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Importance of food in the treatment of constipation

The process of defecation is the process of daily routine, but if the bowel movements once a day is a good average for the proper functioning of the intestinal passage, this is not an absolute rule. Everyone has the nature of the body of its own some people defecate once every two or three days they are not infected with constipation, and for those not particularly concerned if a normal stool consistency and come out as easily as it is useful to use laxatives or other drugs in order to obtain a daily highlight.

And also is useful to stay hours in the toilet for bowel movements is pointless cause it to sit long in the bathroom, hemorrhoids caused by pooling of blood in the capillaries pelvic vessels.

What is dietary fiber:

Enters the food to Geoffna is up to the process of digestion Dietary fiber is waste plant foods that are not digested and find the fiber in vegetables, fruits and grains, the fiber is very important for the proper performance of the traffic tract and in contact with water swell the fibers like a sponge, and contribute to formation of stools easy exit through the impact on the volume of stool hardness and, moreover, the fiber to facilitate the acceleration of the process of digestion. The higher the proportion of dietary fiber in the diet of a person the greater the weight of the stool has a great and whenever the acceleration of crossing the intestinal tract, the low ratio leads to the opposite result and then make the stool hard as the size decreases, and finally the presence of fiber gives a sense of satiety rapid that depend upon to follow diet or a diet to lose weight.

Are there limits to the use of fiber:

Can not dispense with fiber and water to the proper functioning of traffic tract, when we grabbed it means we do not eat, have enough fiber, but eating large amounts may lead to side effects on the digestive system, for example, diarrhea and swelling, and gas and to avoid Therefore, we must increase fiber intake gradually to get good results.

How to work to enrich our food fiber:

There are three rules to follow when we seek to enrich our diet fiber:

1 - replace refined flour with flour full you must think about this when we purchase bread and rice and pasta.

2 - eat bread mixed with bran.

3 - Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Some of the important benefits of fiber:

1 - fiber can absorb cholesterol and fat and toxins and remove them from the body.

2 - The fiber has a key role in the prevention of colon cancer.

3 - in general, found that diets with a high content of soluble fiber such as pectin in water affect the reduction of sugar glucose in the blood.

3 - Eating a moderate amount of dietary fiber not more than 25 g per day does not affect the absorption of iron, zinc or calcium, while eating more than 30-35 g per day and for long periods of time may cause obstruction absorption of these minerals iron and calcium in particular, so it is prudent for the children proposed to add calcium, zinc and iron food that is high in fiber.

How important grain in the treatment of constipation:

The consumption of different grains the mainstay in the treatment of constipation when we talk about wheat, corn, oats, and bulgur wheat, we are talking about foods rich in dietary fiber and the fact that the grains contribute to restoring balance to the diet for a patient with constipation and play the changes that occur for grain role in changing the proportion of fiber as it is equal to the proportion of dietary fiber, 50% of the weight of bran, the white flour, this ratio did not exceed 3%, and contains the bran, and that constitutes the outer shell of a grain of wheat Alamesleloz and is a dietary fiber with Tair important to the smooth running of traffic intestinal. and so consumption of 20 grams of bran enough to double the size of the stool to double the reap of the calories do not exceed 210 calories in 100 grams. There are two types of bran type of rough and another smooth, but the first type the most effective in the bowel and the consumption of 15 grams each day is the amount a typical, and but may change depending on people, and increased gradually in the diet of bran taste is grainy at times is therefore advisable to add them to drink milky and may cause the bran in some people some discomfort such as bloating and nausea, so we recommend taking it gradually and a lot of drinking water and must keep it that were not the result positive immediately.

What is the importance of exercise in the treatment of constipation:

Exercise is a key ally for good health system and is a key factor in the treatment of constipation such as water and dietary fiber, excellent Sports Walking spend an hour of walking per day is sufficient to put the body in good condition.

Some of the instructions in the healing of people with constipation:

Direct cold water shower into the abdomen and it is better be done when the stomach is empty.

Eating a tablespoon of olive oil when you wake up

Drinking a glass of hot water in the evening or some other drink a large cup of ice water.

Drinking a large cup of orange juice in the morning.

Walk for ten minutes when you wake up bare feet on the surface of a cold.

Drink a glass of prune juice every hour of the morning.

Drink two glasses of fresh cabbage juice when you wake up.

What are the limits of the use of laxatives and its complications are the reactions:

The excessive use of laxatives leads to results that are benign, the dose of a simple of them per day can lead to the getting used to it and to minimize the effect and to increase the dose to get the result similar increase to that, these laxatives sometimes lead to diarrhea and the pain in the abdomen, The excessive use leads to the loss of a significant amount of basic metal salts and water. It is also not used in the cases of pregnancy and lactation, and not be given to children.

(The published articles reflect the opinion of the author, and it may not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the Editorial Board)


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