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Pain psychology

Entered the woman to my office to check out the «brain stem planning» and that doubt the existence of a tumor in her head at the level of the auditory nerve.
This examination reveals the existence of such a tumor, and thus puts Indications for surgical work great to remove the tumor.
In other words try to suck a nice thing of great concern, but it was only natural to cling to her face pale, and her heart throbbing, cramping Bmadtha, to doubt the existence of a tumor in the head.
After Ms. settled on an examination table, and you deliver the tapes to the vicinity of her head, began testing using God and pleading with him not to make the conclusion of the test and the cries of grief and harm in it.
As time went on the test results suggest that things are completely normal, so over time of examination and confirmed the natural result.
I rushed to rush the human did not see the joy above her face, but Anaqbada resemble that which was in the beginning of the visit.
Was surprised by this reaction and I think it Sthmed God with a broad smile, and if the tense frown.
I tried to inquire the reason for this reaction was the following answer as stated on the tongue: «I was an employee at a government department and I was relatively happy with my life.
In a decision issued today Pferza to work as supervisor on kindergarten children of mothers employed in this department, and since that day my life turned upside down.
I hate this new work, and Omgueth.
I hate feeding them and changing their clothes
Not endure life in a room where the cries of ten children at one time.
I tried to turn from my work, but to no avail I do not have mode.
A few weeks later began to suffer from depression and insomnia as a result of the work in this atmosphere that can not do it, and when I got a severe headache with tinnitus in the right ear checked the company doctor who referred me to a specialist in diseases of the ear, the latter told me that he doubted the existence of a small tumor at the level of nerve audio right and need to plan the trunk of the brain to confirm or deny it, and so referred me to you and hit you.
I do not Oktmk you do not wish my feelings be the result of your planning a tumor in my head so that they may respond to my calls Vingulwnni from the place of my current or Iqilona and relax.
I do not have mode, and I think that the tumor will be Asitta to switch modes, so if you assassinate my dreams and bring me back to square one.
If you see this lady said that the presence of the tumor and what that entails from opening for the head to eradicate a thousand times easier than the daily suffering and depression resulting from dissatisfaction with their work and thus the lack of satisfaction with life and themselves.
Miss a nice light shade was hit four years ago, cancer in the blood, and suffered what she has suffered from bearing the doses of chemotherapy and the accompanying loss Akieouat and poetry and mental anguish.
Directed and addressed to God and patient, its request did not disappoint God healed her after two years of treatment.
I got married about a year ago, and was burdened with troubled her marriage from its inception until the end in divorce after ten months.
This woman's private parts are divided faith that her suffering with her husband and his family thousands of times the most difficult blood cancer and treatment.
It is another example of the psychological pain that may be more serious than the pain of the body.
I know since she was in elementary school, a day in the third grade secondary school, it's a student, studious, used to be the first in the order described each year.
It is now Since the beginning of the school year afraid of exams, including in respect of challenges beyond the capacity of most of the students, and make them wander in their thoughts desperate since the beginning of the school year.
I took them to the degree of fear that prevent them from focusing on the study and despite two months after the beginning of chapter one, remains concerned Akplha and prevents them from proving itself viable as a student ran several experiments with the examinations and the results came out honorably.
Do not you see me that it can be fear and concern that actively prevent human use of his talents that God bestowed it on him.
A family of modest means her children traveled to Australia, hoping to find a source of income to cover his family and his family.
Sadness did not die the mother's heart since he traveled, so did concern with the heart of the Father, and the parents when heavy offline by the offer of Taamanma to spare eighth phone call with their son, and they saw happy smiles to them when they can hear their child say on the phone (Habibta Mama) and (I accept your hands Dad).
Indeed, sleep for two nights or three times without dinner is the price of a small for-love those sentences.
There is no doubt that the story would indicate that the need for emotional and spiritual gratification filled out his material needs in many cases.
Having spent thirty years of his life in teaching in middle school, and saving hard-earned sum of easy money, he wanted to go to Umrah to the Holy Mosque.
Matben his companions said to him: Otnfq save your life in pilgrimage, you can hardly fill Rmqk?
Watery eyes looked at them and said:
«I endured to stand long hours in the teaching, and saved a pound over the pound, until it reached to the amount of savings this humble, you're all my life patient myself from visiting the Sacred House and the Mosque of the Messenger of Allaah be upon him the best blessings and peace, but now has begun Okhto towards the very end of life, I fear that prevents me illness or death to visit those parts.
Here God has honored me with this amount, Vsanfgah for access to the Kaaba is honorable and to stand before God to thank him and ask him patience, fortitude and forgiveness.
Then, God willing, I will move to Habibi Mustafa (PBUH), has intensified my longing to meet him, and I will stand in front of his place reminds me of Onajia perhaps through the intercession of the Day of Judgement ».
It is another story to prove that the need for spiritual and emotional defeat the need for material in many cases.
In summary, these stories should not confine our thinking in our body needs in this material only and do not consider that the pain is the pain of the body only, the tormented soul and the pain of self is greater than the punishment of the body, was much needed spiritual and emotional to be overwhelmed by the help the physical body.
How much hope that people take care of each other spiritually, emotionally and psychologically, as in the care of clothing, food and drink.
Custodian of the body how miserable his service

I require a profit than a loss

Get up to the virtues of self-completed

You're self by the body human


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