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Eggplant .. Black fruits are rich in antioxidants

Washington / scientists discovered recently that the fruits of black nightshade contain high levels of antioxidant compounds that protect cells from oxidative damage resulting from handling food.
The experts at the Center for American agricultural services, the eggplant is rich in acid, "Kloroujenic" which is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the plant tissue, where it was found that this acid is the predominant phenolic compound in these fruits in particular.
He explained that these phenolic acids are a class of compounds a simple "Vinlbroobbanued" anti-oxidant, where the plant produces a wide variety of these compounds to protect themselves from stress and morbidity.
The researchers found after studying seven different types of eggplants grown in the United States, along with other types of eggplant, wild and strange, which is growing in other countries, that these fruits contain in addition to acid Kloroujenic 0.13 amino Finolaa another at different levels in the plants of America, acids, other unique in wild species does not isolate the cat from any other plant.
The researchers said the process of extracting these compounds from the plant was very difficult, because the tissues of the fruit are oxidized quickly when cut and exposed to air, has been the use of three analytical techniques to separate and determine the quantity and the definition of phenolic substances in the fruits of eggplant.
Experts believe that this research, published in the magazine "agricultural research" niche, may help in the development of new production lines to plants rich in medical and health characteristics are required benefit the health of consumers.


Pink cause liver toxicity and tissue damage

Washington / experts warned herbs and medicine from the drug that excessive consumption of herb powder, cloves and for long periods, it may be toxic to the liver and cause damage to vital tissues.
And pointed out that those oils "Aeugenol" that exist by 70-85 per cent of the content of the pill is one of cloves, is responsible for these effects are harmful.
The analysis showed that the pink, which is called in some Arab countries, screw or Ayda and add usually Arabic coffee as an alternative to Hill or to impart a distinctive flavor to the taste, causing irritation of the tissue damage when consumed in large quantities and for long periods, and compounded this when dealing with the problems exist in liver function .
The experts cautioned that eating a clove in the spice or coffee, or low concentrations and at different times, does not lead to such negative changes, noting that his tooth irritable because of its effectiveness in relieving pain, could damage the gum tissue if left out for a time long.
Magnesium protects babies from cerebral palsy

Washington: Research has shown results were released recently, that children who are born prematurely weighing the valley is weak, more susceptible to cerebral palsy, compared to children who are born with normal weight, and medications used to delay labor and childbirth may also help protect babies from this disability.
The researchers found that giving pregnant mothers while in the hospital compound magnesium sulfate is usually used to delay labor, may help protect brains of premature babies who are born before the completion of the duration of pregnancy from cerebral palsy.
The doctors said that this method is easy, inexpensive and effective in the prevention, and drug magnesium available in all birthing centers around the world, noting that premature infants with low weight birth to less than 2.2 lbs (1 kg), more vulnerable to cerebral palsy by about about 70 times at least compared with children with normal weights.
Although the magnesium treatment cause some side effects Kalnobac hot and nausea, but it is generally safe for mothers and young children.

Grains of wheat are useful for patients with diabetes

Ottawa: The researchers at the University of Manitoba, that buckwheat may be helpful in controlling diabetes, which helped seed extract in reducing blood sugar levels by about 19 per cent of infected mice.
The researchers said in the magazine "Food Chemistry and Agriculture," that people with diabetes Add this grain to their diet or eating Mkmladtha food refinery, noting that the discovery of food, safe and easy to prepare and inexpensive to reduce blood sugar, complications of diabetes that cause heart problems, nerves and kidneys, is an achievement real great, especially with the increasing incidence of the disease to epidemic levels.
The researchers are currently a number of studies to determine the amount of buckwheat, whether in the form of a summary or inaccurate, need to be addressed to achieve beneficial effects in reducing blood sugar.
The researchers focused their studies on mice infected with type I diabetes, which is caused by a lack of the hormone insulin needed to break down the sugar and processed in the body, so that these animals were given a single dose of either buckwheat extract or a preparation of normal.
They believe that the main active component in wheat called "Haerawanosaitol", which is found abundantly in wheat, is rare in other foods, and plays an essential role in metabolism and the metabolism of sugar in the body and the issuance of the necessary signals to the cells.
Although the mechanism of action of this element is not clear precisely, the researchers believe it increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, or it looks like him in his work, and therefore achieve beneficial effects in reducing sugar in patients with diabetes, both with type I or II that appears because of the lack of response body well to insulin.

Electronic device implants in the abdomen in order to lose weight

Washington: Scientists at Tufts - New England Medical Center in Boston, to develop a small electronic device like a cardiac organizations, can be planted in the abdomen in order to lose weight.
The researchers explained that this device tricks the body and it is believed to be replete and full, which represents an effective alternative to radical digestive surgery designed to help obese people to lose large amounts of weight.
They said that this device has been tested its effectiveness and safety of use on 450 people, may provide a new way to help obese people and objects Bruisers Rchaguethm to restore the lost, especially with the failure of other methods of slimming Kalhmyat food or drugs inhibiting the appetite.
The doctors that the surgical techniques that reduce the stomach and re-open the digestive tract are the only reliable and effective in reducing the weight of obese, but it carries many risks, including the chance of death by one per cent, arguing that 100 thousand people who underwent such surgery this year, and another 10 per cent had serious complications as bleeding and infections, pneumonia and blood clots.
Scientists explained that the new device, called the "tonic stomach implant", similar to a pacemaker, but instead to stimulate the heart, is associated with the wall of the stomach and helps reduce feelings of hunger.
The experts planted this device at 30 obese men and women, who have reached their weight to 242 pounds (110 kilograms), and the average worker body mass they have, which measures the weight to length, 42 while the normal limit of this ratio, 25, and is the people who reach with this percentage to 30 and above obese.
The researchers observed after one year to plant the device, that two-thirds of volunteers decreased weight, and reached this decrease in weight to about 18 per cent.
They say that a device uses a generator pulses of small electronic is placed under the skin in the abdomen and connects the stomach by two wires, and take the agriculture of this less than an hour and take place in outpatient clinics using procedures endoscopic abdominal, and then begins the doctors operated so that the patients with symptoms of troublesome nausea or abdominal cramps , as evidence of satiety, and then extinguished until this feeling disappears.
According to those that the device is related to nerves Home of the stomach, but they have not discovered yet why the inhibition of appetite, and think that it may affect the nerves or changes in hormones, digestive or activates the muscles of the stomach directly, noting the absence of any reports of deaths or serious complications resulting from this device implanted.
The experts cautioned that this device launch in European markets, but has not received approval of the Food and Drug Administration after, and will be tested in another study on 120 patients will continue for two years.


Important Tips to lose weight

Precipitant suffer low back pain is often the main reason for the emergence of such pain is the extra weight, especially in the abdominal area. To prevent this pain specialists recommend physical therapy and weight loss by following an appropriate diet, abstaining from eating meals is beneficial to the body so as to reach the appropriate weight to ease the burden on the back, the following are some important tips to lose weight:
Eating a grapefruit before a meal reduces the feeling of hunger and reduce your appetite to eat.
2 Drink 2 to 3 cups of water before meals because water has no calories and it fills the vacuum of the stomach and thus gives a sense of satiety.
3 Start eating your food authorities the green and added to vinegar, it reduces your intake of other foods with high calories and give you a sense of fullness for a long time.
4 Make sure you eat foods rich in fiber and it takes a long time in the process of chewing, which reduces the sense of hunger and lead to satiety with the least amount of food.
5 Eat your meal slowly, where you fill your stomach much of the foods.
6 should be the division of food into small pieces and each piece is addressed to the unit it was found that the person is up to the stage of satiety after a certain number of pieces, not after a certain amount of food.
7 Stay away completely from salt Beside its complications, it works to retain water which increases the body's weight.
8 daily walk for an hour helps to reduce body fat.
9 strengthen the abdominal muscles exercise reduces the burden on the lower back.



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