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Guide for people with diabetes

Infected human diabetes as a result of inability of the pancreas secrete the hormone insulin, or excreted in quantities insufficient or ineffective, leading to high blood sugar (glucose) in the blood, so beyond the normal level, which ranges from (80-120 mg / 100 ml).
The human body gets the sugar as a result of food digestion and absorption of food so that is transmitted by blood to various body cells to be used in the production of energy. The hormone insulin - which is produced by the pancreas - the main organizer of the level of glucose in the blood, and this hormone plays an important role in the introduction of glucose into the cells.
Types of diabetes
There are two types of diabetes differ from each other in the causes and treatment methods:
Type I: insulin-dependent diabetes, and an infection rate by 10% of cases of diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs at an early age during childhood and adulthood. This type is characterized by a total disability in the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, and as a result of this treatment to the patient needs insulin injections a day with the balanced diet.
The second type of diabetes is insulin-dependent, and this type is the most common as the incidence of the disease accounts for about 90% of cases of diabetes and occurs in middle age or beyond. This type is characterized by a lack of insulin secretion so that is not enough to reduce the sugar in the blood. Associated with obesity, the majority of people with this type and sufficient diet and weight loss treatment in some cases, while others require a lowering of sugar and which stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin.
Causes of diabetes

The main reason of diabetes is unknown, but there are several factors that help them:

Genetics: If one or both parents have diabetes, non-insulin-dependent, there is an increase in the likelihood of injury when one of their sons or their generations to come.
Obesity: multiply the likelihood of diabetes - particularly type II diabetes - when people obese.
Mood: anxiety and tension Ajlan understanding of the emergence of symptoms of infection, but they are not the direct causes of injury.
Infections, such as inflammation of the pancreas, which works on the symptoms of diabetes.
Drugs, such as Alchornazuk pill.
Alcohol: Drinks are the spiritual destruction of the pancreas and thus diabetes.
Risk of diabetes:

The high sugar in the blood to the many risks such as infections that affect the skin, gums and urinary tract complications and may cause long-term diseases in all organs of the body, notably:

Nerves: Failure to control the level of sugar in the blood to the loss of sensation in the foot, leading to ulcers and inflammation of fingers and limbs.
Eyes: impact of hyperglycemia on the lens and retina and the white water in the lens where it can lead to blindness.
Kidney: The high sugar in the blood to the inability of the kidneys to function, such as hemodialysis and disposal of harmful substances and excess salt can lead to kidney failure.
The goals of treating the patient with diabetes:

Prevent fluctuations in blood sugar level so that it is within normal limits.
Maintaining the ideal weight for the body, which helps to discipline the level of sugar in the blood.
Enjoy a normal life is no different from anyone else.
Prevent or delay the onset of complications resulting from erratic blood sugar.
How to treat a patient with diabetes:

There are three key factors in the treatment of patients with diabetes:

Sports system
Medical system

Diet is the first step and essential to control blood sugar. To take advantage of this system, you must follow these instructions:

Regular meals on time so that the three meals or more distributed throughout the day.
Avoid eating large amounts of food at the same time.
Must be equal food intake - in terms of content of nutrients and energy - in almost every day.
Avoid eating foods such as concentrated sugar juice, chocolate, sweet, jam, syrup, candy, buns ......
Food must be diverse and integrated, and that means it contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Reduce the abundance of food containing the salt, such as Almakhlalat and nuts, especially for patients with high blood pressure.
Can drink the following as desired without adding sugar (tea, coffee, chamomile, anise, Diet Cola, etc. ....... Can be used such as artificial sweeteners (or Ssuytam Alcand Real) instead of regular sugar.
Can use the following spices to taste (black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, cardamom)
Sports system:

The system sports such as insulin effect on blood sugar, as regular exercise helps reduce blood sugar, and the exercise helps to get rid of excess weight and stimulate blood circulation and strengthens the heart muscle and help to decrease the proportion of fat in the blood. Preferred choice of exercise that are appropriate and non-expensive and stressful, so you need to average muscle effort and dynamic so that it moves all the muscles of the body such as walking, jogging and swimming. Plan a weekly program of exercise (3-4) times a week and a half hour each time.

When you do an unusual muscular effort must be on the patient intake of extra food or reducing the dose of insulin to avoid low blood sugar that occurs as a result of excessive muscular effort.

Medical system:

If unchecked, high blood sugar through diet as well as motor activity and remove excess weight, then we must resort to medicine, whether in the form of tablets or insulin injections.

A - treatment by medicines taken by mouth are two types:

Medications that help the induction of the pancreas to secrete insulin
Medications that help to incorporate the sugar into body cells
2 - treatment by insulin injection

There are four types of insulin, classified according to the speed, effectiveness and duration of impact, and uses of each type according to the state of the patient and his need for insulin:

Fast-acting insulin: The effect of this type starts after half an hour, and have the maximum effect after 2-3 hours, and ends with its effect after about 6 hours. This type often used for treatment in hospitals.
Average effect of insulin: effect begins two hours after the injection and the maximum effect after 4-6 hours, the duration of its effects, ranging from 12-18 hours.
Mixed with Insulin: It is a combination of insulin and insulin rapid average effect.
Long-acting insulin: effect starts after about 4 hours of injection, and the maximum impact to him after about 8-12 hours, and duration of effect ranging from 16-24 hours.
Alternative food system:

Used Ndham food alternatives in planning meals for diabetics, and this system has six groups:

Set bread and starches.
Meat group.
Group of vegetables.
The fruit group.
Milk group.
Fat group.
Set bread and starches:

This collection contains carbohydrates that provide energy for the body of this group also contains the minerals and dietary fiber, protein and vitamins, especially B vitamins. Preferred choice of species that contain dietary fiber which helps to regulate sugar absorption in the intestines, such as legumes (lentils, dry beans, peas, beans) and whole-grain crust (such as Alfrickh, bulgar wheat, brown bread).

Meat group:

This group contains proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and the following matters should be taken into account in the selection of this group:

Canned meat and yellow cheese are all kinds of high-fat meat alternatives, and prefer to avoid these foods.
Identify eating liver and Altahalat including not more than 90 g per month because they contain high amounts of cholesterol.
Prefer meat boiled or grilled instead of frying.
Choose lean meat and fat to get rid of the phenomenon in the meat and remove chicken skin before cooking and remove the fat from the broth by cooling the meat and then remove the layer of fat.
Prefer white meat such as chicken and fish.
Vegetable group:

This collection contains dietary fiber that seek to regulate nutrient absorption in the intestine, as it is one of the natural laxatives, this group also provides the body with vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. The following things should be taken into account in the selection of this group:

For maximum nutritional value, is preferable to eat fresh vegetables without peeling faith.
Choose green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, and yellow vegetables such as carrots rich in Vitamin A is essential for the health of the eyes and skin. The preferred choice of foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes or sweet peppers.
The fruit group:

This collection contains dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. The following things should be taken into account in the selection of this group:

For maximum nutritional value Ta prefer eating fruits without peeling sticky faith.
Avoid fruit juice because it does not contain fiber, and sugar is absorbed quickly in the intestines.
Fruits contain natural sugar, so you should take limited amounts of fruit per day.
Selecting the types of fruits rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits (oranges, Mendlina, grapefruit).
Some kinds of fruits such as oranges, Mendlina, grapefruit or pomegranate with Alamadaq acid containing a quantity of sugar found in fruit sweet as it's not sugar-free, as in the common belief.
Milk group:

This collection contains nutrients for the body and contains vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, which helps the healthy growth of bones and teeth. The following things should be taken into account in the selection of this group:

Choose dairy products free of fat instead of high-fat products.
Avoid pasteurized milk containing fruit flavors because it contains large amounts of sugar.
Total fat:

This collection contains fat soluble vitamins, they also provide the body with high card. The following points should be taken into account in the selection of this group:

Avoid the use of obesity during cooking, and used the least amount of oil if you must.
Eating grilled or broiled instead of frying.
Use vegetable oils for cooking instead of animal fats, for the prevention of heart disease and hardening of the arteries and high cholesterol in the blood


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