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Ozone - a new scientific revolution in medicine, dentistry and public health

The dental clinics of the first medical specialties, which began offering treatment with ozone in a scientific installed and documented in the treatment of a number of mouth injuries in general and dental caries in particular.
I have written previously about the story of the ozone, medicine, and will search here for ozone in general while the allocated part or find the next to the entrance in the treatment of ozone in dentistry and treatment of ulcers of oral ozone and the last part and most importantly for the treatment of necrosis Sunni ozone - methods and materials used with images that show the method used treatment.

What is ozone:
Ozone forms of oxygen. Ozone is active oxygen, a special nature. (Each ozone molecule consists of three oxygen atoms).
Ozone is formed in nature when they share the presence of oxygen in the air with ultraviolet radiation in sunlight or when the cargo was unloaded during the storm (lightning).
Ozone disinfectant, smelly vital natural pure (active - the smell of cleanliness) can be seen clearly and strongly after the rain storm (the smell of rain when the thunder).
Ozone is the strongest oxidants and used safely. Kmakm Ozone is also used for drinking water instead of chemicals traditionally used Albormin such as chlorine and bromine.

What does the ozone:
Ozone kills bacteria oxidizing natural practice, viruses and fungi within seconds.
Protect the ozone layer in the atmosphere of the Earth radiation killer.
Ozone destroys bacteria, viruses, and the types of mold.
Ozone eliminates spores, cysts, yeasts, and fungi.
Ozone eliminates oils and other contaminants in the water.
Ozone eliminates odors in the air like smoke.
Ozone maintains the cleanliness of the water and the vitality and purity.

How does ozone:
Ozone is inhibiting bacteria, viruses and fungi. And help the remineralization process as well.
Ozone attacks the bacteria and viruses that have no cover or Khmaúra enzyme, in addition to target diseased cells (with cell wall deficient enzyme and / or with DNA and RNA Almtakrb.
Ozone kills microorganisms that make the center of the mouth acidic which hinder the re-mineralization and elimination of these pathogenic organisms belonging degree of oral pH to normal and this leads to a re-mineralization and natural calcium fluoride, phosphate, etc..
The adhesion protein (amino acids) strongly to the exposed surfaces of the teeth are all hinder the re-mineralization as well.
And ozone break the chains that bind amino acids together and therefore can remove from their places of adhesion and then collected together and re-mineralization occur more easily.
(This mechanism may be responsible for relieving pain associated with the use of ozone on the teeth cracked or sensitive Almlatih etc. ..)
Include waste microorganisms Alberovk acid, which is an environment for the assembly memberships "acidogenic" and acidoduric organisms.
The ozone oxidation Pyruvic acid and turns it into a moderate salt and carbon dioxide and then the non-pathogenic bacteria may be replaced without a problem here and the patient has more time to amend the system of nutrition and prevention and has oral health care.

Ozone is very healthy material:
Ozone leaves no chemical byproducts in the water.
Ozone leaves no chemical taste or smell.
Ozone does not harm the eyes or make them red or irritated.
Ozone does not irritate or dry skin, nose or ear.
Ozone leaves no chemical layer on the skin or any article.
Ozone does not distort or damage the hair or clothing.
Ozone will not add any pollutant or byproducts of the water.
Save the ozone water and air from the micro-organisms harmful to others.
Ozone does not have any material impact of the carcinogen.

Where ozone is used:
Most bottled water in bottles purified with ozone.
Ozone is used to clean waste water and toxic waste.
Ozone-purified water healthy and fit for drinking domestic systems.
Ozone systems, life returned to the lakes and ponds are contaminated with deadly.
Uses ozone to purify air in hotel rooms, boats, cars, and structures affected by smoke and fire.
Ozone is used in thousands of pools and ponds, commercial and residential spas all over the world.
Ozone previously entered the world pharmaceutical industry and recently became part of the world of medical treatments, especially in the dental treatment through mobile dental caries and preventive dental treatment with ozone.

Secretary of the ozone to the environment in addition to the hardware:
Ozone does not explode.
Ozone does not cause the fire.
In the dose required for excellent purification, the ozone does not produce harmful fumes.
Ozone will not damage the wiring and plumbing fixtures or pipes.

Ozone in water:
Ozone does not need to buy or stores.
Ozone is produced at the site and added to water or air automatically.
Ozone does not affect the degree of water pH and thus decrease the minimum to change the pH of water.
Ozone reduces the need for most routine repairs.

Short History of Ozone:
Ozone played a significant role in the process of waste treatment in the past and will continue in the future. The use of ozone in the industry with a long history and wonderful and almost free of environmental concerns.
American Indians have linked their success in hunting and the strange smell after lightning. On the other side of the globe noted that the smell Greeks also used the word ozein Khinod and preferred fishing after the storm and this is still practices today.
The explanation for this natural phenomenon may be that after the electrical storm to become the top layer of water in lakes rich in oxygen and thus become diluted normal ozone treatment has now become the positive impact of ozone on the digestive system of different types of fish is scientifically documented.
The closed-loop for the cultivation of fish is possible only thanks to ozone because of its ability to destroy viruses responsible for many diseases in the world of fish.
The most common use of ozone is in water treatment. In 1906, a group of scientists and physicians studying the ozone regime in the Netherlands and later used the ozone treatment in Nice is widely known as a disinfectant and the French city of Nice as the birthplace of drinking water treatment with ozone.

Form ozone and Industry:
Convert oxygen into ozone requires the use of energy. Ozone is formed in nature during thunderstorms.
The industry held in this process is the production of artificial induction of a field or an electric charge as in the form of ozone generators CD (simulated unloading the shipment in the lightning), or ultraviolet radiation and ozone generators in the type of UV (ultraviolet simulate the radiation from the sun).
In addition to these trade routes of ozone can be formed through chemical reactions.

Ozone and its applications:
Ozone is not only very strong oxidizing agent, but also chemical disinfectant is very strong with a unique feature in the transition to a substance environmentally safe non-toxic harmless the oxygen.
In Europe, ozone is used for many purposes: to remove the color, remove the smell and taste, reduce pollution, remove the organisms, oxidation of manganese and iron, generally in the inhibition of bacterial and cleansing and elimination of viruses.
Most applications of ozone based on the ability of high ozone Kmaxd Ozone is a powerful and preferred way to disable the virus has become the best alternative for chlorine in drinking water treatment.
Causing viruses and bacteria in the water or air, nine-tenths of diseases including the common cold and influenza. Totally chlorine and ozone kills microorganisms.
The effect of ozone is sterilized by direct killing and oxidation of biological material.
The rate of ozone-killing bacteria 3500 times faster than chlorine.
The elimination of viruses, ozone is simple, safe, and Annie, because ozone is a natural cleanser used by nature.
The oxidized working on the use of chlorine is chlorine, which produces acid when you add chlorine to the water, this strong oxidant may have negative long-term effects on our water sources. Ozone, on the other hand has no side effects as a therapist for the water to it in fact does not add anything to the water.
In eastern Canada, there are approximately 100 water treatment plant for ozone, in addition to many large industrial plants for water treatment and wastewater treatment plants.

The main applications for ozone generators systems are:
Air treatment, bottled water, cooling towers, fishing boats, fish farms, factories canning fish, hot springs, ponds, and industrial waste treatment and control of the Alraoih and water treatment in swimming pools and spas, and drinking water, uses therapeutic treatment of wastewater.
There are hundreds of commercial applications and emerging new applications under development.

More information and facts about ozone:
In 1957, ratified the U.S. Department of Agriculture the use of ozone gas for storage and disinfection of meat.
In 1982, the FDA confirmed the development of ozone as a GRAS (an acronym meaning: a recognized potential in general), particularly in the treatment of bottled water for drinking.
In 1991, confirmed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that ozone is the most effective disinfectant and basic water used for drinking.
Today, ozone is used more than 200 U.S. drinking water plant and that number will jump to the cities seeking to comply with EPA standards, which does not meet the chlorine.
Ozone has been recognized by the FDA as safe for use in food preparation and classified as a GRAS recognized as safe since June 1997.
To make sure classified as safe in food preparation, followed EPRI guidance FDA and collected for the Commission of the largest of six experts in the science of food, nutrition, ozone chemistry and toxicology. And see the Institute in a comprehensive manner also the center of scientific research around the world and scientific documents earlier that describe the use of ozone in the food preparation and review of these data, the experts recognized that ozone safe from the standpoint of toxicology, and its effect on nutrients, and efficiency in the preparation of food.
Commission has continued reaching out on a regular basis through conferences, meetings, faxes, and met periodically in Washington to review the results after 15 months of investigation the Center issued and signed their assessment Mstantgen that: "The available information supports the classification of ozone degree GRAS any safe, when used as a disinfectant for foods when used in the levels and methods of application consistent with the standards of good manufacturing. "
The decision included both ozone and ozone gas in the water for food preparation and storage, and disinfection.
This report was published in the magazine, published by EPRI in the July / August 1997.
The report continues to say: "Ozone is used in the pharmaceutical industry on a large scale for pure water is very necessary in the pharmaceutical industry.
Typically, purified water and stored until needed. Ozone keeps water free of bacteria and this is essential given that the bacteria may lead to unwanted chemical compounds. Another key in the application of the pharmaceutical industry uses ozone as an oxidant also in manufacturing processes. Unlike chlorine, ozone work done without leaving a residue behind and can lead to block the chemical reactions taking place.
It is also very selective and is capable of targeting some of the functional groups within the chemical compound without affecting the rest of the boat.

The report continues to mention other uses of ozone:
Disinfectant of the soil by evaporation and as an assistant in the irrigation systems, agricultural drip, and as a disinfectant for water of higher quality required dialysis in hospitals; and refining salt water in the basins of major fish and fish farms; and as a disinfectant for pools during the Olympic Games in 1984 in Los Angeles and in 1996 in Atlanta.


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