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Genetics .. hope in the sky of disability

Genetics .. hope in the sky of disability
Cells are the basic units making up the human body, and composed the whole of the cell nucleus and in the heart of the cytoplasmic material containing several components surrounding the nucleus, and everyone surrounding the cell membrane Badi installation.
The nucleus of the cell membrane in particular, as they contain materials and structures as varied as genetic material is the most important in the cell, and the total genetic material is the so-called genome or inherited (GENOME, which is distributed over (23) a pair of chromosomes CHROMOSOMES, and consists of each chromosome of two series of material DNA or DNA Mottagos oxygen, and a constituent of the essential building a series of DNA is a substance called Alnowid NUCLEOTIDE which has the types of four, and each linked Nowid with Nowid against him in the series corresponding to form a unit or a pair of rules Alnowid.
Heritage consists of the human (genome) of (3), billions of these units or base pairs of DNA, and each is important in these rules because the sequence along the chain of genetic material is the only thing that leads to a different installation.
It has been thought that these billions are encrypted or symbolize the three hundred thousand of genes GENES, but the reality turned out to be more than thirty thousand only slightly, and the gene is a region of DNA that can identify a particular protein or other compound is a specific task in our body.
Include genetic material information structure of cells and their function and reproduction, and in the form of code and hereditary, as the gene one encoded (10 _ 20) and a different function, and depending on the tissue in which they exist within the body and the circumstances that surround it, and not all genes in a cell will work but only part of it will work, depending on the estimated function of that cell.
It was a dream haunted the imagination of scientists long to get to know the fine structure and full of genetic material in humans, so was 1985 where held several conferences and in succession until the year 1987, which has resulted in the emergence of the idea Genome Project (inherited) human, and which began seriously in the United States in 1990, and then became the nations of many other similar research programs as part of this global program.
The draft genome (inherited) of the human major effort to complete the map of genetic real and to understand your genetic make each one of us being unique, and aim a complete reading of the three billion base pairs with the mapping of high-resolution, quality of genetic material of human and find locations of genes on human chromosomes and mapping of that, and is a daunting task by any standard, and in the period up to 2005, and probably will not exceed 2003.
The identified genes can be harder than finding a needle in a haystack, and the reason is the sheer volume of inherited human, which lies somewhere in the letters imbalance in charge, and in order to overcome these difficulties, the cooperation of scientists and of many branches such as biology (biology ), physics, engineering and computer scientists (computer) to develop appropriate technologies, and has the ability to Othbto it and thank God _ _.
The expected result will be amazing, and is a base of information and wide and several levels of precision and clarity and detail, and I began the treasures of the results and fruit touched us in turn, has appointed a gene involved the creation of fibrocystic disease CYSTIC FIBROSIS is the disease gene and a widespread which leads to many complications and deaths, and there is a test available to determine the campaign the gene defective in families with high risk, as discovered by scientists at the beginning of the year (1994) Morthtin are implicated in the form of genetic cancer of the colon, was completed at the beginning of the year (1996) mapping for more than (4000) gene, and was linked (1000) disease and hereditary defect a particular gene specific, and the number of genes that were identified in mid-1999 to 7700 gene, and by the end of 1999, researchers announced in the U.S. and Japan and Sweden, the complete sequence of genetic material, consisting of the chromosome (22) and is the second smallest chromosome in the human body, and contains (33.5) million pairs of rules, and related to the work related to immune and congenital heart disease and schizophrenia and mental retardation and birth defects and a few cancers, including leukemia and breast cancer and others, and what the future Snalmh more.

And this achievement have ended the first quarter of the expected genetic encyclopedia, as it is the first time in human history that can be learned for the presentation of these secrets, and it was like a fog on the sea Bannaghaa ocean full of steamboats loaded with valuable information.
And crumbled the defenses of chromosomes and secrets in this year (2000) scientists have maps primitive chromosomes (5, 16 and 19), and in May of that year completed (62) scientists in Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland and Britain map and accurate full of the chromosome (21), and the announcement was made at a later time, and may indicate that this chromosome contains more than (33) million pairs of pairs of rules material DNA, and detected a number of genes related to disorders of human quality, as well as Do not forget the relationship of this chromosome famous Down syndrome (or the child Mongolian) are known, and which is characterized by Ptthelt chromosome (21), and these discoveries will have valuable information to investigate the roots of the syndrome and access to solutions that might be amazing and crucial in the management of the case of Mongolia, and the complete maps Babbgeyen (21_ 22) may like the day (2-3%) of the total work, in addition to significant achievements in terms of Alzheimer's disease ALZHEIMER (Family spongiform encephalopathy in adults), where scientists announced (06/07/2000) they have appointed an enzyme believed to play a role the development of this disease, and that would be the enzyme a good target for treatments, quality, and there are other achievements are no less important for some forms of cancers, and the achievements of noteworthy mention that he had been identified gene appears to play a role in preventing cancer breast from spreading to other parts of the body, in addition to the hopes new therapeutic for the treatment of immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
The said project, and promises even before the end of that turn our concepts of Biology (Biological) and medical, where the genes affect not only in how we will show, and what it means diseases and disabilities so that you might get us in the future, God forbid, _ _.
I started waving horizon features of medicine molecular does not address the symptoms as far as targeting the roots of disease causation, and that tests of diagnostic quality permit us to address early to an unlimited number of cases, and will contribute to medicine the next are crucial in improving the diagnosis of genetic disease and that in terms of accuracy and confidence time, as well as in the early detection of preparedness or readiness for a disease when a person, and the ability to detect disease Murcia before the onset of symptoms or disabilities caused by the time of long, so take precautions that may prevent the onset of illness, as well as enable the provision of new drugs completely high-resolution in their objectives, and there will be a tremendous strides in the field of treatment and Morthyh by correcting or strengthening or replacement of defective genes, in addition to the techniques of modern immunotherapy, and to avoid potential environmental conditions that can trigger the disease.
It is to hide the relationship we have disabilities, and diseases specific chromosomal and genetic diseases, and all the progress made by man in the fight against these diseases will be reflected positively by emphasizing the issue of disability, both in terms of prevention or treatment.
But you should not forget that the disability causes many others, and with it has intervened genetic research in that, for example, there is research conducted on the bacteria, which will contribute greatly to the cause of disability through environmental monitoring to detect pollutants, as well as through the protection of chemical warfare and biological, as well as effective removal and Secretary for the droppings, and also interfered with genetics in the assessment of harm health and the dangers arising from exposure to radiation and if the degrees of exposure a few, as well as in cases of exposure to chemicals and toxins mutagenicity genetic and cancer, with research To reduce the likelihood of gene mutations.
There is also a difference in the preparedness for an injury in humans with exposure to some of the factors that can detect and remove persons with serious about working in a domain.
The project inherited human height other social, ethical, and legal, for example, was to provide a test to detect those who will have Huntington's disease HUNTINGTON DISEASE or dementia before the age in families with high-risk and years ago, but did not decide to make this test is only a few who concerned, and because there is no way to cure or prevent disease, and many people prefer to live without the "headache" because the positive test would mean simply that he will remain in fear that it will develop disease killer later, as well as what can happen with If you know that health insurance companies or employers to do in the world overcome the physical standards and, unfortunately, _ _?.
There is also fear of the use of genetic information by the courts, schools, armies, etc., and also there is concern about who will own that information and of Sailltha, as well as about the effects of psychological, social, and there is seriously questioned whether the tests must be conducted modern when no processors are available? And Do parents have the right to conduct diagnostic tests to their young children for diseases appear only in the advanced stage of age? , And there are limits and dangers of the attention the use of genetic technologies in matters of reproduction and pregnancy, as well as the possible benefit of these tests when embryos.
The treatment Morthyh will become a reality, and then should determine what is normal and what is the abnormality or disorder to be treated? And must determine who decides that? And you will Find some healing in cases of disability the person is suffering from more serious than the person originally? .
For all these reasons good and very important, the project and since its beginnings has earmarked approximately (5%) of the total budget for the research center in the field anticipate and solve ethical problems and legal and social potential to emerge, and this is one of the business laudable excelled by the project and work out in order to get the honey without the bites as possible _ _, Conclusion and a beautiful dream and the reality of the most beautiful contemplate what this era of genetic revolution, especially at the level of disability.


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