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Modern method in the treatment of varicocele

Often we receive questions about how varicocele pretend, then how and when to be managed, what is their impact on reproduction. . . Therefore, we chose to have the article in this issue on this common theme

The varicocele is expanded in the testicular veins that are supposed to withdraw the bad blood from the testis towards the top, where later transferred to the lungs and the heart purified, as is the case in the veins of any other member of the body. The problem does not end with the expansion to happen just as in varicose veins, but blood flow in the opposite direction. . Any fee that the blood dripped from the bottom toward the overall total, it comes from the bottom toward the direction of the testis, causing significant blood stagnation in the testis in turn lead to a negative effect in the testis, where one of the most important failure mechanisms of the external housing, namely testicular thermoregulation

As is known, the testicular live in a bag specially designed for it, so as to be heat regulation in the testis accurately, Val_khasah can not operate in the temperature of the abdomen high (37) degrees Celsius, but operates at a constant temperature is (35) degrees C, therefore, we find that sometimes the scrotum sticks to the bottom of the abdomen until the heating temperature of the abdomen, and sometimes we find other Atahedl away from the abdomen to reduce the temperature

So leave the abdomen when a human embryo in the womb of his mother, and only a small proportion (3%) of children are born and after the testes are still in the abdomen where it is treated to remove the testes from the abdomen and installed in the scrotum

But when people get varicose spermatic cord Vtaatatl this important mechanism of the existence of a large amount of blood gathering over the affected testicle Baldoual

It was noted that more than 90% of cases are in the left end, while only about 7% of the cases, the parties, in rare cases be the only party left. . The reason for this difference in the form of the mouth of the vein and the left for right

When should a patient's varicose veins treatment

When a chronic pain in the scrotum after the injured to stand or long term hard work is not considered Nubian frequent pain (which lasts for minutes only) caused by varicose veins, and does not need surgery.
In case of hurt because of testicular varicose veins and this is reflected not testicular growth in the injured party as in the party's right and this is very important in children because treatment should be rapid in this case, hurt by the testicle.
If you do not have children after marriage, provided that the varicocele is the cause of the problem. Can be seen by Doppler angiography, and microscopic examination of semen

How are varicose veins treatment

Treatment is always surgery, but there are several methods of treatment, among them

Connecting veins in the abdomen surgical work in a high level paraomphalic
Connecting veins in the lower level in the groin (inguinal area), the latest of its predecessor
Connecting veins at the top of the scrotum
Connecting veins through laparoscopic surgery
Hardened material injected into the veins retrograde
Injection materials hardened road descending the latest and most important roads at all and it will be the following explanation

Advantages of the modern way in the treatment of varicose veins:

1. This process is the latest way to deal with varicocele. The first method is used in Germany and Europe.

2. The patient does not need to enter the hospital for the surgery, but being in the clinic of radiology

3. The surgery is performed local anesthesia, the patient returns home after half an hour.

4. The process about 20-30 minutes.

5. Does not require the surgeon to divide the skin and sew it, but surgery is performed over a small hole in the testes of the affected limb, and then injected through the catheter materials lead to the closure of small veins responsible for varicose veins.

6. The patient does not need to break from his work if this is not the work stressful. But

7. Prevents the patient from driving a car on the day of surgery only. And from intercourse, and carry large weights more than 5 kg, and the leadership of the bike for a week after the surgery.

8. Success rate of 97% postoperatively. Compared with the surgery which is not the old Ttgaozhu success rate of 85%.

9. This process can be performed in children at diagnosis of varicocele have, and is known to all how it is the task of dealing with varicose veins in children hurt by the testes and the occurrence of infertility in adulthood.

10. Finally, this method is characterized by secrecy. Patient who likes to conceal the surgical procedure can do this work completely, as they do not have to enter the hospital, and do not have to tell more than one person, accompanied during the process, as this process does not leave any scar in its place for the future

Complications, and complications that may occur after this procedure

1. Infection (pneumonia) in place of the wound and treated with the right medications.

2. A blue spot in the place of the process. Bleeding from the wound.

3. A stiffness in the tissues in the workplace surgical decline gradually during the three months of operation.

4. Mild edema in the workplace surgical continue for several days.

5. The proportion of relapse or persistence of venous islands only 3-7% compared with surgical methods, where the rate of relapse to 15%.

6 - Sense of the canopy material or hardened material.

Finally, we say: we can now make this new process in Syria with great success. . We hosted in Damascus, Hama German professor, Dr. Tauber Prof. Tauber founder of this method has expressed his admiration for the results we have achieved.


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