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Food stand the sound and balanced

London / are pregnant are more females at risk of anemia, especially in the middle months of pregnancy, and this fact confirmed by medical research and scientific studies, and advises pregnant eating enough iron-rich foods such as meat, liver, eggs and leafy green vegetables to guard against anemia .

Advises pregnant also need periodic follow-up to the level of hemoglobin blood at each visit to the doctor with the need to address iron tablets when the hemoglobin level at the beginning of her pregnancy about 12 g per ml is indicated here that the milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables are natural sources of vitamins needed by the different carrier.

In the case dealt with in sufficient quantity pregnant you will not need to take vitamin tablets except vitamin B-12 for the prevention of anemia, folic acid, which protects the fetus from some of the distortions that may occur in the digestive system. For salt, there is no need to reduce the use except in cases of pregnant Balawdama or blood pressure should be alert to the need for moderation here in pregnant women, tea and coffee, taking care to drink enough water every day.

Finally, there is no special diet for a pregnant woman, but must follow a balanced diet provides them with their needs for calories, protein and calcium with the constant care that the amount of calories taken commensurate with the energy expended from a pregnant woman


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