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Parents .... The first school

s considered the father or mother a teacher first and most important in the life of the child, and may not see a lot of fathers and mothers themselves as teachers and educators for their children, but in fact they offer directly or indirectly curriculum fundamental and far-reaching in terms of home and family , said the parents knew how small and self-confident people, and how depends on himself and his surroundings and environment of human and material, and how to live with the conditions and updates, and the sum is based on a large influence on the future of the whole child and the overall personal relationships.

Even beyond the issue of behavior and mimic the behavior of the process although this is a very important, but it is much deeper than that, the parents knew their child does not throw the ball, for example, but transporting his ideas about sports and athletes, and the principles on the need for sport and what was done to of the content included on justice and fairness, cooperation and competition to all the finest and best sense of humor and the same, but his father, and interactive affect and be affected, including around.

The parents who Ikroan to their children Agesanam on reading and reading much more than those who go about it or advice of a child in the form of: "Go and read," while the father or mother or both at playfulness and bustle, and was probably playing cards or watching TV controls their thinking, and the parents who Icherhan of the child and Aalmana are carrying out the role of promoting the development of language, and serve as an example and a clear and explicit for children, and provide the elements of objective methods to solve problems, and which show bursts of aggression and Ahtiajah response to an event or to thwart a simple or failure slightly, they are a model of behavior is totally incorrect, and in psychology as part of behaviors classified as false.

The process of transmission of culture between the generations, described by some as a kind of adventure cultural, and in some health because we do not know the outcome by providing either negatively or positively, the parents during this process does not provide all the information and advice and ideas, but also convey the values ​​captured Thagavathma and, as students and children in the home can be willing to receive it, or is intending to receive this, or resistance to it.

Tends some parents because they are ignorant of, or utter disregard turn cultural Marjin it to school teachers later as professionals they know and know more and better, I have stressed education programs in recent years supported events of social and educational importance of educational skills of parents in their roles effective and natural in the field of knowledge as well, with the need to provide support and appropriate training for them, so learn to use their talent as teachers of language development programs in infants and young children, and even Kmadjin in the governance process behavior for children who have certain types of suffering, behavioral, and do not forget that their role as large in the areas of many others, including themselves and their children.

The right of parents to complain but they receive little or no preparation for this vehicle and cultural roles of this process the enormous educational importance, with these roles is as important as the food and economic functions of any father or mother, and here is required to state the need for the community to sustain itself and all its members captured, most people know how to be fathers or mothers from their experiences and their relationships with their parents, and through the care of younger brothers in the past, but changes the social, cultural and civilization have made these experiments is limited of our time at least for a significant portion of people, we must also recognize that models are bad for adaptation, and cases of conflicting can be learned from parents and transmitted across generations as moving the positives, the children of a bad person, for example, will have the suffering of of a special type, for example, only in the event of interference conditions and other conditions modify it for the better - God willing -.

There are beautiful views the principles of the largest boiling process for parents in the role of teacher discipline and educate the child, parents should help their child to receive the admiration and appreciation of the value of learning through the results of his behavior, and discrimination through good behavior and provide rewards for it, and clarify the disapproval of behavior is unacceptable, and should understand clearly the difference between aching and discomfort simple as a punishment and the retaliation that hurts the child severely, and that the penalty shall be the child's education before they are to punish him, they need to know how resisting the use of force and Sultan just because they force and Sultan, The aim educate and enlighten and discipline of the child before everything else.

Parents resist the tendency to humiliate the child and degraded, even if violated behaviors of their desires, especially in front of his brothers and in front of others, and solving this problem comes with wisdom and privacy, and they critique and understand the experiences of childhood and self-discipline themselves first, and discriminatory behavior and attitudes that represent the remains of an unreasonable and unrealistic, such as expectations of excessive demands and rely on the dictatorship and the regime's authoritarian absolute discipline, or the tendency to explode and anger and use methods demean and morale of the child and Tzlh in response to certain conduct, as they lack reliable frequency and not excessive sympathy and pampering this is also not appropriate and inappropriate as it loses its stability and durability of discipline and harmony, and another point is the debate between parents useful objective to achieve harmony and harmony between their ideas are not reflected until Tnaqdhathma to their offspring.

We have introduced some of the United lessons about fatherhood and motherhood of the school curriculum, even high ones, and regardless of specialization, and will become more useful if we gave our children during the years of school experiences and experiences based on science, knowledge and social customs virtuous and good morals, and so on child care and the future role that awaits them, and science in the small engraving in stone.


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