Is ice cream lead to a headache?
Ask the reader: Do you use ice cream in abundance may lead to headache in women? The reason for the separation of the placenta?
Answer this question, Dr. George Joachim, saying that some of the chemicals added to meat, especially sausage proven to cause headaches by vascular cerebral, and to refrain from drink coffee for those who are accustomed to it may cause headaches Besides, smoking can cause headaches to the smoker, so to be drinking enough coffee no more than the required rate with drink some water and milk before bedtime, can also be obtained Albarastamol when you feel a headache, as well, the ice cream and ice cream for Espbah pain from the intensity of cooling, which occurs throat, leading to headache .
As for the separation of the placenta, Its causes are many, including smoking and frequency of pregnancy for more than 4 to 5 children with the mother's exposure to infection in the abdomen. After having the twins and the pregnancy after the age of 35. And high blood pressure leads to the separation of the placenta can not overlook the fact that rupture of the membranes surrounding the fetus before birth, and the incidence of diabetes, poor nutrition, with drug abuse, are all reasons leading to the separation of the placenta.
There are several symptoms for the separation of the placenta is in the presence of uterine contractions painful with bleeding is light or heavy, and is clinical diagnosis by ultrasound three-dimensional search for a blood clot which lies behind the placenta with the work of some tests such as blood picture and the CRP protein, determined by methods of treatment according of factors including the following: separate area of the placenta, and the time remaining months of the end of pregnancy, and the presence of other health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and the amount of blood lost, and assess the health of the fetus.
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