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Premature ejaculation

Definition of premature ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation is to reach the peak of his sense of man's semen and ejaculation and erectile dysfunction before the demise of his partner climax.

This disorder is spreading widely among adult men, with an estimated rate of about 30%. In many cases, premature ejaculation transient, and is not considered a problem only if satisfactory as it continues.

Of the above definition, we conclude that the problem of premature ejaculation relative, if the partners reach orgasm quickly enough you will not feel a man ejaculate quickly, while more severe problem arises whenever there is a delay in women.

Here we must point out that about 10% of women do not reach the peak of orgasm, for various reasons, but the alert clitoris Aousel most women to do so.

Causes of premature ejaculation:

1 - excessive irritability in men, especially after a break from sex for a long time

2 - the unwillingness of men in sexual intercourse, and doing so as a matter of duty, leading to his desire to finish as soon as possible

3 - Increasing the sensitivity of the penis as a result of the presence of infections by a simple

4 - fatigue, general physical and psychological man

5 - do not know the man and his ignorance of this or the wishes of his wife, which makes it not a time trying to control access to the state final orgasm.

The effects of premature ejaculation:

The frequency of premature ejaculation continuously lead to dissatisfaction with the wife of a sexual relationship, and the man to a sense of guilt, which increases the tensions within the marital relationship, and impact on daily life and family ties.

Treatment of premature ejaculation:

Treatment depends on the effective understanding of the subject by the two parties, thus making the man a greater effort to control himself and his partner in helping to reach a state of euphoria, also helps women with men on it.

There are several methods of treatment for men can be followed individually or simultaneously to reduce premature ejaculation, and are:

1 - mechanical training: and depends on the man's masturbation, and stop immediately before ejaculation, and then reinsert it two or three. And practiced this exercise three times a week.

2 - use of topical local anesthetic agents (Lidocaine) in the form of spray or ointment, and placed on the penis immediately before sexual intercourse, whereupon sensitivity to ease and prolong sexual intercourse.

3 - Use of a drug Prozac, which is an anti-depressant has the effect of delaying ejaculation, and taken as one tablet a day morning for at least 3 months, and can increase the use of this medication indefinitely, so it does not cause any addiction or habit.

An understanding of the subject and use the previously mentioned treatments lead to real improvement and a solution to this problem when more than 95% of cases.


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