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What this means atypical pneumonia (SARS)?

What this means atypical pneumonia (SARS)?

SARS is the term adopted to describe a serious respiratory disease, which may monitor the newly "in parts of South Asia, Middle East and the newly
. Disease was first reported among people in Guangdong province (China), Hanoi (Vietnam) and Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China). And which has spread to other countries. Has reported in the United States as of April 7, more than 100 cases of SARS. Next topic provides information about the disease and the fact that what works to combat the spread
Q: What are the symptoms of SARS?
The main symptoms of SARS are similar to flu: high fever (> 38 Celsius), after two days to the week develops dry cough and sore throat and Aelamha, lack of breath or difficulty breathing. In some cases, these symptoms evolve into hypoxia, pneumonia, and may Attoredik breathing requires breathing mechanical and ends with death. Laboratory results may include thrombocytopenia and hypocytosis eggs. Changes also occur in the chest X-rays indicative of pneumonia. SARS may be associated with other symptoms, including headache, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite, malaise, confusion, rash and diarrhea.

Scientists (CDC) and other laboratories have found previous injury Pkoronavers unknown coronavirus in patients with SARS. Benmalaizal Alchorohnavers new basic premise of the cause of SARS, the other viruses are still under study as possible causes

Where and when told about the first injury to SARS?
February 26, enter the man to the hospital in Hanoi, high fever, dry cough, (muscle pain), and sore throat. Evolution during the four days following increasing difficulty in breathing, severe shortage of platelets in the blood and signs of respiratory distress that required ventilation device support

: = What extent transmission of SARS, how contagious?
Depending "on the evidence currently available, seek immediate with a sick person (Mkhmuj) constitutes the main danger to the worker pathogen to spread from person to person. So far, the majority of cases have occurred in hospital workers who have looked after patients with SARS and family members who are close to these patients. However, the amount of the pathogen causing the infection has not yet been decided
That the period between the onset of symptoms or during expiration, which can transmit the SARS patient's illness to others is still unknown
, SARS is spread most often when someone tossing a patient drops the disease in the air during coughing and someone else Istnhqhm (inhalation). It is also possible for SARS to spread more generally through the air or from touching contaminated objects

What treatment is SARS?
Antibiotics, particularly ribavirin and anti-HIV drugs and steroid treatment steroid treatment used to treat the disease, but without knowing why there is no specific treatment.

What extent the speed of Ancharsars?
SARS seems less infectious than influenza. The incubation period is believed to be short, about 3-6 days. However, the speed of international travel pose a risk of the disease quickly spread around the world.

What is the difference between pneumonia typical / classic and atypical pneumonia?
Pneumonia typical / classic cause mainly by bacteria such as streptococcus
Mysterious pneumonia virus causes mainly Adinovers such as influenza and influenza and adenovirus, bacteria such as chlamydia and Mikoppelasma chlamydia and mycoplasma, and other unknown factors.

What is the difference between influenza and pneumonia mysterious?
Symptoms of flu such as fever, cough and headache usually hide in a few days without any serious complications or signs of pneumonia.

What tests are performed to detect??

The ELISA detects antibodies after twenty days from the onslaught of symptoms and therefore does not depend upon the early detection and prevention of disease transmission and infection

immunofluorescence assay (IFA), checking the objects of the antibody on the tenth day of infection, but because he needs to slow the growth of the virus in cell culture

PCR molecular test to investigate the genetics of the virus SARS virus genetic material is important for the early stages but gives many false negative results and thus give false security to people with already "

: What can I do to protect myself?
Detected only a few cases outside of Southeast Asia, and these cases of people who traveled from there.

The best advice is

To travel to infected areas until further notice
To know and recognize the symptoms of this disease, especially if you traveled recently to Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and other parts of Southeast Asia should see a doctor within ten days from returning
. For individuals who believe the possibility of positive for SARS:
People who suffer from (more fever of> 38 mm associated coughs and / Oassaobh breathing) should consult a doctor quickly. To help the doctor to diagnosis should be, tell them about any recent travel to places or in contact with the infected person has these symptoms

Maaltusiat applicable
1 - should identify patients with SARS and their activities outside the home should not go to work, school, child care, or other public areas until ten days after onset of fever and respiratory symptoms. During this time, and must comply with the instructions of health to reduce the possibility of infection of others
2 - Each patient SARS should cover his mouth and nose with a tissue Andasaal (cough), or sneezing
If possible, should SARS patient should wear a medical mask (mask) during contact with healthy people to prevent the spread of infectious droplets. When the SARS patient is unable to wear a surgical mask, the family members should wear surgical masks when close contact with the patient
3 - All family members residing with SARS patients should follow the health recommendations for hand hygiene (frequent hand washing or disinfecting hands with alcohol Bdlkha), especially after contact with body fluids of a patient (for example, respiratory secretions, urine or faeces). .
These basic precautions should be followed for 10 days after the symptoms go breathing and fever
4 - You must use gloves for use once to any direct contact with the fluids Gesmalmarb. However, gloves do not replace hand hygiene Annaahalmanasph. Immediately after contact with body fluids, gloves should be removed and raised, and should be cleaned hands. And you should not wash gloves and never use the Getting the
5 - You should avoid sharing eating utensils, towels and bed linen and towels between SARS patients and others, although these things can be used by others after cleaning (for example, washing with soap and hot water). Surfaces contaminated with body fluids should be cleaned with a household disinfectant according to manufacturer's directions, you must Artdaoualqvazet process.
Facial tissues and surgical masks contaminated, get rid of them naturally
6 - family members in contact with SARS patients who develop fever or respiratory symptoms should consult their doctor. Tell him for close contact with SARS patient. And the same should follow the recommended precautions for patients with SARS.
Located in either the absence of fever or respiratory symptoms, do not require family members of SARS patients identify their activities outside the home
7 - So far, all patients with symptoms of SARS in the United States have been exposed to infection), either during a previous travel to the country infested or close contact with SARS patients (for example, family members or health care workers
8 -. Accidental contact with SARS patients at schools or other institutions or public gatherings caused no reported cases of illness in the United States.

However, to be followed the following

1 - students at risk who develop fever or respiratory symptoms (student exhibition accidental) during a period of 10 days of exposure should avoid contact with others and seek advice Tabahalforia, with the application of medical precautions recommended for SARS patients in the pool or domestic student. Should not be casual students go to school or work, but they have to comply until the home is a healthy Takiém "
2 - If you do not Taattoraloarad the suspect in his command during the 72 hours after the start of the first view, may allow the student to return to school or work, and can stop the quarantine measures
3 - to the student, develops a fever or respiratory symptoms, the Ahadjrasaha precautions should continue until 10 days after the fever, which improve or absence of respiratory symptoms
Patient suspected of SARS should be reported to local health officials, officials said Monday the school and other primary health care immediately
4 - If the student lives in the event accidental residential community where it can not implement appropriate precautions Ahadjrasaha (shared bedroom and crowded), it must change if the stay is not possible, the student must enter the hospital
5 - students at risk without Ttoralhmy or respiratory symptoms should not be excluded from school, but, you must be careful to start the symptoms of the disease, and must inform health officials to seek (for example, school officials and local health officials)
6 - at the school at which the student gallery accidental During the ten days of exposure should be educating the students (or guardians) about the symptoms of SARS, and control (for example, Journal of the health of the student) the disease must be conducted in the local health department

There is no evidence of transmission through swimming, however to be cautious and not to approach for people caught the suspect
There is no evidence of transmission by dealing with the money it has to be drawn, as we said Anzafah hands
Must follow a healthy lifestyle and a healthy exercise and not smoking, with an emphasis on good ventilation for homes and offices and maintain the cleanliness and ventilation (air conditioning) and the cleanliness of office furniture
Wash your clothes immediately after returning from visiting a patient

We clean hands and wear a face mask who follows

- People with symptoms of respiratory injury
- People who care for patients with symptoms of respiratory injury
- People who have been in contact with confirmed cases of the mysterious pneumonia should wear a face mask for at least 10 days from the last contact
- Health care workers

To prevent the spread of the mysterious pneumonia is very important to keep the toilet clean. And the use of disinfectants Almenzlahaly least once every day (mix 1 part of sterile with 99 parts of water), each user should be concerned about toilet hygiene good.

At home, use the toilet properly as follows:
After using the toilet, get rid of toilet paper used in the toilet bowl.
Download the cover before opening the water to prevent contaminated water from running. Then lift the cover.
Wait for the stop, and then lift the cover
Wipe the cover, under the toilet seat and cloth soaked ovarian domestic diluted (prepared by mixing 1 part of sterile with 99 parts of water), then rinsing with water and dried.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Is there a vaccine for this?
No, the vaccine is not available as the pathogen responsible is still unknown until now

When will identify the pathogen?
Was established on Tuesday, March 17 Mrkzbges international. Kman best a tenth Laboratory in ten countries to work together to identify the causative factor. Tests are continuing and the pathogen under investigation

Statistics for the latest registered in the world "see the following link

Is SARS related to bio-terrorism?
There is no indication that SARS online bioterrorism

At this time of year there is a rise in the number of cases of influenza and Southeast Alasaa distinction must be made between them and the SARS-like. As there is a pathogen specific to SARS and no specific test for the diagnosis of both types of cases, each case must be assessed according to potential clinical development of its


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