occur after multiple stings. Include (gastrointestinal symptoms, headache, fever, syncope and rarely planned dissolution of Muscle and renal failure and convulsions) may occur allergic reactions do not depend on the number of stings.
Classification of injuries caused by the bites with wings:

Spot light
The subject of pain, itching, swelling
Lesion> 5 cm.
The injury for several hours

Systemic light
The subject of pain, itching, swelling
Extended and diffuse urticaria, angioedema, itching and / or redness, inflammation of the conjunctiva
Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea

Highly localized
Swelling and redness of a nearby
Lesion <5 cm
Injury period 1-3 days

Severe systemic
Leather: localized pain, itching, swelling.
Far from the injury: urticaria, angioedema, itching, and / or redness
Gastrointestinal: nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Respiratory: nasal congestion, runny nose, bronchospasm, stridor, breathing speed up, hard time breathing, cough, and the cicada
Cardiovascular: speed up the heart, hypotension, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction
Other: convulsions, feeling of imminent death, uterine contractions
Anaphylactic reactions may occur, nothing to do with the number of bites. Functioning of the clinical and treatment as in any anaphylactic shock.
Treatments include the way the antenna support, resuscitation fluids to counter the pressure drop, two thousand adrenaline under the skin or venous hundred thousandth (depending on the pressure of the patient) in addition to antihistamines and steroids.
Reactions may appear up to 1-2 weeks later pretending fever, malaise, headache, pains many lymphadenopathy.

Fire ants Fire ants

The fire ant is a small insect found in Queensland, Australia, and ranging in length between 2-6 mm and has a distinctive image for the ants and their behavior is characterized by aggressive, especially near the nest

The bites, fire ants cause the sense of burning and then lead to phlyctenae and pustules place stings where they become itchy with necrosis of the position and vulnerable to infection, may lead to bitten on the incidence of nausea and vomiting, dizziness, Ahvean, asthma and even shock Anaphylactic which may be fatal if not treated quickly,
95% of the venom is alkaline materials with small parts of proteins dissolved. Alheialoronidaz and also contains Alphusvoulibaz.

Formed first pimple develops vesicles hours later and you see the blister within 12 hours. And within 24 hours Alinvath located on the floor of erythroderma, heal and usually leaves a scar.

In place of the lesion: cold compresses after cleaning with soap and water.
Some recommend using lidocaine topically. Other symptoms address accidental.

Tarantulas Tarantulas

Is the origin of the true spiders.

Release of this insect hairs cause urticaria, leading to localized histamine release, and also include (hyaluronidase, Niclutidaz many compounds of the Secretary).

Measure supportive and casual with cool compresses and soothing poems can be removed using the adhesive strips can be used topical steroids


Hermit brown spider brown recluse spider

Color yellowish brown batter, it may be dark brown length of 9 mm on the back like a violin.
SMH 8-10 contains the most important proteins Ambassngomalnz D often responsible for skin necrosis, and hemolytic anemia (direct correlation with the erythrocyte leading to degeneration).

Symptoms and signs of localized pain, 82%, pruritus 47%, 41% fatigue, chills and sweating 35%, 94% erythema, cellulitis 41%, rash 29%, 29% phlycten the rash is usually Bakaaa oil covers the body.

Systemic symptoms begin, similar to the flu. Appear within 24-48 hours after the bite, hemolysis occurs within 2-3 hours, cause the occurrence of DIC associated with coma, convulsions, and death. Most of the deaths occur in children <7 years.
May occur in severe symptoms appear relatively sound bites (topical (.

Topical: wound care, anti-tetanus serum, antibiotics that happened inflammatory painkillers. There are treatments remain controversial, including: dapsone, treatment with. Hyperbaric oxygen steroids, anti-serum.
Systemic: supportive with the whole routine testing.

Black widow spider black widow spider

Black in color, oval shape, on his back form an hourglass-like yellow or red length 1.5 cm female is dangerous.
SMH has more than 6 alpha proteins effectively the most important - to Atroxan (which is a powerful neurotoxin) induces release of chemical vectors of nerve endings in particular neuromuscular junction following the instigation of the siege of nervous system due to lack of transport carrier in the synaptic vesicles.

Symptoms and signs: the injury looks white in color surrounded by a harsh place. Necrosis does not occur, or the dissolution of bloody skin. Begins with pain in the muscle groups and regional lymph nodes and then the largest muscle groups farther away. Accompany the case with headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, and anxiety. Tags: muscle spasm and severe (wooden belly) disorder of the nervous system of self (speed the heart, hypertension, tachycardia breathing, slow heart), edema periorbital twitching, muscle tremor, intestinal cramps, persistent erection.
Alansmam Severe shock, coma, respiratory failure, hypertension.

Topical: wound care, anti-tetanus serum, antibiotics, painkillers.
Systemic: supportive measures and ambulatory, with modified symptoms.
Vaccine is useful in some types prefer to control the symptoms without giving serum.

Jellyfish: Jellyfish

Rated as one of Alahacoyat Marine, located in the Sama has built a microscopic look Kpalon water bag called nematocysts>
Toxic mechanism: Each nematocyst contains a launcher bar spines penetrate the human body at any contact.
The nematocysts are located in the bags are located along the external sensors emanating from the body of the jellyfish, when you open
Change water pressure or pantheism or chemicals liberated the nematocysts, and in turn release the tape and publish Pitcher poison in the body of the victim.
Venom contains many chemical compounds and toxins include neuromuscular toxicity of necrotic materials, materials with cardiac toxicity, hemolytic substances, histamine-like compounds.

Symptoms: Shawes sense, the symptoms of anaphylactic, hypotension, muscle spasms, edema localized and hemolysis, lesions papular, pustular red local or remote from the lesion and then phlyctenae and desquamation skin, Aroat, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, high light in liver enzymes, pains, muscle aches, headache, anxiety, sweating, paleness, blueness, ten vote, Hzaa, paresis, coma, convulsions and lung edema Anzemiat attack.

Remote complications: many forms of erythema, Jdarat, infection, hyper pigmentation, a sense of confusion, neuritis, relapsing skin rash, paralysis.

Remove the poison: Avoid scratching or scratches or any movement may lead to break the nematocysts with wearing thick gloves. Do not wash with water normal, wash affected areas with sea water or cold salt water. Flood the affected area with vinegar for 30 minutes to de-sacs. No antidote end the symptoms Alolmah and cardiac vascular injury prevents the textile.


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