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Elimination of viruses prominent

Are we to accept to confirm the appropriate master in the study of viruses Jushowh Leader Barg (Joshua Lederberg) It means that the virus may be the only competition for humans to control the ball on the ground? This assertion was declared in 1989 - a few years after the emergence of the AIDS virus - to support the concept of recent origin, namely the concept of significant infection (infections émergentes).
The use of the words appear and confirm the emergence of the difficulty of talking on the "new diseases", and "new viruses," but to exercise maximum caution. The fact that the virus "new" can not and presence of nowhere, but man is that Ancoh Anchaoua. Viruses are the leading viruses are threatening its existence and rights. Perhaps this ambiguity explains the subordination of the concept of diseases leading to frequent amendments. But it is certain that many of the viruses tend to expand their position because they are unable to overcome the species barrier (barrière d'espèce) the separation between the natural and human hosts, an increase that many of them later on the Bristol geographical areas almost wide. We have succeeded in some of the viruses to achieve this Kveros AIDS and HIV
Citron (o) (hépatite C). We do not care in this regard following the viruses that were in years ago a prominent viruses, and now come out on the scope of this classification: it is unfortunately very stable viruses. And the intervention of influenza (grippe) that we think we know in this category.
And the fact that what we fear out of the framework of influenza epidemics to the annual show in subsequent years pandémie ** pandemic a much more lethal.
Ebola virus (Ebola) from the decree here did not take the first image ever
To the virus in 1976. The virus is a typical example of these viruses are very serious
Which we can not study only in the laboratory with a high degree of security from the fourth level.
© Sion Touhig / Sigma;. Gragera / SPL Cosmos
Vaincre les virus émergents, Enquête de nouveaux espaces
La recherche N ° 351, Mars 2002.
The original title of the article:
* Professor, specializes in the study of viruses at the University of Medicine, French (Brest) and the correspondent of the National Academy of Medicine.
** B form and extends to the whole continent, but extends to the whole of the globe - Author

Search for new spaces

How are viruses that appear to be coming from the lack of, and responsible for the epidemics of amazing? We have established the concept of the enemy salient in 1989 in response to this question. The high mortality rate and the virus recovered at the level of the globe to mark the emergence (emergence) was successful.
And put the spacecraft for the U.S. space program (Apollo 11) on 21 July 1969, the Moon the spacecraft named
(Module linéaire), and the U.S. crew remained on the surface of the moon 300 hundred hours: "It's a great step for humanity! ". Then suddenly appeared at the beginning of the month of October of 1969 in Nigeria and Ghana, a new viral disease affects the eyes of patients: hemorrhagic conjunctivitis epidemic. I have linked directly to the relationship between the African disease, which they called the Apollo 11 and dared the man stepped on the moon with his feet.
Indeed, the moon, which represents the basis for the female group tolerant when Fon (Fons) and the Community of Europa (Yorubas), as is the case when people Alohhunta (Ashantis) the wisdom of the world. Not to harass the moon with such courage only to give the serious consequences ... it was really the cause of this infection is very contagious viruses visual internal (entérovirus) "new", reached several countries from Africa, Europe, and Asia in the form of a pandemic. It seemed as
If this virus comes out of nowhere, and was responsible for epidemics * (épidémie) amazing, and the mortality rate was followed by a very scary (approximately 88% when the Ebola virus). Virus "new" virus, "senior" or also a virus, "a senior again." How can I check that half of these pathogens with the media echo the bellows haemorrhagic fever viruses Marburg (1967), who was named the proportion of the city's German and HIV
Lassa (1969) or the Ebola virus (1976)?

New concept

Coined the concept of infection outstanding year 1989 (Stephan S. Morse), as assistant professor at the University dedicated to studying viruses
(Rockfeller) New York, during a conference devoted to the virus appeared in the form of a recent epidemic almost. The AIDS virus, Professor typical example (2.1). The direct support (Joshua Lederberg) specialist in the study of viruses and winning the Nobel Prize in medicine this concept, stressing: "Viruses are real competition for humanity for control of the earth" (2). Joshua and the same thing in the month of June of 1995, during another conference on infectious diseases with prominent uttered another famous sentence: "The struggle against germs battle between intelligence and genes" (3).
* The spread of disease among the members of a society defined geographically over a limited period of time. This term refers usually to infectious disease, the flu that spread from case to case or by the campaign - the translator (see: Dictionary of academic scientific and technical terms, English, French Arabic, academically Internationale 1993 - 1998).
Note that the concept has expanded more than before, because it's no longer about viruses, but also to "microbes (Microbes) *
In general. I have seen the same year (1995) version of a medical journal called the New (Emerging Infectious Diseases)
Published by the Center (Centers For Diseases Conrtrol) the United States. Is known (Morse) in the first issue of the journal Infection prominent being: "a newly emerging infection within a population, or infection found earlier, but their impact and the distribution of population rises quickly," (4).
If the first part of this definition does not pose any problem because all the projections include infectious, it is the definition of contrast is very vague in its section II in the Department of any re-emergence of viruses. There is already, as is clear many many enemies "found by" able to suddenly expand the scope of their geographical distribution. It is the case of tuberculosis and malaria (paludisme) and Bilharziasis, and diseases of beef that did not stop to worry mankind since the Stone Age last. And these viruses can be a surprise setbacks topically, especially if weakened prevention measures, which it is the case now. But these setbacks epidemic has always been a part of the natural history of these diseases. The use of the term of the re-emergence of these diseases, spoke to a form of overuse. The WHO has established its part in 1995, Disease Surveillance Branch prominent and diseases other mobile, which includes all the symptoms of infectious diseases, and to that adopted a definition of infection leading a more comprehensive definition of Morse, where she said: The Disease and mobile highlights and a renewed prominence are the enemies of new or enemies re-emerged, or have become resistant to drugs or diseases has increased its influence during the last ten years or threaten to rise in the near future (5). However, it is not impossible to define the content of the formula again Bagtsarna on the area of ​​viral diseases. Thus we can define it as follows viral emergence? :
"The emergence of spontaneous and gradual surprised or several cases of infection caused by a new virus seems - at the level of gene elements and the total genome, and even at the species level Bansreb mortality great" (6).
* Word indicates any organisms, especially those that cause disease, this term covers the bacteria, viruses and Almmelthmat large and Aharhviat, fungi and mold, animals, single cell - the translator (ibid.).

What is the future of the flu?

Virus causing avian influenza out in Hong Kong in 1997 in ten cases of human infection, and ten deaths, mostly children. It was a source of the virus intensive rearing of poultry, and we were afraid at some point to see the emergence of new pandemic more deadly than the disaster "years 1918-1919 Spanish influenza" which left 20 million dead. We got rid of about a million and a half chickens as a precaution, and appeared he did not receive any transmission of the virus among humans: I have aborted this prominence. But if we asked the history and epidemiology of influenza, or also the molecular biology of influenza viruses, the answers converge: You can explore reasonable and the future of a nearby new pandemic of influenza type A (A) without enabling us to anticipate the place and time, although the risk seems limited mainly in the far east. remained of the epidemiological situation and pandemic flu "Russian" Since 1977, stable: spreads every winter two originals (Souche) of influenza virus (A) and (H1N1) and (H3N2) and the origin of influenza virus (B). explain the molecular structure of the influenza virus (A ) winter pressures and the emergence of epidemic outbreaks as well. In the first case occurring mutation or mutations (mutation) at the level of regular Alrina genome (RNA) genome of the virus, a particularly unstable.
December 29, 1997
Slaughter salesman at the Hong Kong market chickens in response to a government interested in the arrest and the start of a flu pandemic, which is transmitted
For humans through poultry
© Vincent Yu / Sipa
And these mutations cause modest changes in the generator Aamaglutinan H (hemagglutinine) and neuraminidase surface N (neuraminidase).
Explain "Xhat gene elements" in this section including, why re-make the anti-flu vaccination each year. The pandemics result from the recombination
Jenny (recombinaison génétique) between the influenza virus (A) animal (porcine, avian), and a human virus (10). And then what happens is called the cracking gene elements (cassure antigénique), and the emergence of a virus is impossible for the vaccinations to control it.
It comes to AIDS, for example, influenza in the pandemic (see: What is the future of influenza?) Or Ebola fever after her first appearance in 1976.
In this regard, is re-emerging viral (reemergence virale) in the re-emergence of viral disease is diagnosed in this way, and emerged almost time ago. There is a free and quiet area between the primary emerging and re-emerge, and that's what happened to the Ebola virus in 1976 and 1994.

The conditions for success

May emerge each year, several viruses from wild reservoirs (rodents, birds and monkeys) and from very different ecosystems. Express virus in the beginning what has been termed the "barrier type": can a virus of animal origin from infecting human being infected.
If the virus from infecting only a few individuals, and did not bring attention can be said then that the prominence has failed. In other cases, less than a number come the virus to the infected locality fully infected, whether it comes to cases of collective infected with the same source or Ba prevalence true of the epidemic, the sense of the rapid spread of the virus almost in time and space.
This second phase is that print what we called here "the success of the emergence of a" virus (7.6). We can classify emerging and re-emerging viral in the form of four types, depending on the number of deaths caused by the cycle of emergence or re-emerge, but also by the capacity of the virus to escape from his fellow natural infection to spread in the distance, especially its ability to colonize the new continents: be in first class the successful emergence of the ability of success in high second class are the ability of limited success. The third category is the ability of emerging successful in the current time.
The AIDS with 40 million people in the world 70% of them in sub-Saharan Africa, is an example of a viral disease that even on a new prominence has succeeded in a complete success. I have already killed about 20 million AIDS patients, and injuries occur every day a new infection of up to 15,000 people. (8).
Moved antiretroviral * (retrovirus) to the African apes, which is the origin of the HIV virus (VIH1 et VIH2) to humans and was divided into several genomic groups, and so gained the AIDS virus and developed new capabilities.
Example of a virus managed to emerge: a virus citron (o) (Hépatite C), who managed to hit 170 million people in the world infected
Them (200.000-450.000) a person in France. (I). Or influenza virus (see: What is the future of influenza?). So are millions of deaths in this category of emerging viral processes, belonging to each hemisphere.
Beliefs and superstitions T.
Affected a significant impact on the perception of population groups on the emergence of new diseases, was also influenced by the matches between the events. And so could not bear the moon
Which is the basis of tolerance in several African countries disturbed year 1969 (here in Mali when people Aldogn Dogons) and was the result of the emergence of severe acute
Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, which hit in the same period, both from Nigeria and Ghana ... © Guenet / Rapho
* Type of DNA viruses, RNA, has the ability to produce a copy of the DNA imperfect oxygen oxyphil DNA from RNA. When it affects the family unit - the translator (see: Dictionary of academic scientific and technical terms, English, French Arabic, academically Internationale 1993-1998) . (I) La Recherche a publie: Jon Cohen, "hepatite C, Infection Silencieuse et bombe à
retardement ", Novembre 1999.

At the height of prosperity

Combines emerging success with the ability of high viral enemies moving their geographical distribution is currently high, but it did not cause so far only in the relative damage - less than a million people dead after each episode. This applies to the case re-emergence of the modern virus (West-Nile) similar to the Japanese encephalitis virus (Encéphalite japonaise) (see: the alarming spread of the virus, "West-Nile").
The Rift Valley fever virus (Rift) virus is another virus that describe the spread of the World Health Organization to deploy a matter of concern. Moving the virus causing the disease by mosquitoes to humans and pets. However, it does not appear for a long time in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Egypt in the year
(1977), Mauritania Year (1987), Madagascar year (1990). But he suddenly extended in September of the year (2000) for up to Yemen and Saudi Arabia where they cause in a month in the death of a hundred people ...
The emerging ability with limited success is the outcome of viruses capable of causing a huge number of deaths (more than 50%), but in each episode of which individually did not cause so far only in a few hundreds of deaths. Mention here an example of the Ebola virus and other viruses cause haemorrhagic fever. It seems so far that these viruses are able to spread something on a global level, although they frequently associated Bmhaaa * (Biotopes) forested.
The alarming spread of the virus, "West-Nile"

The virus of "West-Nile" isolated for the first time in 1937 in Uganda has taken from moist areas where water meets birds, mosquitoes and mosquito-type Nams (Culex), who plays the role of carrier of the virus. Then we found the virus in Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Czechoslovakia, India and France, as revealed in the city (Camargue) in 1964. We did not then speak it a lot, where he was responsible for cases of fever which did not pose any risk. The situation began to change
1994 (12.11) where, said the existence of epidemics of acute inflammation of the brain affected, whether human or horse (and sometimes both) in Algeria _ 1994), and Morocco
And Romania (1996) In the Czech Republic (1997) and Italy and RDC "(Democratic Republic of Congo) 3 formerly Zaire" and Russia (1998), and finally the United States in 1999.
Baawwad and birds (a picture here of the Crow "Central Park" in 1999) is the natural recipient
Virus "West-Nile". The human is the recipient of the virus by accident.
© D. Jennings / AP.
* Visage: a space in the environment, such as regular and certain sites in the bottom of some rivers where the soil is soft and constant low temperature
Space and good ventilation. Translator (see: Dictionary of academic scientific and technical terms, English, French Arabic, academically Internationale 1993-1998).
I have hit the city (Camargue) French small during the summer of 2000 Mutan equine (Epizoodie équine) linear, R., and appeared again in the same year the virus "West-Nile" in the state of New York and in Israel, and extended in 2001 for the state of Georgia and southern Ontario, Canada, e, but more than that
Studies have shown the virus genome for "West-Nile" isolated in 1999 in the United States that the source of the virus the Middle East, and more specifically Israel.
The prominence is successful so far, it appears much more prudish (causes barely in dozens of deaths), but mortality is not less dangerous. By way of example but not limited to influenza virus of avian origin, which is feared to cause in Hong Kong in 1997 in a new pandemic, (see:
What is the future of influenza? ). This forces the deviation (dérivation) the potential of animal viruses to man warned that a permanent failure that may one day turn into a disaster health (9).

Standard conflict

It is difficult to determine before - with the exception of outbreaks of AIDS and viral hepatitis (S) - visibility due preference to the strategies of private conflict (epidemic - monitors, the monitoring satellite and research on vaccines, new or vaccinations anti-virus and the rules of treatment), and budgets appropriate. In this regard could be the success of the emerging concept of a useful concept because it takes into account the number of deaths, caused by the virus after each episode and the ability of the global spread of the virus in a population, local and even global. The budget already allows the relative importance of different processes emerge and assess the degree of gravity and weight of the epidemiological health could have on the community.
Is this a way to avoid the weight corrugated media only a particular virus chosen by decision-makers?
End quote.


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