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Life with the heart and circulation healthy

The heart of the most expensive we have, the engine foundation, the pulse life goes on, but once you get the problem, even changing the taste of life. To maintain his health and well-being, must be identified and their needs to help avert the risk factors that surround it.

There are many factors known to affect blood circulation, which predicted the injury illness in the heart or the owners more likely to have heart problems, Kalgelth vessels, or heart attack, or narrowing of coronary artery or Ansdadeh, of these factors: age, heredity, high pressure the blood, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, obesity, lack of sport and activity, and increase the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy food. That the possession of any person to a greater number of these factors, making it more susceptible to heart disease.

Age, heredity, factors which can not be controlled, as is known, the injury, heart problems increases with age, and that genetics play a big role in such diseases, injury. But it has to be increased attention to heart health with age and not neglecting it, as that of their family history of heart disease, they must more careful than others to avoid being infected with such diseases or to alleviate an injury.

But other factors can be controlled, which depend on each other more often, and reduce them to below the border.

v high blood pressure: 90% of cases of high blood pressure is known to cause, and may cause high blood pressure to serious problems on her head injury, heart problems, note that the most important problems of this disease is the absence of symptoms in most cases, so the process of discovery, but not done yet another disease or by accident or when the periodic inspection. However, prevention and living with this disease is very possible. The best prevention methods starting from the health food a little salt, with exercise, and weight loss, nervousness, and avoid stress, tension and psychological tension. As for ways to live with this disease is very Vshlh, narrated through a commitment to the last steps, and follow the instructions of the doctor, take medicine in his time, and testing continued. Can also use some natural substances that are protective to lower blood pressure such as garlic, parsley, and some kinds of vitamins, minerals and salts that maintain the integrity of the blood vessels as a group of vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

v Diabetic divided diabetes into two types, Type I, or so-called insulin-dependent, which affects children, usually, and the second type called diabetes is insulin-dependent, which affects most often exceeded the age of forty, and the genetic factor is a major cause of injury by, in addition to other factors have an important role in causing an imbalance in the pancreas and the excretion of insulin and the response of the cells with him.

Can prevent diabetes or reduce the likelihood of infection, by relying on less healthy food that the amount of sugars and carbohydrates consumed per day, and avoid weight gain, and exercise appropriate.

Either way Vtkon live with it by controlling the level of sugar in the blood, that the patient avoid diabetes disease are many and especially heart disease, it was observed that increase by two to four times in people with diabetes. The process of control of diabetes by following the previous steps

In addition to following the doctor's advice and guidance, and commitment to medicine and taking his time, and testing continued. Can also use some herbs and substances that are considered safe to cut sugar Kaashab the ring, and Djinkobayluba, and Ganmama, and histidine Karentin, chromium, and selenium, and more of dietary fiber.

v cholesterol: You must first distinguished between two types of cholesterol, the first so-called cholesterol and low density (LDL) or so-called bad cholesterol, and the second high-density cholesterol (HDL) or the so-called beneficial cholesterol. As is known, the first type is causing a lot of heart problems and clogged arteries Ktsalb, ​​and the addition of effort on the heart, and lead to the closure of some small blood vessels that feed the heart muscle. The second type, the increase comes a positive outcome for the safety of the heart and circulatory system, which works to prevent the first type of gathering and transportation of the arteries to the liver to convert it to other materials.

Must be prompt treatment of this case at the beginning of diagnosis and commitment, with the periodic inspection, and attention to healthy eating to reduce the amount of animal fat in food, found in meat, oils and dairy products, and focus on certain foods have the potential to reduce cholesterol green tea, garlic, fish oil and flax oil (positive for the substance omega 3), and soy, and increased intake of vegetable fiber in the diet. And exercise regularly.

The same applies to triglycerides (Triglycerids), which is the major cause of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

v lack of activity and sport: Sport is an important factor and the appropriate key on the health of the body and the heart and blood circulation in particular. Movement is active circulation, and increase the strength of the heart, and at the same time reduce the stock reduction of fat in the body, removing the burden from a large heart. It also increases the oxygen inside the body and thus replenish the cells. Sport is also working to burn excess energy in the body, that is, they burn sugars and fats and prevent coalescence and accumulation in the body. The active work of the digestive system, liver and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. And active secretion of insulin and consumption by the cells.

But with this, the choice of the appropriate sport is important and essential and vital for the person and his condition. Ordinary Couples can practice what they want from the sports that are not stressful and more of their energy. As with heart disease do not need to pay attention to selecting the right sport that does not lead to stress the heart. They should stay away from sports and hazardous heavy and cumbersome, such as lifting weights and running long distances, boxing, climbing, exercise may lead to such consequences for sports Aihamd consequences. Sports and more appropriate for patients with heart is walking, and swimming for a short time, games ground, and light jogging and cycling. But it is very important to get some rest between the training period and the other to avoid stress and fatigue.

As the sport for the overweight should not be cumbersome, and appropriate because it may lead to stress the heart.

v Obesity: One of the main factors which are linked to the scientists, researchers, doctors, injury to one heart disease. Recorded high rates of heart disease in Mrtfie weight.

This increase came from several reasons, namely that the increase in body weight requires more effort from the heart to meet the growing need of blood loaded with oxygen and food for the various cells and tissues. In addition to other reasons associated with weight gain usually, including increased cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and reduced the amount of oxygen in the body due to increased volume of tissue consumed, and increased rates of developing high blood pressure and diabetes in Mrtfie weight. In addition, the increase in free radicals, which lead to damage and destruction of various types of cells in the body. And the difficulty of the blood supply to different parts of the body and thus increase the blood clots and transmission in the body.

Causes a dangerous past and a warning to one of the wounded heart disease. First, you should lose weight, by reducing the calories that usually come from fats and sugars, and reliance on sports and healthy food to drop the weight out to get to the weight of which can reduce the likelihood of heart disease. It must be very interest in reducing the weight too quickly because it has a negative impact on heart health and circulation.

v metabolic syndrome: the so-called syndrome X (Syndrome X). This syndrome is a major hazard on the heart and blood circulation.

This syndrome typically arises from several reasons, the most important resistance of cells to insulin, resulting from excess ingestion of substances Alcarbohedratih, with a high content of diabetes, Chalskriaat and starches, in large quantities for a long time. In addition to other causes inherent in this situation such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides and bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol in the blood, weight gain, especially in the upper part of the body. Many researchers attribute the injury in this syndrome is to increase your daily calories coming from with the lack of food consumption in the form of lack of exercise and physical activity. It was found that people with this syndrome is likely to more than four times the heart disease of people Alaotaiadin.

For the prevention and treatment of this phenomenon to be treating the causes associated with them by consulting a doctor. And exercise appropriate and reduce the amount of daily calories, with a focus on reducing weight.

v increase the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood: the latest doctors to know him, and who described the relationship that he has more than 20% of heart disease, regardless of the existence of other reasons such as high cholesterol or blood pressure.

, One of the types of amino acids that are connected by some of the particles of sulfur, which is the basis for other types of essential amino acids, cysteine ​​and methionin. But the imbalance in the enzyme responsible for conversion to other types of amino acids, as a result of a lack of folic acid or the vitamin B 12 or B 6, may increase its level in the blood, which leads to many problems, the most important damage in the lining of the arteries of the Interior, which may cause hardening of the arteries or clogged, or stimulate the blood clot as a result of interaction of clotting factors, or oxidation of cholesterol and low density, turning him into a more dangerous form capable of penetrating arteries are the largest and the formation of deposits on the internal surface.

The solution is simple in this case, and is available for all, Through the examination can determine the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, thereby reducing the level that was high or prevent high by taking folic acid (400 mg daily), vitamin B-12 (50-300 micrograms per day) , and vitamin B6 (10-50 mg daily). In addition to eating foods that contain these vitamins, such as permanently Kalkhdhar, spinach, parsley, beans, eggs and liver.

v smoking and alcohol: linking doctors often between smoking and heart disease and blood pressure. Permanently and warn of what the problems caused by smoking, and the evidence that the patient is always a question Are you a smoker? . Smoking is responsible for many of the causes of these diseases Ktsalb arteries, heart strain and the high proportion of toxins and free radicals in the blood and clogged coronary artery, and the sudden drop in the work of the heart, and heart failure. And that smoking pollutes the air around the smoker and non smoker, is up less than the amount of oxygen necessary for the health and safety of the body and the heart muscle in particular, in addition to increasing the amount of carbon dioxide carried in blood and that is poisoning the body's cells.

As for alcohol, he is one of the main causes of heart failure and disruption of work, organization. Alcohol also leads in many cases to cirrhosis of the liver, which makes the liver unable to perform his duties, and thus the lack of blood circulation to get rid of toxins, which then reaches to the heart, and damage the cells.

v Health Food: The key factor is very important in the prevention of heart disease and other diseases associated with it, as is the basis to reduce the aggravation of heart disease after infection.

Of the most important thing that must be characterized by healthy food balance, meaning it contains all the materials necessary for the health of the body of vitamins, minerals, proteins, salts, carbohydrates and other materials, add this as a fresh and clean and preserved with chemicals.

The first thing everyone recommended fruits and Alkhdhartazj, which must be among the main meals in addition to and independent of meals a day of it.

As for the cooked food is always advised to leave the fast food, canned food, fries, and the trend to eat boiled or roasted, the less positive for the amount of fat. How much focus on reducing the salt and sugar in food, even if were not infected with disease, blood pressure, diabetes, and the use of other materials like lemon and vinegar.

As for fats, they must first reduce harmful Caldhen animal fat, and more of the essential oils in the food Kaomega 3 (Omega 3) or Amiga 6 (Omega 6), and found within fish oil and soybeans. As for the meat is preferable to dispense or reduce the consumption of red meat, chicken and remove skin when eating, and breeding of fish.

As legumes, they are an important source of protein without any increase in fat, Kalahmass, beans, beans, beans, and Bazlaa.

Also, many kinds of nuts contain essential goods and beneficial to the body such as minerals, vitamins and essential fats Kaljos, nuts and almonds.

Eggs, milk and dairy products from basic materials that are vital for the permanent address because of the proteins, vitamins, minerals and other materials necessary and important for the body, but must be addressed in a moderate and try to reduce the proportion of fat in milk and its derivatives.

We will come to mention some of the herbs and basic materials that can be use by the person to get a lot of requirements necessary for his general health and heart health in particular.

Natural substances that benefit the heart and blood circulation:

o oils: fish oil and cod liver oil and flax oil, and olive oil.

o Herbs: garlic, and green tea, and herb ginkgo Bailuba, and extract grape seed, and turmeric, and hawthorn (How thorn), but under medical supervision, and parsley, and soy because they contain a substance lecithin (Lecithin), and the ring, which help reduce blood sugar, and herb Aljmnima (Gemenema), and olive leaf extract, and grapefruit.

o amino acids: Karentin (Carnitine), and Cysteine ​​(Cysteine), and two methyl Claesan (Dimethylglycine), and methionine (Methionine), and polyvinyl Alinin (Phenylalanine), and Turin (Taurine).

o all kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin B group

o Antioxidants: Co enzyme Q 10 (Coenzyme Q 10), and Alclatatheon (Glutathione), and acid alpha-Abolek (Alpha Lipolic Acid), in addition to vitamin E (Vitamin E), vitamin C (Vitamin C).

o salts and metals and other materials: magnesium, and selenium, and chromium, zinc, and the hormone DHEA, and bioflavonoid (Bioflavonoid), and fiber intake continuously.

Must be wary of some herbs that may lead to high blood pressure Kshabh ginseng (Ginseng), and Aljohmba ((Yohabi, and Alchorana (Gurana), which contains a high concentration of caffeine. And herb Almahonk (Mu Huang) containing a substance ephedrine (Ephedra), which have a significant impact in raising blood pressure and increased effort on the heart.

Should also reduce the stimulant substances such as coffee and tea to the lowest level possible.

We must focus well on periodic inspection to ensure the regular work of the heart and circulatory system, and attention to all the benefit of this vital organ for maintaining health. Also must stay away from anything that would hurt the muscle of the life of the pollutants and other materials.


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