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Genetic war against malaria

Lead the struggle against malaria on several fronts * T: Synthesis of mosquito vectors of malaria is the discovery of a drug more effective.

The ague or malaria, the most lethal infectious diseases, and infects between 300 and 500 million people each year and kills 1.5 to 2.7 million people. The synthesis of mosquitoes genetically changer (génétiquement modifiés) a means of struggle contained future in order to identify groups of mosquitoes that cause the disease.
And has the pace of team recently Krisha Dr. Andrea (Andrea Crichi) of the (Imperial college of London), with the assistance of researchers (Heidelberg) is a crucial step forward. For the first time succeeded in the synthesis of genetically altering a mosquito from the genus of the parasite, malaria transmission is Anopheles Stephensi.

Represents the carrier's aside malaria parasite, and malaria parasite form above.

And gets the change thanks to the mosquito genes Ntath or mobile. The researchers injected plasmids mosquito eggs (parts of DNA) containing these genes grasshoppers can jump into the chromosomes of the mosquito, and if these genes entered in a part of chromosomes which is the sex cells will be genetically altered strains.
Biologists believe they will be able within three years of the establishment of mosquitoes resistant to infection with a strain of malaria parasite. And will spread the asset changer in nature for the purpose of gene transfer-resistant wild groups, or to race with them to determine their growth.
However, this works against the disease is rising is not enough we also have to help the body to the conflict in the case of the infection. Team Krimssnr Professor Peter (Peter cremsner) to test a new drug called:
(Tafevoquine). The result of studies conducted on 400 children with adult Bonn very encouraging. This drug is effective in a period of more than two months at a dose take twice or three times, only n is that the same medicine does not approve of people who suffer from deficiency in the enzyme widespread in Africa, any enzyme (GGPD). Sisoq and medicine within three years.


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