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Self-examination of the breasts

Since more than one thousand and seven hundred years .. Is no longer a medical monopoly of one, I have violated Hippocrates (Greek physician known, which is nicknamed the father of medicine), the teachings of his ancestors and the heritage and traditions of his family members of which were from the doctors, although he inherited the profession vertically Capra for Capper, he published a horizontal and a wide community-wide all, and a thousand books in this art that was, and until that date, classified Mozart language of private and characters specific so as not understood by only family members Almmthnon of Medicine, and gather around the students and their knowledge assets theory, and trained on the methods of operation, and cemented so what can be referred to as the concept of "what in the end better than the end!" Everyone can be a doctor .. Of course, if it so wishes, and who did not want to be a doctor, so be patient or auditor educated and scientifically-sufficient, including care of the affairs of his general health.
That is the dividing line between the desired and Allamtalob, the desired good doctor and the patient understands, and not a doctor pedantic and malingerer claims Tfnnh in the assets of the profession, and has become a science and medicine is now available to all, and do not need to go in that beyond that, it is people hear, read and wonder about their cases and their illnesses and their medicine, why, then, that people diagnosed cases .. Or at least contribute to the diagnosis.
Do not say this out of the boredom of practicing the profession or to meet with patients .. And I say that to call for raising the level of health education in the community .. And to eradicate illiteracy in this area, despite the fact that such a thing could reflect negatively on the pockets of doctors, including myself, and I do not mean never nasal pocket, .. Livelihoods, but on God!
The golden rule in the fight against disease of any .. To know him before he could you .. That Lunch before the dining your so to speak, and become the rule Diamond when the disease is worrying, dangerous or difficult treatment, and as is the case in tumors and cancers, where it enjoys these cases hate broad public makes it sometimes impossible to Some people Atlvzawa name, but people call this disease the term "guided disease" and to critically examine you in the name of the user in this case .. It is the name of the custom to refer to distant objects .. That is, they did not even say "Hada disease!" .
Despite the advances in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of many cases, tumor and cancer .. Remains the foundation stone, for the time being at least, is in early detection, and this is what makes the programs of medical and preventive and educational to educate people about what to draw their attention to these cases is very important, as it shows the fact that Fils Protection .. Better than a thousand thousand dollars treat ..!
Perhaps the cases of breast cancers among the most common and most attractive to the attention of these diseases, and it is known that the word cancer Cancer is taken from the Latin carcinoma Carcinoma, which means an animal cancer known as the Hippocrates, as in most accurate narratives, the feeling the mass of strange patients to a breast, and was in the form of a central block and branched arms and throw them in different directions so that seemed like the time of Hippocrates to the bloc with an animal cancer.
And for pediatric .. Particularly interested in education and education of teenage girls who are between the ages of 13 and 20 years in all methods of prevention of cancer and tumors of the breast, which comes in the forefront .. Self-examination of the breasts, which I would recommend that you learn, and practiced by women who are interested in this regard from the age of eighteen years of age.
And bleeding in the first human to girls at this age .. As it is rare, and even very rare, to get to are in this age group in the breast cancer, has been proven that about half of the doctor attending antenatal regarding the existence of a mass in the breasts ages ranging from 18-21 years, it is a completely intact cysts , and 15% incidence of disease was cystic fibrosis, and is also intact, and 13% was the case completely intact and there were not any specific medical condition!
And a second study indicates that 99% of all cases of what we refer to a complaint that "the mass in the breast," .. Was either a benign tumor or disease meets or false alarm, and only 1% of the malignant tumor in the initial stages.
If we agree that breast cancer, may Allaah protect us and beware, it is a very rare disease and thank God at this young age group of patients, if they paid to raise the subject of the foundation? Indeed, the self-examination of the breasts is gaining trend of its own in this age, is that it examined a familiar and familiar with it by the viewfinder with the provided age, and explains them in practice what is meant by the case of "normal" and what it means to a state of "abnormal", as it play and are often already know it is not infected with an incurable disease, and perhaps a new feeling somewhat, which is not enjoyed by the different tests for the rest of the tumors, and finally .. Breast cancer is still occupying the second degree of the causes of cancer deaths in women in the United States of America, and that the rate of cure is very high in a terrible addition to the recovery period and the rate of decline of life compared to cases of relapse .. As if all that were detected early, and I think it's, for that alone, is worth trying the experiment.
One mother came to me once, and I was an alternate in the day of surgery, and is complaining that her daughter, aged seventeen years, and intends to study medicine in the future, I discovered through this test and a block "suspicious" in her left breast. Followed the story with interest, and after examination .. I found the lack of any type of blocks and any form of forms, and that the girl complained it was only natural curvature of the ribs with a left breast suspicious wound. Because of this conviction, I have had no need to request certain tests or so-called filming "Almamograve Mammography" and not to make anything more except that my best effort to convince the girl and her mother, this result is sound, the tears Trkerkt their eyes .. And the mother told me that you must know the truth no matter how harsh, and they have faith in Allah, and he had no objection to spend, and of God, and that her mother, a girl's grandmother, was hit by the disease and died, Fleurhmha God, and are therefore on what Sabiroon may write their fortunes!!
Confirmed the result of the mother, and asked them to carry out the above-mentioned image .. Was concerned that to this degree, but I advised her not to conduct this image only after the examination her daughter again, and continue to doubt the existence of mass referred to, and in fact .. The false alarm in this case is better than false reassurance, because we are talking about prevention and lead to treatment, and therefore would not mind that there will be false alarms, provided that this contributes to raising awareness and activating intuition about the future results of the examination the next time.
Not the purpose of screening such a panic when people, quite the contrary .. Since the examination while one would think that it is quite sound of the disease is a point in favor of this test compared Psoah as I said before, and although there are other means of sophisticated .. Highlights the importance of this procedure as one of the actions of others expensive at all, and that can be performed during the bath or in a relaxed and lie down, and takes only a few minutes.
I would like to refer here to some points concerning the practical aspects of testing:
1 - should preferably be examination at the end of the menstrual cycle, to avoid provoking pain and discomfort due to possible occurrence of the tension in the breasts before and during menstruation.
2 - conducted this examination in the shower .. Or lying down.
3 - raise the viewfinder arm, corresponding to the breast to be examined to prove that her hand behind the head, with annex rotated toward the side.
4 - by the fingers of the hand opposite you press gently comfortable three middle fingers, and carry out regular circular motions from the outer circumference of breast.
5 -, and circular movements also move the hand viewfinder toward the center of the breast.
6 - then palpation is the nipple and massage gently.
7 - the same way is breast screening return.
8 - taken into account during the examination of any mass, or swelling, or discharge from the nipple issue.
9 - in such cases the above-mentioned consulted a specialist doctor, and to always remember that not all what they feel during the examination is a block, and that not all the tumor mass, and that not every tumor is malignant.
10 - double interest when repeating this test, where Taatmrs viewfinder, and become more capable of exploration and more accurate in observation, and preferably be conducted periodically once every few months, depending on what you want viewfinder young, and as age, the more become better replicated at a higher rate, especially when there are women in their stories of family previous infection with the disease.
11 - must not forget the importance of this examination, and not lose sight of in the same time, methods of prevention and early detection of the other, the most important imaging device on and who knows which Balmamograve recommended for women over the age of forty commissioned every year to two years.


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