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New in Plastic Surgery

Different from the rest of the surgery being in urgent need and the desire of some people ..

1 - Liposuction:
One of the most popular cosmetic surgery operations "and widespread," a purely technical operation to carve a prominent area of ​​the body or give it form "is inconsistent and thus re-form to give a consistent and beautiful.
And not to lose body weight, which regrettably, some believe it to lose weight.
Liposuction is being in any area of ​​the body: abdomen, buttocks, under the neck, hands .. There are universal adherence to the liposuction process so as not to be associated with the proportion of high risk should not exceed the amount of fat 4-6 kg.
Usually the final results of the surgical work does not appear until after 3 months.
Some wonder if this process is painful and this according to the area in which the suction to the back area where the least harm "from the area of ​​the abdomen and groin, where possible, that the pain lasts for a week and varies depending on the threshold of pain on everyone.
The hole of the process of being suction not exceeding 5 mm in the area to be inhaled
There are several ways for Liposuction:
1 - the traditional way: it is most common. "
2 - Use your Ultra sound: The advantage of the way that the first suction occurs without trauma or hemorrhage and allow this method to reduce the level of cellulite and smooth the skin.
3 - vacuum laser here is not accompanied by any bleeding.
Liquid may ask: If a liposuction when an unmarried girl Does this affect the future "in terms of pregnancy and birth? The answer is no.
And the process of liposuction is the easy of operations that need to be skillful surgeon with good experience, so do not turn work to the distortion.
But if the patient is suffering from a weight gain trend is here to connect the stomach.

2 - gastric banding: It is more laparoscopic operation performed in Europe. Take place at any age up like the rest of the plastic surgery between 18-60 years, by the telescope into the abdomen to enter Selkonah ring specially made "for humans not to reject them, and remain for life is put at the top of the stomach
The success of the process depends on appropriate patient selection and surgical work of the surgeon with good experience as well as the patient is committed to the doctor's instructions .. Note "that the first six visits to the doctor after the surgery is very important."
As for the foods permitted for the patient reaches a process of linking the stomach:
The first month deals with fluids and then food and given a normal "because the size of the stomach became the youngest patient must be convinced of satiety.

3 - Tummy Tuck:
Conducted a tummy tuck for one time and this process does not have any effect on pregnancy.
Do you see the abdomen and back of heredity and muscle weakness and lack of exercise and this happens after
Having a third baby often.

4 - Cosmetic Breast:
The causes of breast sagging:
Hosbb the main genetic factor for sagging.
Has not been proven scientifically that breastfeeding leads to sagging and aging and the amount of excess fat that weaken the pocket is the reason.
Sports and strengthen the muscle beneath the breast and strengthen the threads that link the breast muscle.
- Breast augmentation:
And is an opening under the breast to insert a bag of a gel containing water, salt, raise the upper side of the chest, and I have been using salt water instead of silicon, although it has not been proven in European schools to cause cancer. This process takes about two hours.
- Breast Reduction:
Is the removal of excess fat with care not to touch the sensitive nerves and glands and channels of lactation.
This process is the most common request from the women and girls who are over age twenty, where Sadr's considerable influence on the aesthetics of the women and are inconsistent with the rest of the body, on the other hand because of the resulting pain in the neck, and this process requires about four hours.
And women who have undergone any of these Alamlatn it exercises a special mathematical chest after the operation,
That the wound in case of breast implants removed over time, but in case it should accept the survival of zoom effect.

5 - Shidaluge:
Is Shidalgeld and muscles and removing fat under the skin.
And if the sag in the face, generally the process should be conducted in two phases, because it requires six hours.
This process does not lead to change facial features by the process of stretching, but as a result of congenital defects in the bones of the face, have your doctor to evaluate and modify the removal of some of the bumps. This requires the skill of a surgeon.

6 - Beauty Lips:
To inflate the lips are collagen injection, and their effect lasts for six months or nine.
The lips are to minimize the removal of some imposed only cause of inflation.
This surgery in the two cases are in the mouth

7 - Nose:
Are now more than one way as the case may require plastic, each case Maaiero standards should be followed. This depends on the surgeon's experience and skill.
This process does not have a negative impact on the senses or the sinuses, and the procedure can be repeated this process again in case of failure. This process is carried inside the nose

* What do we expect in the field of cosmetic medicine:
Face-lift by the telescope, and when that happens to be plastic surgery has won a high position and the development of a therapeutic interview with him available to avoid a lot of wounds.


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