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Born Sex selection

I want to point at the beginning of this article, despite the indifference and cynicism that some scientific axioms accumulate year after year and that the desire to change things are possible today.

Before carrying the wife and family before they wish to have a boy or a girl, the couple's account a lot of possibilities, and follow some tips that aim to mitigate factors that reduce fertility and most of which are treatable, and mention some of them:

1 - the pressure of life.

2 - clothes, tight clothes because the testicles closer to the body increases the Hrarthma and then reduce the amount of sperm and of quality.

3 - cleanliness of the vagina.

4 - Nutrition: There is a close relationship between nutrition and fertility diet Tnhafah holding of effort or a big sports may be the causes of disorders of the ovaries and on the other hand, the major increase in weight may lead to disorders in blood circulation.

5 - Coffee: If a moderate amount of coffee consumed increased the movement of sperm and thus increased fertility of men. And not for the coffee effect fertility in women.

Smoke: alcohol drug was responsible for the low quality of semen and Almnuyat men.

6 - Some of the medicines medicines imbalance occurs in a fertility drug such as hypertension and ulcer medications and cholesterol and anxiety.

7 - old woman's fertility gradually less non-existent until after menopause, as well as in men note a weakness in activity of the testes with age.

The role of nutrition in determining the sex:

Minerals in foods: four minerals found in food plays a key role in determining the sex of the baby are:

Sodium potassium, magnesium and calcium: do not yet know the mechanism of action of these metals in determining the sex of the baby thoroughly, but according to many theories that these metals are modifying vaginal secretions that become more receptive to this type of sperm or that, or the modification of the surface of the egg becomes more receptive to a sperm, or the modification of the immune system.

But it seems that the rate of some metals to other metals that play a role in determining the sex of the baby, more than the quantity of each metal separately. It is the ratio of total sodium and potassium to the total calcium and magnesium. So whenever the ratio was high the more luck begetting a boy. For high enough to increase the proportion of feed rich in sodium, potassium or mitigate the feed is rich in calcium and magnesium.

Diet to be followed to have said:

1 - Milk: It is prohibited in all its forms and to prevent Walker Lima and sauces that contain milk.

2 - Dairy Fresh banned all kinds of cream and yoghurt, and milk.

3 - cheese: all prohibited.

4 - Meat: All meat is allowed regardless of the quantity.

5 - Fish: All allowed.

6 - Eggs: The egg yolk is prohibited Vmsmouh white.

7 - vegetables and fruits: allowed with the exception of Swiss chard, parsley, garlic, spinach, green beans, cactus and strawberries and cranberries.

And strongly in favor of eggplant, mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, apricots, pineapple, banana, watermelon, peaches, apples, pears, plums.

Diet to be followed to have a girl:

1 - salt: It is prohibited in all its forms.

2 - dairy, milk, cheese, unsalted favor.

3 - Meat and fish are allowed up to a maximum quantity of 120 grams and should not be salted.

4 - Eggs: Allowed especially egg yolks.

5 - allowed eating vegetables, parsley, chard and cabbage, garlic, green beans, especially green.

6 - Grains: banned all beans white beans, chickpeas, lentils.

7 - eating fruits allowed fig cactus berries apples and grapes. .

One diet:

Should start the diet a month ago or a month and a half ahead of schedule load it, or at the latest at the beginning of the menstrual cycle prior to the date in question. If your eating habits lead not Najab born of a particular sex and you want Bold of the opposite sex will need your body to an additional month to make the required changes.

Method of food preservation:

The dried or salted foods in the diet favored the rich boy Almtbahlandjab sodium and potassium.

Preferably in the diet eating fresh foods instead of canned approved in the diet to have girls to rich salt.

(The published articles reflect the opinion of the author, and it may not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the Editorial Board)


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