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Recurrent miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage is known to happen before the week of abortion (20) of pregnancy

Three times or more consecutive

It is a problem experienced by a rate of 3% of women

And increases with age above (35) years

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, And summed up the causes of recurrent miscarriage and methods of treatment including the following:

% Causes analysis treatment
Reasons unknown reasons unconfirmed 3-5% genetic reasons examined chromosomes and embryos of the couple's advice
10-15% anatomical defects in the womb
Dilation of the cervix
- Ray dye on the uterus
- Laparoscopic uterine

- Ultrasound machine
- Surgical intervention to repair the

- Linking the cervix

30-40% reasons relating to the immune system-Lupus Anticoagulant
-Anticardiolipin antibodies (IGg)

Defect in a coagulation Heparin

Reasons other than confirmed 10-15% Progesterone causes hormonal

Bacterial or viral infections TORCH
Environmental reasons
Unknown reasons unknown reasons why 40% defect in the chromosomes

Imbalance in the immune system

Psychosocial support
Without giving the medication

- Treatment of Tjeribymthel

Folic acid




1 - well-known reasons

A - causes of certain

• 1 - genetic reasons:

And constitute 3-5% of the causes of frequent projection,

It is a defect in the chromosomes of one or both spouses

And cause in 70% of the projections of the first third

And 30% of the projections of the second trimester of pregnancy

And 3% of fetal deaths in utero,

In this case conducted a genetic analysis of the couple and aborted fetal tissue

In an attempt to find a chromosomal imbalance

• 2 - anatomical defects in the womb:

Constitute 10-15% of the causes of projection

It repeated the reasons for this anatomical defect: -

* Congenital uterine and constitutes a barrier 70%

Anatomical causes of the imbalance

And is diagnosed by a vaginal ultrasound,

The problem with uterine septum that alter the anatomical shape of the uterus as well as it contains

Capillaries less not be enough to feed the pregnancy and treatment is often surgical intervention

Laparoscopic uterine

* Intrauterine adhesions may result from severe uterine infections, or after cleaning operations

Or after uterine surgery in general as a root fibers uterine

* Uterine fibers and its impact depends on the location of the uterus and interfere with the implantation of the embryo

In the lining of the uterus above the fiber and the solution is surgical intervention by laparoscopic uterine

* Widening the cervix and cause the projections of the second part of pregnancy

It is not the first and could be useful to link the cervix (Macdonald suture a few cases.

• 3 - reasons of the immune system: -

They constitute 30-40% of cases,

Since half of the embryo comes from the man For the mother's body to react in a way to accept it

Strange part is not to attack or reject the fetus and the role of the immune system in a woman's body

This interaction, which stop the so-called Blocking Antibodies

And the existence of an imbalance in this system leads to the fetus as a foreign body must attack and fight

To be the result of repeated abortions,

And disorders of the immune system and lead to an imbalance in the course of his work: -

* Diseases of the immune system an example of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

In this case, the body of Ms. antibodies against himself and against salvation,

Which impede the conclusion of the performance of its functions and Anslakhha leading to abortion

* Antiphospholipid syndrome and constitutes 15% of the diseases of the immune system and is accompanied by a rise in:

-Anticardiolipin antibodies (IGg)

-Lupus Anticoagulant

As well as imbalance in the clotting of blood and sometimes a lack of blood platelets, Thrombocytopenia

All these things lead to a conclusion in the clots, causing abortion

Also, that case inconsistent with the function of the events of salvation other than clotting disorders

Lead to repeated abortions as well as imbalance in the growth of the fetus

Intrauterine growth Retardation or premature birth Preterm Labour

And high blood pressure at other times,

And diagnosis of this case is the work of examining Antiphospholipid antibodies

And returned after the (6) weeks from the first examination,

And not treat such cases either aspirin alone, 40% chance of success or with needles Heparin

70% chance of success until the beginning of the ninth month.

And there are other methods of treatment where it is sometimes

Doses to the mother of the white blood cells from the father (the bait) for the processing of the immune system

And the prevention of mother-of interaction,

Or giving high doses of IgG in an attempt to ease the interaction of women,

These means gave the same results achieved by the needles Heparin and aspirin.

• 4 - a defect in the clotting Thrombophilic defect

This situation is accompanied by an increase in the depressed natural clotting

(Natural inhibitors of Coagulation)-Anti thrombin m-Protein C-Protein S

Hyperhomocystinaemia, Activated Protein C resistance

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B - Other unconfirmed reasons

• hormonal reasons:

Constitute 10-15% of the causes of the frequent and projection are: -

* The lack of the hormone progesterone (Luteal phase insufficiency)

In these cases only can be used to install conventional treatments such as grain and suppositories

Progesterone and needles or needles HCG

* Of cases of diabetes and uncontrolled and controlled

Through medication, whether medication by mouth or insulin needles,

* Polycystic ovarian disease, which is accompanied by a rise in the hormone LH, which studies have shown its role

In the problems of infertility and recurrent projections,

In these cases, are advised to give Metformin treatment before conception and during the first three months

Of pregnancy

* Ovulation disorders, which result in a distorted eggs or immature or maturity is not in line

With the lining of the uterus, and these cases are diagnosed sonar to track the path of the egg and address the imbalance that causes treatment

* As for the thyroid disorders has been the perception on the effect of perturbations projections

But this did not prove scientifically that the disorder is affecting other glands.

• Bacterial or viral infections: -

* Any injury was severe bacterial or viral infection that can lead to abortion,

As for the injury or disease cats Toxoplasmosis Rubella or German measles, or Herpes Listeriosis

All of them did not prove its role in the repeated projections and situations that produce a few very, very to the point

TORCH screening with the benefit of a very limited

* Vaginal bacterial injury caused drop in the second part of pregnancy

It may also cause premature birth and treatment in this case, the antibiotic

* Endometritis caused some cases of repeated projection and give Doxycycline treatment addresses these cases.

• environmental reasons, including: -

- Exposure to radiation in large quantities

- Chemotherapy treatment for cancer

- Smoking in men and women together

- Drinking alcohol in large quantities

- Exposure to chemicals, eg gas anesthesia, formaldehyde, benzene, lead, arsenic

- Exposure to physical shocks The shocks are very strong and light it actually does not affect the charge and that was the focus of

Most of the ladies.

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2 - Projection of unknown cause

Account for 40% of cases of repeated projection

Section of the defect in the chromosomes is not diagnostic

And the Department of imbalance in the immune system is not diagnostic

In this case, may be of benefit Heparin and Aspirin

The greatest treat for the cases of projection is not known why

Psychological support without giving the medication has been successful about 75% of cases.

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It is advisable to conduct the following tests in cases of repeated projection: -

1 - examine the chromosomes of the couple (Carautebinj) with the examination of the chromosomes of embryos after abortion

2 - an examination of the uterus-ray dye on the uterus Objhaz ultrasound (vaginal)

Preferably triple or four-dimensional or an examination of the uterus through a laparoscopic uterine

3 - blood test

1 - Lupus Anticoagulant

2 - Anticardiolipin antibodies (IGg)

And must be re-tested after six weeks

In some cases the necessary examination Fluorecent Antinuclear antibodies ANA

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In general, we offer the following tips for those who suffer from frequent drop: -

Complete comfort
Fluids frequently
Hormones for Ttnat
Medicines to relax the uterus

Medicines to increase blood of the fetus

Drugs to increase the oxygen to the fetus

- Taking folic acid tablets - aspirin - antioxidants by the wife

Vitamins and minerals

- Stop smoking for a couple

- Taking into account an integrated health food

- Do not drink the spiritual

- Exercise daily (not violent) regularly and maintain the ideal weight for women

- Maintaining the morale high and to provide ongoing psychological support for the wife


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