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Bad breath "causes, prevention, and treatment.

رائحة الفم الكريهة
The bad breath of the social problems common and occur for several reasons ..

- Why do I have bad breath? And how to get rid of them?

• Bad Breath (Halitosis): a problem suffered by hundreds of millions. In the United States alone suffer more than 90 million people out of bad breath.
• result from poor health care, dental hygiene or certain foods, or be a symptom of a disease in the body.
• Many people do not feel the smell of themselves because the person's brain adapts to the special smell.

- How does the smell of food intake on the mouth?

• The strong-smelling foods (such as garlic and onions) does not cause bad breath because of its presence in the mouth only, this movement of food from the digestive system to and from the blood circulation to the lung; where there is raised, causing the stink of the same.
• Accordingly, the cleaning of the teeth and use mouthwash lift the odor temporarily, this smell will not go away completely only when it goes fully-causing substances out of the body.

- What is the impact of bad habits to bad breath?

• neglect of Hygiene of the teeth causes the accumulation of escape of food; which is fertile soil for the growth of bacteria between teeth and around the gums and tongue absolute odors, and the dentures cause an unpleasant smell if not cleaned of residues escape of food and bacteria absolute odors.
• The smoking and chewing of khat in addition to causing bad breath teeth staining and reduce the sense of taste and irritation of the gums.

- What are the diseases that cause bad breath?

May be bad breath and bad taste in the mouth Ongoing addressed an important sign of disease of the gums. Bacteria that colonize the teeth produce toxins irritant to the gums, and if continued to neglect developing gum disease may extend deeply, even the jaw bone. Among these diseases are:

• Dry mouth (Xerostomia): major role of saliva to moisten the mouth and cleaned by the secretions of bacteria and cells Exfoliative oral mucosa. Also plays an important role in the inhibition of bacterial growth and Gulwath because it contains oxygen.
Therefore, the lack of saliva (dry mouth) causes the accumulation of harmful substances and cells, leading Exfoliative unpleasant smell.
May be a case of dry mouth side effect of certain drugs covered by the patient or disorders caused by the salivary glands, or continuous breathing through the mouth.
• There are many diseases which cause bad breath: respiratory tract infections (pneumonia, bronchitis) - DM-diabetes, chronic acid regurgitation - chronic sinus infections - Altistal posterior nasal - liver and kidney diseases - in addition to dental caries and fungal infections.

- How is the prevention of bad breath?

You follow the following tips:
• Take good care of dental hygiene: you clean your teeth twice a day with toothpaste dental glaze on the article "fluoride" to remove the escape of food residue and plaque. Should also clean your teeth after meals (try to keep your brush with you at work or school for use after lunch) and do not forget that Tafrhi your tongue, too, are advised to replace the brush every 2-3 months, and use dental floss once a day to remove the escape of food residues. As for the users of dentures (especially the elderly); advised to clean it well after the evening takes them off.
• periodic visit to the dentist: Twice a year, at least, to investigate the gum disease or tooth decay, or dry mouth. And the patient must inform the dentist or the drugs used by the food consumed.
• stop the consumption of tobacco products and smoking cessation.
• Drink water frequently to keep the mouth moist, and has found that chewing gum may help; to increase the secretion of saliva.
• Green tea has anti-bacterial properties, and the cinnamon contains essential oils that kill many types of oral bacteria.

- How to get rid of bad breath?

You can use regular mouthwash, toothbrushes, or mint pills to eliminate the odor temporarily, although it is Atqda on the cause. In contrast, the use of mouthwash containing the anti-sepsis may spend on the cause, Your doctor is fully aware of what you need.

- Addresses of bad breath? Doctor or dentist?

In most cases the dentist is able to solve the problem and treat the cause if the cause of the inside of the mouth, but if the cause is outside the mouth, then you should consult a general practitioner or specialist to search for the causes in dente in membership


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