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Gastro-esophageal reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

Gastro-esophageal reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

Digestive complaints the second most common respiratory complaints after complaints that urges parents to visit the pediatrician; to check on their children, of course not to develop social relations with the doctor! As is the case with other organs of the body; the digestive system continues its development after birth and maturity in anatomy and function. And gastro-esophageal reflux is one of the most common gastrointestinal conditions that can be attributed to the evolutionary trend when a newborn child.
And regurgitation is expulsive spontaneous small amounts of the contents of the stomach to the esophagus and then through the mouth, and this is what distinguishes him from vomiting, which is throwing my best to large quantities, and while the child remains a natural and calm and happy and probably hungry, ask for more food in the case of regurgitation, we see sad tears are usually tired, ascetic in his food after vomiting. And the vast majority of children experienced the case of regurgitation who are sick are usually between the ages of 6-18 months, and could also leave them aged less than that or to continue further, however, outline does not affect the effectiveness, and not on good nutrition or rate of weight gain, and do not cover the incident behind him satisfactory. In the event of increased amounts of regurgitation lot, and associated with symptoms or signs of illness, and with reduced appetite of the child, or with loss of weight, or ill-gained it, it is possible to have a disease or a sign of Aalmred, where a child is poor then, including so-called gastro-esophageal reflux disease GERD.
And God did not create the Almighty something for a reason and as much, but understandable that the subjects sometimes fail to understand this wisdom, and came can never like to pass the college. And to wonder now see what interest the wisdom of a complaint or a small child of regurgitation in the context of the development tract? And before that I try to answer this question re-cite that no one is able to reach and understand all this wisdom, and most of what there is that we can try to understand or discern some of its aspects. Weakness is a characteristic of the early stages of human life after birth, and is it important to be born Alanmsan weak in many aspects; them that is not stressed by the body of the pregnant mother stages formative severe that can be demanding to create a child a solid structure of the entire development and training; becomes reproduction in humans, which Enbbga be a reason for its continuation also cause for weakness and the courtyard of the magnitude of the fatigue and diseases of the structure and the body of the mother, knowing that the deaths of parental relating to pregnancy and childbirth and the postpartum period (within 6 - months to a year of birth ) are still of the first causes of maternal mortality in developing countries and especially India, Pakistan and African countries south of Sahara. And you can imagine how life can be and resources if the created human beings mainly to adapt to such circumstances, Fbaattabar we are residing on this earth, and this relatively large (more than 6 billion people), and in that time, and under these circumstances and conditions, and the exploitation of these resources are available; can only be so, and can not be the only Mwalidna these volumes and in this configuration.
Perhaps the Creator (God) wanted to be born human is weak, the intense return and strengthen its structure after birth, Vimrs life and get used to their circumstances, and who spent the first nine months of his life spoiled in the womb of his mother, is not inexpensive suction and does not chew and do not swallowing and not even self-sacrifice, it was his nourishment comes to him Mhioma Maxja Savior of all that could be harmed by the blood directly, and what swallowing being done by the child during his lifetime uterine only trained to swallow the milk Serdah from his mother after his birth directly, and therefore must to learn that child that life is not such an auctioneer and is not this bliss who thinks, and must, if it was written for him to continue them, it is necessary to test his body and structure to see the suit with her, we think that many children with illnesses severe and congenital malformations and developmental defects are not able to follow up on their lives, quietly Vinsahbun since the beginning, or even before its beginning, dedicated themselves to the trouble of sizes difficult their circumstances, and their parents and loyal fans of the permanent sadness and pain that survived, or died after that.
On the other hand must be for a child to get their food to grow and evolve, and you must give him this food with great attention and care and love, and should not control people nutritionally the baby aged less than 3 or 4 months, in the sense that it has in this period, all requests and wishes, and should not attempt to legalize or regulate the family meals in this period, not only that, but must be offered food to the infant in this period, the cries, although the cause of the crying had nothing to do with hunger child's or Sheba. The food if very important to the child in this period, and this means that there must be a mechanism of self-regulatory to protect the child from more than food on alone, what the child's only food, and to leave the interest in the disposal of surplus nutrition upon this reflex, ie, regurgitation, who save him from the small amounts in excess of its need of nourishment, if left to sleep after eating; no fear of the return of the surplus to the lungs or nose Vijtnq. And here comes the role of procedures nutritional health that should be on every mother that you learn and you speak, and which of them carrying the child vertically and patting on the back gently after each meal in order to get rid of excess air, which he swallows during breast feeding, and at the same time it can be get rid of excess food, which can be flooded for the small size of the stomach and come out Bakuls after the departure of the air.
Regurgitation and enjoy the physical and chemical properties indicate the nature, and therefore the differences of these properties in terms of quantity, color, taste or smell can be useful sometimes to the doctor in the diagnosis of certain diseases.
For these reasons and others, what we know and what we do not know, I say that reflux gastroesophageal reflux, and I do not mean the disease, is the natural state completely passed by the majority of the population of the planet, and also contributed to strengthening the bonds of Aamahbh and social ties among people, when I see the son of my sister New "Amr" in the future when he grows up, God willing, I would say to him: God watered for days where your campaign and you are small, and I often "Tqls" on the shoulder of your maternal uncle of the delicacies which I devoured.


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