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Heart at risk Syndrome sleep apnea and snoring

Heart at risk
Syndrome sleep apnea and snoring

I do not understand those who scatter the calm of the night loud Chkaarham and torment the bed partners that they suffer from a serious illness lurks in their hearts and life-threatening whereas making while sleeping.
Disease partner!!
We have invited some ill partner, a disease affects men more than women and pretend Bnob stop breathing during sleep, then back vociferously call snoring, which became longer a clinical signs of disease dangerous won in the last decade of time share "and Vera" in studies of doctors to of its importance in the real threat to human health and life.
We have previously believed that "this disease affects obese and only invited syndrome Beck Wake but recent studies have shown that one third of cases seen in the non-obese. The complaint of nocturnal snoring in the second division after complaints of insomnia in patients.
And most of the injured men, who make up more than four times the number of women in the Middle Ages as the mean age of initiation snoring men ranging from 30-45 years, while increasingly more widespread in women between the session, which was invited to believe that the protection by the hormone in women menopause. And equal numbers of patients of both sexes after sixty years of age.
There are a variety of reasons behind sleep apnea standing on her head the magnitude of soft palate and relax the muscles and loss of flexibility of the soft tissues of the pharynx oral and soft palate, clog tissues loose the airway during sleep totally veiled air breathing and stop the entry of air into the lungs for several seconds up to some to 40 seconds or more, totally veiled from the sleeping oxygen and tries sleeping breathing a sigh movements with breathing chest and diaphragm, leading to changes in air pressure pulmonary and hindered the movement of blood in the lungs and the heart Wesera heartbeat and high blood pressure, and within seconds of apnea declines the level of oxygen in the blood and alert the brain to this emergency situation, shall enter the sleeper to wake back muscles of the airway to open up after the contraction abruptly Vindf air to the lungs quickly and vibrating weave muscles loose in the oral pharynx, causing snoring loud, but the patient did not recall these symptoms due to "the palace, However, they are sufficient to open the airway top of the new. and then take several deep breaths quickly before the person returns to sleep and snore again after each bout of respiratory failure and repeated this course hundreds of times of Nob stop breathing during sleep per night followed by waking up and snoring leading to fitful sleep deprived patient from the stage of deep sleep, turns night into hell without knowing it.
Obesity and stand on top of the list of pathogens that exacerbate the seriousness of this incident, emergency, and you can see the increase in the frequency of apnea episodes during sleep in patients with lesions nose and sore throat, sinus and nasal Alqrinat the magnitude and frequency deviation of the nasal and the magnitude of chronic tonsillitis and colds. And contribute to tranquilizers and painkillers and alcohol in exacerbating the risk and increase the number of episodes of sleep apnea.
And affects the sleep surface intermittent and non-viable on the capabilities of the injured mental and professional Veshko patient very sleepy during the day and inability to concentrate, poor memory and lack of attention and retreat intellectual and increased risk of road accidents in patients, particularly the drivers of them for more than nine times the other healthy people, and who experience headaches during the day "and irritability, anger and agitation, and excessive nervousness.
Hunger and increases the risk of oxygen to the brain injury also predispose to a stroke, and cause hypoxia caused by sleep apnea disorder "in the cardiovascular system, and swing" in blood pressure and increase coronary heart lesions leading to a fatal cardiac episodes.
And as we recognize today, the risks involved in this evil should not have to look at snoring as a rare and ironic, but as a significant clinical signs that invite us to ring the alarm and work hard to identify the causes of the lesion and prevent them before they fester and kill its owner, without prior warning; It is not surprising that the likes of perpetuates these patients was made to sleep do not wake up from it at all.
Sadh the night at risk of
Why we can not yet alleviate the suffering of patients and reduce the spread of this serious problem? .. Because patients do not realize how serious the injury, and often, "What have bed partners who are beating the alarm when they discover a partner lying motionless beside them, or not soon after the same moments that haunt their beds Isdh snoring.
And put the flag on our hands a variety of means surveys important to diagnose the disease, and witnessing scientific centers shifts new re-evaluate the concept of snoring that lies behind the scourge of sleep apnea. And prevalent today in most hospitals and research centers Chest special laboratories to study this phenomenon and investigate the causes of sleep called laboratories. Take action in these schemes sleep laboratory night "in full.
When you make plans to sleep last electrodes are linked to the sick person planning an electric recorder of the heart and brain to study the functions of vital organs, and muscles are planned electrical and eyeball movements, breathing, nasal and oral records snoring Bmaikarvon is determining the level of oxygen saturation.
At the end of the night from the registry doctors translate these plans and evacuation of meaning and an acceptance threshold for the diagnosis of sleep apnea when recording interruption breathing for ten seconds at least to repeat the phenomenon five times or more during the day, sees slowing the heart rate is accompanied by disruption breathing and lack of oxygen in the blood and heart rate with the return of breathing.

Is there a cure?
Infected patients were treated for shock when watching films "are the heroes Ventabhm horror of what might awaits them from threats to their hearts and not their ploy to avoid that only use the device, designed by Australian doctors, which gives the air pressure is high, easing of muscle relaxant and closure of the airway. However, the such a device inhibitor to stop breathing during sleep remains elusive for the pockets of many of the high cost price, and not by doctors treating cheap to treat patients despite the presence of dozens of innovative ways to alleviate the suffering of the start "of the drops nasal, and even masks, which resemble those used during the war against gases toxic and that absorb the loud voices. These electronic devices are sensitive to sounds, which give warnings alarm for sleeping during snoring, and doctors struggled to alleviate the suffering of a surgery Astasalon which the villi and blocks the nasal anti-breathed and manufacturing muscle loose in the pharynx and soft palate.
Doctors recommend for the prevention of snoring is not to take alcohol and sedatives before bedtime also recommend weight loss that improves sleep and reduces episodes of respiratory apparatus stopped, but still a list of studies to find solutions to the most effective in the treatment of this dilemma.


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