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Stop smoking

Tobacco plant originally from the American continent, was used by indigenous people for smoking and chewing as a treatment tonic, and with the benefits of magic, and has imported the first explorers with them to the ancient world, in the sixteenth century, to spread its use in the European continent in the seventeenth century, and then rooted around world, especially that this plant can grow in various climatic conditions and many, in most countries of the world.

Spreading habit Oqsaa today in the world, and take many forms: cigarettes - cigars - hookah - shisha - a pipe - chewing the leaves. And contribute to commercial companies to publish this habit for financial reasons, so that the big companies are today in their propaganda and go to the consuming public, even teenagers and children in some cases, causing the increasing prevalence of this habit at an early age, with more seriousness. And statistics show in developed countries, that 70% of smokers start before age 18. The adult who smokes sabotaging the body tissue composed earlier, the adolescent and child, they enter the toxins caused by smoking in the formation of tissue that are still growing, causing the most serious diseases for themselves in a very early age.

Materials used in the composition of cigarettes:

- Nicotine: is a basic material in the composition of tobacco, and has a tonic effect and irritant, and that leads to addiction. He is a highly toxic material, interference in the installation of a large number of anti-insect.

Cigarettes contain a relatively small amount of this toxin, and the decaying part of them due to the heat of combustion, but the remaining enough to cause addiction and other health damages.

Different from the effect of nicotine in the body as derived quantities, The quantities of small tonic effect and induced to secrete adrenaline, which increases the number of heart and it can be irregular, and increases blood pressure and reduces appetite. The large quantities, it can be fatal (some types of poisoning anti-insects). And smokers usually consume small amounts to the medium, but the cumulative effect in the body.

Lead to nicotine addiction, and withdrawal symptoms (stop taking the addictive material) during the short hours, which makes a person an addict feels good to eat the next dose.

- Alkylated material (Alkaloids): f is a group of highly toxic materials of living tissue, there are poisonous plants in self-defense (such as toxic breakfast), there are in the leaves of tobacco pyridine (Pyridine)

- Valley flavorings: added by manufacturers to give different flavors to their products

- Aromatic substances which give off the smell of tobacco in addition to the basic puts other manufacturers of perfumes

- Material resulting from combustion: gas, including carbon monoxide, severe toxicity, and tar, and ash particles

Harmful effects of smoking:

Smoking is the leading cause of fatal diseases in the world, with the help of a very large amount of serious diseases, including:

- Lung cancer: where the proportion of deaths resulting from it in smokers with 23 times more than for non-smokers,

- Oral Cancer

- Cancer of the larynx

- Esophagus cancer

- Gallbladder cancer

- Pancreatic Cancer

- Kidney cancer and prostate

- Increase the proportion of deaths bronchitis and emphysema, five times

- Doubles the incidence of and mortality from heart disease

- Increase the proportion of cerebrovascular accidents (paralysis) by 50%

- Lead to a narrowing of peripheral arteries, which may progress to amputation

- Increase the proportion of premature births and low-weight children of mothers who smoke, and lead to be the children of these mothers, less intelligent than expected. These children also are more vulnerable to sudden death during the period of lactation.

Show all recent studies, that these Alodhararla vary according to method of smoking, and is similar to the cigarette and pipe (pipe) and water pipes.


Addiction is a habit of the body to foreign substance, so that it becomes a continuous need to maintain a certain balance, and stop taking this article, lead to a withdrawal syndrome.

Leads to two types of nicotine addiction:

- Chemical addiction: namely, that the body needs this chemical, and as a result of its effect on serotonin receptors in brain cells

- Addiction to myself: the addiction to certain movements and positions taken by a certain person during smoking (eg, movements of the hands, drinking coffee facilities of smoking, how to speak, a sense of confidence ... etc.)

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, as the 80% who stop smoking, to return to someday.

The withdrawal symptoms (the urgent need for smoking) appears after a few hours of disruption, which explains the need for cigarette smokers morning more than anything else.

The doctor and the supervisor of the program to stop smoking, usually offering a series of questions on the patient (programmer interrogation by the associations addiction), which helped him to determine the percentage of chemical addiction and mental patient, and thus determine the details of the program to be followed.

Stop smoking:

Studies indicate that the risk of disease deaths caused by smoking, declining over the years after stopping smoking. And reduced risk by 50% in people who stop before age 50 years.

However, stopping smoking is not easy, as we mentioned earlier, nicotine is one of the strongest materials caused the addiction. Thus, the patient often needs to help a doctor specialist, performs the necessary medical tests, and determine the type and rate of addiction, and the development of appropriate software for each patient.

Contains the program to stop smoking on the set of basic guidelines and that should be followed, namely:

1 - the patient to take the decision to stop completely and radically

2 - is determined a specific date to stop smoking, where a full stop and a sudden, not gradual

3 - The doctor giving special drugs to help the patient to stop, these medicines are a group of antidepressants that affect serotonin receptors in the brain, and thus help reduce the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. Most important of these drugs is Bupropion (Zyban), which is given a dose of 150 mg per day in the first three days, then 300 mg per day thereafter. Before starting treatment is to stop smoking two weeks, and continue treatment for at least 3 months.

4 - The doctor gave Mawwadat nicotine (ie nicotine through other non-smoking) gradually decreasing doses, and to ease the withdrawal symptoms. Compensators exist in different forms, including leather labels (and is the best), and chewing gum, nasal spray and ... Noting that the lot of them can create an addiction, so it must be used correctly and decreasing.

5 - Psychological support: the goal is to help the patient get rid of psychological addiction, and a variety of ways, including participation in the workshops of patients dropped out of smoking, or religious practices and spiritual, or request a psychiatrist, or the use of traditional methods of alternative medicine.

6 - exercise: it is essential to mitigate the impact of clouds, because sports help Tqoh vagal nervous system, which counters the effects of adrenaline (which increases the secretion of nicotine). Is the best sport that he loves the patient, but must be practiced regularly and without interruption.

Here, we must reiterate that stopping smoking is not easy, but not impossible, a decision must be taken because of the effects of negative health, social and psychological resulting from this bad habit.


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