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Osteoporosis in women between reality and fantasy

Osteoporosis is a disease of the much-vaunted dramatically in recent years among women, where they are most affected than men by up to 1:6 (ie, 6 women per man) has been much talk about the disease in different strata of society and also in the media. The problem is that osteoporosis has become the talk about fashion and treatment of this age and sometimes without a valid scientific basis and here we love doing, a number of important points in diagnosis and treatment. First, osteoporosis has been shown widely and much talk with him for several reasons including that the average age has increased among humans, up to about 78 years in women in the world while in Egypt for about 70 years after it was 40 years in the forties of the last century. This means that Ms. now lives about half of her life after menopause is the main reason, not only because of the fragility of the bones. Since the main reason is the menopause, the disease continues to progress quietly over the period in which revolution the lady after menopause, let alone the nature of life imposed on remote controls and lack of movement on all our life, making the exercise and even movement of life of the such as the burden are not many people which is another reason for the weakness of the bones and the lack of access to food for the bones of piety and not maintain the content of calcium salts and different. The approach taken by some medical drugs for the treatment of other diseases for long periods may lead to osteoporosis drugs such as cortisone and treatment of depression and some other drugs. If we move to some bad habits such as smoking and alcohol use, we find that there is a direct correlation between them and the fragility of the bones in the future. Also the method of food in their teens and twenties, and eating dairy products in abundance in that age leads to prevention in the future because of the relative stock is received to be ammunition in the future.

The diagnosis can not be based on the detection clinical virtual and can not find out the disease by detecting the doctor only, but must measure bone density through the device to measure bone density to diagnose the exact not only that there was a vulnerability or not the bone, but to get to the point of that vulnerability, even follow-up treatment is correct and effective. And fragility disease is painless in most cases, only some of the pain in the lower back due to the presence of fractures within the bone itself is simple but serious vulnerability in the increased susceptibility to fractures.

The treatment is preventive, first through exercise and eating dairy products as we mentioned before, exposure to the sun's direct non-incendiary at the appropriate times to activate vitamin D, and preventive treatment through the consumption of calcium and vitamin D in the period before menopause and then comes the stage of menopause, which is the taking of compensatory treatment alternatives by hormones and drugs that may be a hormone replacement or some modern medicines that work like hormones in the beneficial effects on the body, but without the side effects on the breast, uterus and ovary that is, they are not hormones. And treatment of these drugs must be accompanied by calcium intake and vitamin D as the daily requirement of calcium for women after menopause may be in the range of 1000-1500 mg per day. Then we come to the stage of a vulnerability and actually accompanied by an increase in susceptibility to bone fractures, especially the bones of the neck of the thigh and lumbar spine. The treatment here must be added to some medicines, which is rebuilding again a bone of many kinds must be selected appropriate for each individual case will not be circulated to treatment for all cases. Here, we like to point out that each type of medicine and a different function in cases of the presence or absence of osteoporosis should be calcium intake and to be absorbed to be the presence of vitamin D active, whether through direct exposure to the sun or by adding calcium. Function, and then hormone replacement therapy and non-hormonal alternatives is to maintain the content of the bones of calcium and prevent loss of bone and blood to be treated in case of lack of hormones, both after a break of the session or after the ovaries are removed surgically or exposure to radiation therapy. It also must add a medication that helps to build bone in the case of a fragile and not at all, but can be used for prevention in cases of lack of desire to take the hormones or the presence of mind to address the medical hormones and their alternatives.


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