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Treatment of diabetic foot infections high-pressure oxygen

Began to use high-pressure oxygen therapy since 1943, and then re-used in 1960 by a group of researchers from the Netherlands. And uses this method of treatment when there is ischemic tissue of oxygen and is many cases up to more than a dozen medical condition. This and some of them:
Diabetic foot injuries and burns and carbon monoxide poisoning and diseases of the vestibule and sudden hearing loss.
Indication of high-pressure oxygen in diabetic foot infections:
1 - bacterial infections of foot or gas gangrene clostridia perfringens (Claustradia)
2 - foot wounds and ulcers with chronic ischemia, a good
3 - foot wounds and ulcers due to lack of blood supply
Mechanism of Action:
The growth of blood vessels in the courtyard of the wounds, the rate and contained oxygen blood arterial and proven to also increase the oxygen is a factor to kill certain types of bacteria (Claustradia), improves the production of glue necessary to close the ulcer when the increasing rate of oxygen in the blood and increases cell proliferation manufacturer of fiber
The use of anti-high-pressure oxygen therapy:
1 - weight gain: If the patient's weight over 95 kg it fits in a treatment room (and there are rooms to accommodate six people together)
2 - inflammation of the optic nerve
3 - neurological diseases, especially epilepsy
4 - Endocrinology: Hyperthyroidism and diabetes non-disciplined
5 - heart disease: does not use this treatment if the ratio of the left ventricle to pump less than 35% or if the arterial pulse rate less than 50 / d or more than 120 / d
6 - high body temperature more from 37.4 ° C
7 - consult the promissory notes must be made before the treatment as the patient may need to puncture the eardrum
8 - There is a possibility of injury Palansmam oxygen
9 - aging relative contra-indicated (more than 65 years)

Important Note:
This treatment is the treatment of secondary infections in diabetic foot. And must be the doctor and patient to Atava First of all the general principles for the treatment of diabetic foot infections and are as stated in the international consensus on the diabetic foot:
1. Lift the weight from the affected foot (or shoe mold or plaster cast or splint RWC or moving a wheelchair or half-shoes)
2. Maintaining good perfusion or re-perfusion, if necessary (it should be Hairy arterial pressure ankle / sails between 0.9-1.1 cc Hg)
3. Treatment of infection (antibacterials positive and Gram-negative anaerobes, and sometimes against)
4. Metabolic control and treatment of diseases associated with (fine-tuning blood sugar and blood pressure and improve heart failure or kidney and prevent anemia)
5. Topical Wound Care (follow the general principles of surgery Tnder and remove tissue toxic and selection of appropriate dressings)
6. Recommendations given to the patient and to his family (it is recommended the patient and his family control of redness or swelling, or smell from the wound)
7. Cause of the infection and prevent relapse (ulcer disease, because the intern must determine the cause and prevention)
8. Bath tubs with water or prevent Palmakmat has no therapeutic benefit and may be harmful


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