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Drug addiction and treatment

Addicts and their families, but with repercussions on communities and nations. Most studies emphasize the psychological and the criminal that 80% of the crimes being committed primarily due to drugs.

The drug addiction in our time tax free societies developed, has been complicated and compounded the problems and has eluded solution at the hands of the most brilliant scientists and experts. Is no longer a problem limited to one type of drug or on a given country or a specific class of society.

Everywhere you look in the countries of the earth from the west or Mushargaha Ozhlk the spread of drug addiction in all layers after it was restricted in the past, upper-class luxury.

The drug problem at the moment of the biggest problems faced by countries in the world because of damage to the health aspects, social, economic, and security. The drugs have become rampant all over the world due to the diversity of drugs and the spread of trade are widely located human victim of abuse, from ignorance and the weakness of religious restraint, resulting in raised serious damage to the health of the individual and society, as well as on the economy of the country by the loss of an actor, a young, Fbhm countries to build present and make their way to the future.

During the past years appeared on the market many new vehicles have a clear impact on the nervous system and brain, and lead to a deviation of my mind and clear, so that many of them lead to the submission and slavery as a result of addiction and the urgent need for a drug that arise from this addiction. Despite the strenuous efforts made by States to fight drugs, elimination and track promoters and treatment of addicts, but the drug has become the scourge of every day passes without its ugly head and destroy elements of society Takid economic and security entity.
There is a common misconception that drug abuse will not give up her day at all.
Treatment process begins with the existence of multiple dimensions of the will and resolve serious and strong in the addict and the addict and end stages of the integration between the different treatment of the withdrawal of toxins, rehabilitation and reintegration with the community and self-support. The addiction treatment community also finds a lot of destructive pests such as crime and infectious diseases, low productivity and the disintegration of families and community disorder.

Become the most successful treatment of addiction If you are in the form of a smooth continuum of care involving family, community and assisted with the employers and authorities to help Almtalj to integrate in the community for doing his job properly full.

The treatment of addiction in the past needs to be prolonged and arduous. The fact that there are currently an effective treatment in record time and low cost of material accessible to all strata of society. The therapy to rid the body of the poisons of drugs in the short period of time not exceeding five days, and the restoration of the body from the inside for the treatment of diseases resulting from the abuse. Characterized drug that is free of any chemical compounds or manufacturing, and has a useful natural materials rich in natural vitamins and good food. Has proven drug treatment for many diseases resulting from addiction, for example: medication addresses the hepatic disease virus (c) disease and diabetes.

I Rizkallah discoverer of this medicine, Mr. Abu Meshaal secret of this medicine and who, in turn, studies and experience needed in several places around the world for more than seven years during which a lot of pressure, problems and obstacles that have successfully completed the medication picture the final. That Mr. Al-Meshal is currently treating disease of addiction in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on his own in his home for more than three years treated in an estimated (2500) patient addicted to drugs.

As treatment has become a fact that imagination has now left the role of the family and the community to help these patients and to help them Almtadjin to treatment and the speed of their integration in society. We must all remember that addicts are not criminals by nature originally, but the drug accounted for them and their careers to the path of evil and criminality. The addicts are sick and need for treatment and care, let us hand in caring for them and the healing balm to them.

This is the duty of every human being because he does not know who will fall into the abyss of addiction in the future .....
Is it one of your brothers .....? Or one of your sisters ....? Or a Zojatk ....? Or one of your children ....? Or one of your daughters ....? One of your grandchildren or ....?
Let us be as one and fight drug addiction and help patients.


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