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A hidden disease In women

Will occur to the reader first read this title I will talk about a type of cancer affecting women and are difficult to detect until after reflection and scrutiny, and taking the Lord. But I, in fact, I will talk about one of the most common diseases suffered by women, and they hide Baradthen suffering from this disease .. Namely, chronic urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is involuntary urine out of the barrel of the urethra, which is a very common problem with that 60% of women, more than half the women in the community suffer from at least one form of this disease is alarming. I say annoying because it is not malicious, but it may also control the behavior of the patient .. Has forced them to change some habits fun, or give up one of the favorite hobbies, or to refrain from wearing some clothes to try to hide the disease, ie, convert it to. . (Hidden disease). Note that in most cases, treatment is easy, fast response,

For many types of urinary incontinence, there are:

1. Aljhda urinary incontinence: a stream of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing or lifting heavy objects, which is common in older women many of birth or age, and the reason is due mostly to weakness, which affects the muscles of the pelvis and the bladder neck.

2. Smooth Alelhahi or Zakea: a urine-hand combined with an urgent need to urinate frequently, which keeps the patient is always close to the toilet, and the reason is often due to recurrent infections or chronic (inflammatory), which suffered more than a few women of different ages, or the presence of disease Kaelchenj in the bladder, gravel, or tumors.

3. Mixed urinary incontinence: which is which combines both types.

4. Incontinence miraculous: the so called because it is caused by the inability of the patient to urinate!!. Valmarbh can not urinate normally and completely, leading to the survival of a large amount of urine in the bladder, this amount gradually increases to become very large, forcing the bladder to empty some of the drops are not involuntary.

5. Other types of less importance Calcls night, smooth and there are some distortions or fistulae .. Etc..

And so we can illustrate the problem can imagine that the bladder is a balloon large Nmlah water when we want, and when we wanted Nfrgh. When we fill the balloon pressure on his neck so as not to leak water from it, and if we wish to Nfrgh Ergena grip on his neck Viqls the balloon and put everything in it, if some water remains Azina to the lack of flexibility or shrinking the balloon. As well as the work of the bladder.

The disease is simple defect in the mechanism of the urinary bladder, which emptied without the desire of man, or in the sphincter that can not imprison the urine where it should be locked up ..

If what's the problem?!.

The problem lies in the modesty ..

As we know, modesty is the qualities of a prophet, and a people of faith ..

But the Prophet peace be upon him also commanded us Baltdawi and treatment (Treat Servants of Allah ..).. The purity and Alastnzah of urine in our underwear ..

If the problem is not indecent as creating, but ashamed of excessive, which prevents the patient from seeking treatment, which became the praise of God is available in all forms of physical and pharmacological and surgical in our city, and will not have the patient to travel east and west, to get a cure for her illness hidden suffering from it.

But before the treatment, how can the doctor to distinguish between these different types of urinary incontinence, and then decide to useful therapy.

In fact, the doctor must be wise (as usual, be) in the diagnosis of this hidden disease, and try to find out why the awareness and alert, and then describe treatment carefully and wisely.

Often likened to the doctor in his search for the real cause of the problem officer detective who is looking for the offender in doing something, it will be very important grant the patient full confidence and trust full and adequate time to divulge information was considered highly confidential, and explain to the doctor, things were considered very personal, and explains to him in detail as long as the topics considered embarrassing ..

It is not difficult for humans that say what in his underwear!!.

Story that tell the patient about her illness (how to start a complaint, when, where, and in any weather, at any time of day, and in any position, etc. ...) Are all questions put to the doctor to know the features of the accused. Moreover, the examination of public and patient blood pressure measurement, and places of pain in the abdomen and both groins, is one of the factors in the diagnosis, let alone for examining the genital area is the bottom line in our search for the cause ..

The doctor will resort to every doctor must detective to help him detect the presence of urinary infection or bleeding from the urinary tract, and this can not be characterized by only a microscope laboratory doctor!!. It also helps some blood tests to determine the presence of other important diseases such as illness which causes diabetes in some cases is to smooth and difficulty urinating ..

Then comes the role of complementary tests, especially the disclosure of ultrasound on the kidneys, bladder, and determine the presence of accompanying diseases of the smooth bladder stones and tumors and cysts, and then measure the amount of urine remaining in the bladder after urination is known as urinary Balosmalh ..

The doctor asked the help of the radiologist in uncovering some of the things that remain unknown, despite investigations and surveys the above ..

The doctor resorted in many cases endoscopy polycarbonate, which is a device that a high-pen, but the highest, they enter the bladder through the urethra from the mouth of the bladder without any pain, and his mission (which takes a few minutes) is to discover some of the diseases that infect the lining of the bladder from the inside and difficult to detect other methods.

And the problem remains unknown in some cases, the offender remains in hiding out of sight, forcing the doctor to look into the workings of the bladder and urethra, and this is known as (dynamic) or motor urinary tract .. I hope that the reader does not understand me wrong .. The machine, polyurethane does not move from his place, but the bladder and the bladder neck and urethra, are members of muscle function in perfect harmony, reduced bladder loosen the winepress, the winepress and loosen the bladder is shrinking, and so on .. Vtkon is the jailing of urine collected when needed, put the urine when needed without much effort.

And thus have a smooth action is a bug in the bladder muscle, or presses the bladder or urethra.

Then talk to your doctor before opening his patient all the papers upside down, explaining her all the information, then puts in front of (the offender) is responsible for the problem .. And start a new relationship between doctor and patient.

The doctor begins to explain and remedies:

It may be a treatment for some physical exercises and physical, which is active muscles especially the pelvic floor muscles normally responsible for Astmsak urine, and may be a treatment for a particular drug covered by the patient with certain special diet, and may be treated in some cases of non-surgical!!.

It is intended to (non-surgical) operations as a small simple place little or topical anesthesia a few minutes and a high success rate is not being, in which large incisions, and you do not have to stay patient in the hospital more than a few hours are limited.

The last remains of Medicine ironing, ironing or surgery remains the great cases of resistant or chronic, where the large anatomical defect or disease where the escort as the existence of large stones in the bladder ..

And go back to the beginning

A small problem, great suffering, real trust between the patient and the doctor, easy solutions and simple treatments ..

This is the incontinence .. This hidden disease.


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