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Liver and skin

Patients often Arajana skin diseases skin eruptions due to injury attribution in the liver to the extent that some of them linking the liver of most skin diseases, so we saw it very helpful to talk about the relationship between the skin and liver

Where these symptoms can be accompanied by liver injury, including:

First: itching:

More skin symptoms associated with liver disease may indicate the progression of the disease and the occurrence of hepatic dysfunction and affect the trunk and limbs do not infect the genital areas.

Believed that the cause of the high bile salts in the skin, especially in obstructive biliary metabolites hepatic but there are others involved in the itching has nothing to do with histamine release.

Treatment is not the role of antihistamines.

Alchollstramen be given 12-18 g per day: a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Second, urticaria:

Seen in inflammation of the liver and is associated with serum sickness-like symptoms and accusing the immune complexes.

Third: telangiectasia:

Vascular spider: and caused excessive estrogen.

Palmar erythema: telangiectasia diffuse purpuric lesions caused by the loss of clotting factors due to deficiency in vitamins DKC

Fourth: hyperpigmentation:

Diffuse brown hyperpigmentation, which intensified in areas exposed to Zia might have hyperpigmentation around the eyes and mouth are similar to freckles.

In alcoholic cirrhosis may find disorders like pellagra.

Fifth, alterations, hair and nails:

Hairs soft and partially removed in the case of a deficiency of zinc Vtkon severely deficient.

Nail alterations were seen Kalozafar Alabaqratih, white and flat and the white lines and the condition

Condition in the lack of white albumin.

Bo lines of zinc deficiency.

Helayel cyan, Wilson's disease.

White nail chronic conditions.

VI: Oncology zero:

Biliary cirrhosis.

Seventh: Late skin porphyria:

Bubbles and scars and hyperpigmentation of the skin exposed to light and excessive facial hairs.

Eighth: liver syndrome Skin

In chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis and biliary initial description of the presence of red papules, slightly atrophic scars left on the limbs and trunk resembling pityriasis Alhzaznah chronic disease or papular Amfumana anatomically satisfactory vasculitis lattice skin.

IX: alcoholic cirrhosis and zinc deficiency:

Beer and spirits do not contain zinc, but contains good amounts of vitamin B therefore occur without symptoms of zinc deficiency symptoms of vitamin B deficiency.

Symptoms: retina eczematous eruptions on the trunk and cracked areas Diastolic alterations of the Parties with crusted erosion on the anal and genital areas and we find inflammation of the lip and the loss of lines of poetry and Nail.

Quick response to zinc sulfate and this confirms the diagnosis.

Tenth: Hepatitis C and dermatoses:

And is associated with many dermatoses:

1. Vasculitis private Balglupulinat village.

2. Late skin porphyria.

3. Thrombocytopenia purpura autoimmune deficiency.

4. Urticaria and erythema multiforme and erythema nodosum and itching.

5. Lichen planus.
(The published articles reflect the opinion of the author, and it may not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the Editorial Board)


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