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Increased sleepiness

Insomnia taking a great deal of interest in professionals and public alike as one of the most important sleep disorders is without doubt an important medical problem, but there are other medical problem is no less important and may have more complications, but did not receive the same attention. This problem is increased sleepiness during the day or increase the likelihood of sleep in conditions not suitable for sleeping. And those who suffer from this problem may sleep in inappropriate situations such as sleeping or while reading or while watching TV and in some cases, the injured may sleep in public places or at work, which could cause a lot of problems for the injured. This problem may lead to serious complications if infected with the sleeping while driving, or if the patient is dealing with heavy machinery or sharp. And increased sleepiness are relatively common problem, some studies have shown that 5% of people suffer from it.
What are the reasons for the increased sleepiness?
The most important reason for increased sleepiness during the day is not getting enough sleep at night is a common cause with the lifestyle of the person and the circumstances do not approach this reason, in our conversation here, where that lifestyle modifications usually lead to the demise of the problem.

That concerns us in this context that there are a number of organic sleep disorders that cause increased drowsiness. The convenient thing is that most of these disorders can be diagnosed accurate diagnosis and treatment and get good results if the patient attended to the doctor early.

Snodz here and in the definition of the most important of these disorders:

1. Snoring and sleep apnea:
In the course of this disorder Ansd upper air repeatedly during sleep in full or partial, leading to the interruption of breathing, or breathing is not effective which leads to a cut in her sleep, and this intermittency in turn leads to increased sleepiness during the day.
And obstructive apnea during sleep is a medical problem known to need medical care, and if neglected this problem, they lead to several complications, some of which may threaten the person's life. It affects 2-4% of middle-aged people, and an estimated 18 million Americans living with the interruption of breathing during sleep, and unfortunately there are no similar statistics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but it is our practice medical problem seems to be very common. The symptoms of the problem can be summarized as follows:

Increased daytime sleepiness or drowsiness and frequent fatigue, snoring, stop breathing during sleep, a feeling of suffocation (choking) and waking. Patients with such symptoms are usually middle-aged males who are overweight (obesity), but the disorder may affect people of all ages and both sexes, and even normal-weight. And some patients may have abnormal problems in the nose or throat or any part of the upper airway.
2. Disease episodes of drowsiness or sleep-compulsive disorder:
Sleep-compulsive disease of the nervous system and is accompanied by the patient's life, and if not diagnosed and treated it affects the patient profoundly. The main symptoms of this disease, severe attacks of irresistible sleepiness occur during the day and can occur at any time and without prior notice. These seizures may occur at times and in inappropriate situations. May occur while driving a car or some of the work that you need to focus, which could result in serious consequences. May continue to sleep moments to more than an hour after the patient feels and activity .. It is estimated that the disease affects approximately 1:1000 people of both sexes, most are not diagnosed. And can show symptoms of sleep-compulsive disorder at any age but appear in most cases at the beginning of adolescence. There are modern medicines often help the patient. Compulsive disorder and sleep organic disease is not linked to any disease caused by myself. Because the disease is not yet known to many people, the patients with this disease suffer a lot before they are diagnosed. And find the family, teachers and colleagues have difficulty understanding what is happening to the patient. And even the patient himself finds it difficult to understand what is happening to him. The people portrayed a person with sleep-compulsive disorder in the form of a person lazy and passive, which reflected negatively on the psyche of the patient and reduces the self-confidence and creates a lot of problems at school and work. May be accompanied by other symptoms increase drowsiness such as:

Sudden paralysis while awake: This show is a special offer for sleep-compulsive disorder. And which occurs paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the body of all or some of them if there is a weakness in the muscles of the detailed knees or muscles of the neck that carry the head or the muscles of the jaw or muscles of the arms, the muscles of the talk, which makes the speech is unclear and in some cases there is complete paralysis of the body has patient falls to the ground and appear as if unconscious, but in fact in full consciousness. And this is usually weak for a few moments, but in some cases may continue for minutes. Usually starts with bouts of paralysis or weakness in the emotional attitudes Calanfal surprise, anger or joy and laughter.
· Sleep paralysis: the inability to move the body or one of its members at the beginning of sleep or when waking up. The symptoms of sleep paralysis lasts from seconds to several minutes, during which some patients try to seek help or even cry; but to no avail, and the symptoms disappear with the passage of time or when touching a patient or when a noise.
· Hallucinations before sleep: a dream-like reality occur at the beginning of sleep and sometimes difficult to be differentiated from reality. And described as hallucinations and in some cases, frightening. What distinguishes these dreams that they occur at the beginning of sleep, while the natural persons dreams after they start an hour to an hour and a half of sleep began.
This disease does not affect directly on the intelligence or mental capacity but may indirectly affect the educational attainment as a result of excessive sleeping and lack of confidence of the patient himself. Therefore, patients should be identified as soon as possible and start treatment. It also must explain the situation of teachers in the school or to colleagues at work until it is to understand the disease and help patients.
3. Movement of limbs legs during sleep:
And is characterized by recurrent attacks of movement of limbs (usually the lower limbs) during sleep, resulting in instability of sleep and make sleep lightly, which prevents the patient from reaching the deep stages of sleep important for the convenience of the body. The movement usually occurs in the big toe, while the ankle, knee and hip flexion in the case are simple. Muscle contraction and occurs repeatedly every 20-40 seconds, and each contraction lasts for one-half to five seconds, the movement may be simple and non-expert eye can detect, but enough to make sleeping is unstable and intermittent. The main symptoms of this Taatlkh_khas Aldtarab in the following:
· Insomnia: the one found in medical studies to cause this disorder in 17% of cases of insomnia.

• increased sleepiness during the day: also found in the previous study that the cause of this disorder in 11% of cases of increased sleepiness during the day.

· Movement that may awaken the patient, and in some cases, the person who shared the bed.
4. Other causes that lead to cut sleep and increase the drowsiness: Katrjaa DNA of the esophagus during sleep and breathing disorders and chronic lack of thyroid function.
5. Idiopathic excessive sleepiness.

How is it diagnosed?
Must first gather sufficient information on the sleeping patient from the patient and the person who sleeps with him and then make a precise diagnostic study known study of sleep and a sleep study is considered essential for patients with increased sleepiness due to multiple reasons for the increased sleepiness during the day. The sleep study conducted at night where the patient spends one night in a private room with all the supplies from the TV and the bathroom and the other is to maintain the privacy of the patient during the full study. During the study, is control of many physiological functions in the body, where they are monitoring the following indicators: brain waves, muscle movements, breathing through the mouth and nose, snoring, rate and irregular heart rate, movements of the legs, movements of the chest and diaphragm, the rate of oxygen in the the blood and expel carbon dioxide from the body. To control these functions, we put some metal discs on the head and the skin using an adhesive, in addition to a flexible rubber bands will be put around the abdomen and chest to monitor breathing. Will prove a small plastic tube near the mouth and nose to monitor breathing. The oxygen level is measured via a clip on the fingers. If there is suspicion of injuring the patient's sleep-compulsive disorder is required to test sleep last part of the evaluation of sleep, called this test: a test potential daytime sleepiness (MSLT). For this test, the patient's stay in the sleep disorders center most of the day following your overnight sleep study. During this test allows the patient access to several naps according to specific criteria.

How is the treatment of increased sleepiness?
Put the treatment plan for each patient individually based on the diagnosis of his condition and results of a study of sleep. I would like to stress the importance of sleep study to determine the clinical Altejes of the situation. And talk about the treatment of each disorder long and does not accommodate him, but context is important to know a person with an increase of sleepiness that can cure most cases very effectively and the result of rapid treatment in most cases as long as the available equipment and capabilities necessary for the diagnosis and treatment.


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