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Eggs protects women from breast cancer

London / recent studies at Harvard Medical School conducted on the relationship between food, health and safety of girls and women from breast cancer that girls who eat hard-boiled eggs moderately and regularly have less risk of breast cancer.
And egg yolk contains a substance called lutein protect against atherosclerosis, in addition to the cholesterol found in eggs, which carries choline and Allecin leading to lack of information gathered by the wall of the arteries.
Studies show that regular eating of food estrogen during dry beans and dry beans, chickpeas and some other foods such as broccoli, kale, cabbage reduces the incidence of breast cancer.
She said studies show that there is a correlation between nervous tension and stress and breast cancer, so you have to be women's solid psychological in the face of the pressures of life, and warned studies of smoking during the preparation or eating, and also warned of the excessive consumption of potato chips for the formation of toxic carcinogen called acrylamide in starchy materials exposed to high temperature.
As for the oil Fathbz studies using frying oil for one time only, and frying at moderate temperature of the oil are not subject to oxidation, preferably in the form of cut potato chips and then a big bungle and Thmerha.
Vegetarian children are more vulnerable to disabilities

Washington / experts warned the U.S. Centers for prevention and control of the disease, that the children of women vegetarians who avoid eating animal material, especially milk and eggs, are more vulnerable to infection displayed by a stroke and disabilities nervous due to a lack of vitamin (B 12) to have.
The doctors that mothers vegetarian deprived their children of the vitamin (B 12), which is an essential element is very important for brain growth and development, which is available mainly in meat and dairy products, eggs, and therefore, mothers who do not eat such foods face a shortage in the levels of this vitamin, which is transmitted in turn to infants.
Experts stressed the need for consumption of pregnant women and nursing mothers adequate amounts of vitamin (B 12) and folate, either from food or food supplements, noting that many children who suffer from a lack of vitamins recover completely when they have enough of them, but the lack of long-term affects on the health of the child and causing his brain damage is not revocable and non-treatment.
Vegetable oil, fish good for the heart

London / researchers at the University of Bristol, a new way to modify the regular vegetables to contain fish oils good for the heart healthy fatty acids known as omega-3 and 6.
As reported by the magazine "Nature" of biotechnology, they have succeeded in introducing genes from two types of algae, one type of mushroom to plant Rashad, so enabling the production of fatty acids is required.
Experts believe that these modified plants represents an exciting in the search for natural resources and permanent fish oils beneficial, noting that the omega-3 are available in cold-water fish such as tuna and salmon, while the present acids, omega-6 in seed oils of certain olive oil and canola.
This has proven to be effective in fatty acids raise cholesterol levels and reduce health bad cholesterol, and thus the prevention of heart disease, and is beneficial to the brains of fetuses and infants and the growth of their eyes and vital organs.
Special exercises for each pregnant woman

Dubai / suffer the majority of pregnant women in the last months of back pain as a result of strain ligaments and muscles of the spine for many reasons, notably the increase in curvature of the spine and enlarged uterus continuous and also as a result of the impact of the hormone progesterone and is recommended here, follow these steps:
* Avoid carrying heavy objects.
* Do not bend forward to pick up anything from the ground, but must bend the knee while keeping the back straight and then climb to an individual knee.
* Do not wear high heels or shoes without a heel, but wearing low heels.
* A pillow behind the back when sitting.
* You back exercises: Asenda your back while standing on the wall, then Get down on your knees slowly up to a squatting position, and repeat the exercise gradually.
* To ease the pain: Lie on the floor with head and neck support Posadat and bend the knee and put a pillow underneath.
* When you sleep Put pillows under the head and trunk and between the two men.
Burgers and fries behind to have children with disabilities

London / specialists, researchers found that the increased risk of having children with disabilities or people with Down Bmtlazem or what is known as the Mongolian disease that causes mental retardation at an early age, due to poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy and their reliance mainly on the fried foods and ready meals.
The researchers said the British Institute of Research, that the young mothers these days are neglecting a health food useful allocated to the periods of pregnancy, and prefer eating fast food from burgers and fries, pizza, sausages, etc., on vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fiber, which deprives them and their children of the nutrients and cause injury to children in bad nutrition and low birth weight and deformities.
The experts also said that most cases of disability and deformity in children caused by lack of folic acid required for completion of the chemical in the body of the pregnant mother, due to lack of handling of vegetables rich in this acid, suggesting that the problem of having a baby Mongolian no longer limited to mothers who become pregnant at the age of forty, but This phenomenon has become common in mothers in their twenties, either for genetic reasons or for medical or malnutrition.
The doctors explained that the lack of folic acid cause divisions incorrect and abnormal cells, is divided incorrectly, causing a child to be Mongolian, so all mothers should eat more vegetables and fruits with the use of multi-vitamin pills under the supervision of a doctor.


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