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"SARS" serious pneumonia!

"SARS" serious pneumonia!
Is called (SARS) caused the medical challenge these days, since the appearance of the first form at the South-East Asia, through the death of an Italian doctor, Carlo Discovered Ourbana (Dr. Carolo Urbani) and not the end of the panic raised by this scourge, through all this is still atypical pneumonia or the so-called atypical or severe acute respiratory syndrome so mysterious inflammation and the unknown, World Health Organization does not continue to receive reports from around the month of February last, and even now, is this really a serious infection? What is and what it might be secrets? And what are the latest news?

- What is this infection?

Disease is a viral infection (inflammation), acute respiratory, and is a form of animate (infections), atypical pneumonia, caused most likely for a new agent, has spread in Southeast Asia have been cases of it in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam , Malaysia, India and others, also recorded cases is in the Americas, there are injuries in Canada and the United States and Brazil and others, also recorded form at the Russian far north of the globe and in Australia and South Africa in the far south, in addition to a number of European countries, and generally the countries of this region is still clean of the disease so far and thank God, and for the agent, the latest research at the University of Hong Kong suggest that the causative agent is a new virus from the category of the corona virus is viruses are known in humans, and to Aichbh exactly none of the viruses Koruna animal, despite the belief of animal origin for this virus, and the belief is that it is most likely a new mutation occurred for one reason or another.

- How is the move?

Latest research indicates that moving spray flying during breathing and speech, and direct contact with secretions of the disease, and according to the information currently available, a transition needs to contact a given with the secretions and the spray, and does not seem to move air to relatively distant, and although it is not a disease of diseases transmitted road race but it certainly turns kissing, and for swimming pools, there is no evidence of transmission through, But, as a preventive measure has been the closure of those ponds in places spread of the disease, and for the money should be cautious and avoid any discharge may be the status and avoid the mouth, especially for children, as well as washing hands frequently, but not for the blood we have no evidence that the blood is the source of transmission of this disease.

- What about the clinical signs and symptoms?

The duration of incubation in the body between two and seven days before the onset of symptoms that include fever, general malaise, and chills (Navdhat) and headache and pain in the whole body, and the same cough and short breath, and difficulty, and it may evolve Vtaatdhor case General of the patient and worsen his situation.

- And it is really a killer?

We have recorded a death rate of convergence of (4%) cases, so when in doubt the disease should seek medical help right as quickly and as soon as possible, and despite the presence of mortality it is early detection and appropriate treatment there is high chance of healing, God willing, but severe cases, you see usually in patients who have health problems or origin who are slow to request treatment.

- How is the disease diagnosed?

There analysis routine, and there chest, and has been developing a quick test to detect the virus, corona, and for the centers, specialized, there are currently three diagnostic tests used, but it needs more research and scrutiny before being made available for use on a large scale.

- And what about treatment?

In addition to the procedures defined by doctors well-intravenous fluids and nutrients and oxygen, and even respirators, as well as medical care support, there is a drug "Ribavrin" and is the drug interferon, and helps a lot, as well as the steroids are useful, and there are other treatments are being developed and tested now.

- Is there a way to prevent this disease?

No, unfortunately, vaccination "vaccine" Up until now, you must maintain personal health and hygiene, and covering the nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and wash hands immediately after the liquid soap, and use towels that are used once, or use the dryer hands after washing, and behavior in good health from food is convenient and regular exercise and adequate rest and avoid smoking and alcohol, and stress ventilated place properly, whether at home or office, and open windows from time to time, and maintenance of air conditioners and cleaned on a regular basis and maintain the office and home furniture and Ttaghizachma always clean, and to those who have respiratory infections of any kind and severity of, or take care of them wear a face mask and consult a doctor immediately if there is any doubt of this disease.

And when one person in the family should avoid visiting other to him, while those who were in contact and close it, they should take into account quarantine, and stop working and stay at home, and if it was necessary to leave the house should wear a face mask and abide by rules of health, and If there is doubt, by contact with an infected person should wear a mask for at least ten days and seek medical advice as early as possible, and in the home should be clean games and furniture properly and intravenously occasion, and attention to personal hygiene and hygiene, especially washing hands, and asked medical advice when there are relevant symptoms, and should not participate in the same eating utensils and drink.

For a face mask, it helps a lot to prevent transmission of the disease, and is required to ensure the cleanliness of hands before and put them on the mask, and must be wearing a mask all the people who have symptoms of infectious (inflammatory), respiratory, and those who care for them, and who were in contact and close cases installed of the disease, and the latter to wear for at least ten days after the last contact, as well as worn by workers to health care, should generally switch the mask every day, and replaced immediately if dirty or torn, and for the type of mask is the mask common normal that we see at the doctors and nurses and other health staff.

- And about travel?

With respect to travel to countries where infections do not recommend it only to the need for "extreme", and in the case of the existence of this "necessity" required to follow the above with avoid visiting crowded or poorly ventilated.

- At the conclusion?

Reserve in some special circumstances and duty, and abide by the rules of health benefits is certain to everyone, God willing.


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