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Nine foods protect against diseases

Nine foods protect against diseases

- Foods that protect from disease:
There are nine types of foods are delicious taste next to prevent human infection than the disease, which in turn applies the phrase "prevention is better than cure", and these types are as follows:

* Broccoli:
- Its importance:
Omits many of us the nutritional value of the enormous broccoli, it is a multiple nutritional benefits: prevents cancer because it increases the body's secretion of estrogen, and the incidence of heart disease in which there is vitamin C a lot and this vitamin in turn, helps keep arteries flexible and prevent blood clots amount of blood and eat one it is sufficient to supply the body by about 97% of the total needs of the human vitamin (c). Broccoli contains the Algelōtathwain "glutathione" which reduce the risk of disease, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, as it strengthens the immune system, and works to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure and even maintain your ideal weight. And protects the rights of his white water on the eye and cause blindness for those over the age of 65 because it is indispensable polychlorinated "beta - carotene Beta-Carotene" and "lutein-Lutein".
- The ideal amount:
Same amount of broccoli = 1 / 2 cup, we can not say as a record amount for the amount that the more the greater the advantage of its benefits. Valvaúdh that accrue to the human equivalent of eating that has in the intake of five kinds of fruit and vegetables. The amount per body which extends about 2 grams of fiber.

* Garlic:
- Its importance:
There are many foods that contain more benefits than those that give us the garlic, but few of them (such as garlic) is the one who found acceptance because it combines the delicious taste and multiple benefits: lower cholesterol in the blood, prevents blood clots and attachment to the wall of arteries, which is equal with aspirin in this interest, as it active ingredient in attacking the bacteria foot since before the discovery of penicillin in 1928, and the garlic is fighting colon cancer and breast cancer. We can say that we still do not know much about the benefits of useful food for this star.
- The ideal amount:
We can take any amount of this star food and in any form, whether alone or when added to food, it protects the heart from the weakness, so it should be dealt with schizophrenia and from it one day at least.

* Beans:
- Their importance:
Green beans are rich in netting fibers, which addressed the seven grams (1 / 2 cup approx) protect you from infection with many diseases, about 2.8 grams of these fibers is enough to reduce cholesterol in the blood and thus reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is also the star sang folate, which prevents colon cancer and heart disease also because folate helps keep the proportion of the article "Alheimosistin-Homocysteine" low in the blood (high incidence of this article is one of the indicators of dangerous risk of heart disease) also contains the article "Polevinolex-Polyphenolics "and with the greatest effectiveness of those that give us the vitamin" C "to prevent the oxidation of fat in the article, the first stages of blood clots from forming. And prevents folate unborn distortions, which is also useful for people with diabetes are advised by many doctors to their patients as well as other foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates complex because it is digested easily and is working on the survival of low blood sugar and keep insulin levels normal.
- The ideal amount:
Sufficient to deal with 1 / 21 cup of beans per day, as it contains half a cup of which about 114 micrograms of folate.

* Skimmed milk:
- Its importance:
- The source of the important and basic of calcium that keeps bones of Rights, Milk prevents osteoporosis has suffered a lot when people age, especially women because they lose large amounts of calcium during periods of pregnancy, helps vitamin D in which there are the body's absorption of calcium, It is also rich in potassium and magnesium.
- Contribute to skimmed milk as well as some of the few meals that contain fat and fruit and vegetables in reducing blood pressure such as any drug can be taken for this purpose. And helps not to be kidney stones because calcium binds the "oxalate-Oxalate" that are found in the large intestine and thus are absorbed less (oxalate is causing the kidney stones).
- The ideal amount:
Contains one cup of skim milk to 300 mg of calcium, and women need under 50 and men under 65 years to 1000 mg per day, and those over this age 1.500 mg. It is hard to get everything we need calcium through milk, but at least he is one of the many ways we can easily through it.

* Orange:
- Its importance:
This star food full of nutrients, vitamins and fiber. It prevents colds, reduces cholesterol in the blood, builds bone, and addresses the crises of the heart, and reduces the risk of colon cancer, and that the article "Vuotokimichael-Phytochemical" which contains the orange is fighting breast cancer. The orange rich in vitamin C features an all orange medium-sized, about 70 mg of this vitamin, which in turn prevents a kidney stone because it is rich in folates and the article "Glutathione-Glutathione" and potassium citrate, all materials will help not to be a stone or fragment, if any. The orange drink is important to the athletes to work on keeping the balance of the article "Alaktrulaats Electrolytes" When you have a large amount of water to race in the case of sports activity or to make any great effort.
- The ideal amount:
Eat the fruit of orange itself reported the intake of juice, preferably eating an orange, at least in one day (it's better to have more than one orange), and the skin white containing a great benefit it is rich in "Flavoniod-Flavonoid" and help this article to the non-injury stroke. The advantages of orange juice when you do the exercise of any sporting activity, man is making a major effort needs to compensate for the loss of water and to provide him with energy, and to supply human needs in a dynamic temperature and humidity, Graham Walter. Orange and standards of good: to be a skin color orange light, rigid and heavy, avoid orange light which has dry skin, heart and spongy, or have a light orange juice because all the evidence that the orange "old."

* Salmon:
- Its importance:
Contain all kinds of fish fats called omega-3 as "Omega-3S", but the salmon are available in which these fats in abundance. And play this type of fat a major role in preventing heart disease, and reduce the incidence of certain infections such as arthritis.
- Heart disease:
Protects these fats (omega-3 as) "Omega-3S" rights of heart attacks and stroke. Intake of one salmon per week reduce the risk of infection by half a percentage. These fats also help the flow of calcium, sodium and other elements on a regular basis in every cell of the heart and maintaining strong blows hard.
- Infections:
Reduces the risk of Baromateod, and arthritis. The salmon oil reduces the cramps associated with menstruation, when the descent or any other symptoms related to it such as frustration that accompany Ms. or girl during this period.
- The ideal amount:
Eating 93 grams of salmon per week provide the body with a large amount of fat as omega-3. For menstrual cramps or girl Ms. need of 124-186 grams per day during the onset of menstruation, and patients with rheumatoid arthritis Alrohmeytod and eat on a daily basis. We find that all types of salmon fish containing these oils except salmon smoker who loses oils when exposed to the smoking process, as these oils can be taken in capsule form.

* Tofu (a soybean products):
- Its importance:
Is one of soybean products has many uses. Recently, it was to reach the many benefits of the amazing return on the rights of use for the soybean and its products, including: protecting the heart as it reduces the rates of cholesterol in the blood, as it soothes the pain of menstruation, prevents infection bones, and reduces the chances of breast cancer and colon cancer The article "Alaezovlavonz-Isoflavones" which has the function to protect the kidneys.
- The ideal amount:
The human body requires per day from 30-50 mg of substance "Alaezovlavonz-Isoflavones" and the equivalent of 1 / 2 - 1 cup of tofu.

* Tomato sauce (tomato juice):
- Its importance:
The use of tomato juice with a little olive oil protects the rights of prostate cancer, colon, stomach, esophagus, because tomatoes contain a substance "Lycopene-Lycopene" and this article are available in many other vegetables which prevent the development of cancer to the serious stages.
- The ideal amount:
There is a certain amount should a person eat per week or per day that are addressed to varying degrees.

* Water:
- Its importance:
Water is the "elixir of life", and is used in everything in our lives, we drink, bathe him, and one of the basic components in the human body is a wonderful medicine, where you need every cell of the body's cells to reach the highest levels of health. We find the magic of its benefits: get rid of fatigue after taking a warm bath, and avoid getting traction muscle that results from exposure to drought. It also maintains the temperature of the human body, whether domestic or abroad because it gives human freshness and vitality that is reflected on the external shape and make it appear in the form of health. Advised to keep on treating drinking water throughout the day because it prevents injury to several diseases such as colon cancer in women, as it maintains the balance of chemicals, minerals and vitamins in each cell of the body.
- The ideal amount:
The perfect amount of it: more than five cups per day, while in the exercise of intense sports activity the amount you eat more to compensate for the loss of it.


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