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Hormones and the process of fertilization (early embryogenesis)

Hormones femininity

(Estrogen and progesterone)
Hormones are substances that produce a chemical in the body and pass through the blood to carry messages from one part to another in the body
There are 2 main hormone estrogen in women * * Effersa and progesterone from the ovary

Cycle of secretion of hormones in the ovaries go through two stages:

1 - in the first half of the role estrogen plays a key role

During this stage the eggs grow inside the ovary in a small bag where the cells surrounding the egg and liquid inside the bag consists of the egg and the egg to grow inside the bag and up to 15-28 mm at ovulation
During the growth of egg cells secrete the surrounding hormone estrogen, which arrive through the blood to the uterine wall where it helps the growth of the lining of the uterus, where up to more than 7 mm thickness at ovulation

2 - the second half of the cycle begins with ovulation hormones which turns the egg sac to the corpus luteum

Corpus luteum secretes the hormone progesterone and estrogen and progesterone have a clear impact in this stage where changes occur in the lining of the uterus (which grew by estrogen) to make it ready to receive a fertilized egg
In the absence of pregnancy in this session holds the corpus luteum after 12-14 days of ovulation and decreases estrogen and progesterone and thus lose the lining of the uterus wall support hormonal inflict the image of menstruation

The relationship between the pituitary and ovarian

The pituitary gland secretes a hormone Jawnadotrovin - F. S. H and the. H


Increases the secretion of F. S. H in the first part of the session and cause the growth of the egg and thus increase the secretion of estrogen, estrogen by ....... make certain pituitary gland reduces the secretion of AFP. S. H and increase the secretion. H which causes the explosion of a bag egg come out the egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube is picked up (the tube) and thus help the. H-bomb on the egg sac and maintains the corpus luteum
How is the fertilization

(Please read the guidelines for infertility 2 for the reproduction for women)

During intercourse and after ejaculation out of millions of sperm (sperm-man) inside the vagina

* Some of the sperm reach the fallopian tubes (the tube) a few minutes old

* Some people are dying in the middle of the vagina sour

* Some entering the cervix and Atakzn and be in favor of the movement to the fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg for 3 days so it does not require intercourse daily during ovulation (so if there is intercourse 1-2 days before ovulation a possible pregnancy)

Possible means to get out of the vagina after intercourse, and this does not affect the process of fertilization

Among the millions of sperm reach the fallopian tube only a few hundred may be the wisdom of throwing these millions of sperm (although fertilization requires sperm and only one) is that many die and can not get to the fallopian tube where the egg

Out one egg each month from the ovary during the period of fertility of women surrounded the fallopian tube ovary and pick up the egg when the explosion of a bag-and-egg is an egg surrounded by a membrane and some cells and then to penetrate the sperm egg prevents this membrane is the entry of any sperm (he is praying) and thus protects the fertilized egg .
Live egg in the fallopian tube for 24 hours only and paid by the cilia lining the fallopian tubes toward the uterus and if the egg is not fertilized within twenty-four hours dies

Among the hundreds of sperm that reach the egg in the fallopian tube sperm and only one can penetrate the membrane surrounding the egg will meet with the nucleus of the egg (with chromosomes mother) and the nucleus of the sperm (with Kromuzmzmat father) and unite with the nucleus of the egg and the nucleus of the sperm to be a single cell with qualities of the father and mother (a new life begins uniting sperm and semen of men women --- Sobhan Allaah's creation)
Divided cell to cell while in transit, 2-4-8-16-32 inside the fallopian tube (where paid by the cilia and the movement of the tube toward the uterus) and up to the uterus after 3-5 days where you start to throw themselves into the uterine wall and is divided into cells to be the type of hormone secreted by the placenta H. C. Ji - the hormone of pregnancy and other type of cells the fetus
Thus, the embryo consists of the Federation of sperm and semen of men and women, if God wanted a new human being is born to life (Sobhan Creator creator)


--- * Jawnadotrovin pituitary hormones is a F-. S. H and the. H

In the first half of the session affects F. S. -------- H on ovarian secretion of estrogen from the cells of the egg sac ------- affect the pituitary gland decreases AFP. S. H and g over the Aphra. H ------ helps to blow the egg sac Vtltqtha tube and left corpus luteum secretes progesterone and ----- ----- Alasterogen create the wall of the uterus to receive the fertilized egg

* Sperm meets egg in the outer part of the fallopian tube, and unite in a single cell divided into 2-4-8-16-32 cell as it passed through the tube and then up to the uterine wall and secrete the hormone H. C. Ji, which maintains the corpus luteum


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