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Early detection of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most important cancers in women.
In Syria and in the Nuclear Medicine Center where she will meet most of the cases of breast cancer count the 500 new cases per year.
And a visit in the number of cases and this is due to two reasons: first is the improvement in health awareness, and this is what we want from this article and the second is an improvement in the means of detecting the presence of several methods and diagnostic and improved performance.
And now will try to review important in breast cancer through the questions and answers:
· What are the diseases of the breast?
- Is a disease of the mammary gland and can be infected by any adult woman.
It is the common form in the presence of swelling within the glands and mammary tissue.
What is the cause of infection?
- No one knows exactly causes breast disease, and why they affect some women.
Breast disease is a medical problem and not a social evil, and nothing to do with behavior or act.
What is breast cancer?
- It is a malignancy of some of the cells that proliferate at random and can be transmitted to other organs of the body and be harmful.
And is the most non-cancerous breast disease, but multiple tests and the doctor who is determined and defines the methods of treatment to them.
• Why some cancer affects women? And are the risk factors?
- There are two types of risk factors: 1 - Genetics: Family and especially from the mother (sister - mother - aunt ....)
Figure the other breast.
2 - Environmental: age
Having a first child after 35 years.
Hormone therapy without medical advice.
The early start of menstruation.
Late menopause.
• When should I review my doctor?
Periodically each year.
Or when the sense node in the breast.
Or at the exit of blood from the nipple.
When you notice signs or were not present previously: irregular edges, or pulling on the nipple.
What is mammography "Almamograve"?
- Is to examine the easy - safe - effective for early detection of breast lesions.
Is harmless because it uses only a small amount of radiation.
Takes only several minutes.
What are the stages of breast cancer screening?
- Breast self-examination.
See your doctor regularly
Radiography of the breasts "Mamograve."
What are the tips and instructions for each woman without symptoms in the breast?
- Less than 40 years:
§ Self-breast examination once a month.
§ breasts examined by a physician annually.
§ conduct the first radiograph Balmamograve between the ages of 35-39 years of age.
- Between 40-50 years:
§ Self-breast examination once a month.
§ breasts examined by a physician annually.
§ an x-ray of the breasts once every two years.
- More than 50 years:
§ Self-breast examination once a month.
§ breasts examined by a doctor once for six months or when necessary.
§ an x-ray of the breasts once a year.
Conclusion: breast diseases can be cured.
Early detection of breast cancer makes it curable and makes treatment easier and faster ..


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