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Thus inflamed throat

Was a sore throat or synonyms of the most vocabulary traded among the people, and it can be said that no one had been exposed to it in his life time or times, may be the case individually, but usually we encountered and had pain all the family members, or perhaps beyond that to sweep the neighborhood and more, "sore throat" is a disease that deprives rights and especially children, pleasure in eating and drinking and may even deny them pleasure of sleep, too, has been ratified by suspicions that an object moves the legs and arms of coarse in the throat, back and forth painful to him with every attempt to swallow anything, even air, and the children crying while intensifying Vmlazhm speeches 0

The inflammation of the pharynx, although the simplicity and ease of treatment - and thank God - but that neglect may occur in the - God forbid - a lot of problems, so that Andalmh not disclose the secrets, what is the concern of the people?

Is an inflammation of the throat caused by a virus (meat) or because of bacterium or the context of systemic disease or other causes, is the children slide the most vulnerable to infection, and often leads to complications they have, is not common under one year of age, and his most ages (4 -7) years, and of course, continue to occur during all years of childhood and the rest of the stages of life.

* What are bacteria and viruses that caused?

There are viruses, more than (200) type, while the germs are manifold as well, and each type of which many types may reach percent, more microbes are those dubbed streptococcal beta-hemolytic, and is alone represents more than (15%) of the injuries, and could pave the viral infection the way for bacterial infections in the throat inflamed find fertile ground it, and if the wounded man in a particular pattern does not mean this to be the king's immunity against certain other types of bacteria, and therefore one type of bacteria able to cause infection as the number of patterns 0

* Why do a lot of this infection in children?

Because the child looks at life as a page blank, and therefore exposed to the bacteria and viruses spread around him, but as age increases immunity and be better able to cope with bacteria invading the child by playing with his peers, and exposure to many pollutants, and may eat food is clean, and his presence to places of congestion such as schools and gardens, and being kisses from all sides, it is exposed to germs may not be an immune response against it, that everyone has the bacteria and viruses had lived together with him, and may be some of us suffer from inflammation, Fbalqublh grow these organisms on these buds, we can kiss the child on the head or the side of his face, but not the mouth or nose, but we accept people on his arm and not his hand to his mouth that he will put 0

* What are the symptoms? What about complications?

Had the disease begins with fever or runny nose or a sense of irritation in the throat, or general weakness and discomfort, and then develop cough may occur vomiting (Alttrich) and decreases appetite, and may be difficult to swallow for the severity of pain, may complain of the child of a headache or pain in the throat or abdomen or muscle or joints, usually starting gradually, and fever in cases of up to bacterial (40) degrees and maybe more, and in one third of cases, enlarged tonsils, and may enlarge the lymph nodes, sore throat and severity vary, but parents usually they have a cold, fever lasting (1-4) days, and may remain signs of disease and exhaustion and fatigue to the child for two weeks, and is worth mentioning that germs love the pharynx when aged (5-15) years.

May accompany cases of viral infection in conjunctivitis, or rhinitis, or hoarseness of the voice, and it is common for a cold and sore mouth and sore mouth and rashes on the skin, diarrhea and discharge purulent (pus), as well as congestion of Lausanne and amplified, and enlarged cervical nodes, viral infection usually lasts less than (24) hours, and generally do not last more than (5) days, and complications are rare.

Diagnosis is generally based on clinical examination in the first place, and the help of the laboratory may be necessary sometimes, and there are quick ways to diagnose the causal useful in some cases, and if the farm were held back after treatment is usually necessary.

As for the complications occurring in the case of negligent treatment, where the high temperature may lead to convulsions Harooris (convulsions), and had ulcers in chronic pharyngitis, may cause inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis or Suppurations and abscesses around the tonsils and the pharynx or the spread of infection Down Vtlthb trachea and bronchi and lungs may raise asthma attack (the sensitivity of chest), may also cause inflammation of the problems of futures, such as rheumatic fever and the consequent inflammation of the heart and the destruction of the Dsamath and inflammation in the joints, may also lead to inflammation of the kidney, and may develop things - not allowed God - the direction of meningitis (meningitis) 0

* During certain seasons, increasing cases of pharyngitis in children, is there a scientific explanation for that?

Yes, in the holidays, for example, and after returning to the schools abound cases of inflammation of the pharynx, and this is what we see every year, and the reason that congestion leads to the spread of a virus or bacterium or more among the pilgrims as defending the few to bacteria and viruses that are not recognized previously, There is a clear example of going for Hajj, when the return of the pilgrims are welcomed by everyone, especially children and delivers them to kiss swallow or spray sneezing attain, and may be towels, tools and personal mode of transmission of the disease, there is a healthy phenomenon we observe in the Hajj is to mask a light on the mouth, nose, and this simple procedure but it is very important, Valmassab serve the other so as to prevent transmission to others, and non-infected to protect himself as much as possible, and I hope to see it everywhere there is an increase inflammation of the pharynx, as well as the use of tools that are used for one time is important, after the end of the holiday and the return of students to schools they return to the congestion, and some may have brought with bacteria from either the place of vacation or visitors who Aidoh and spread of these germs, and the same thing happens after the end of summer vacations, the inflammatory bowel also abound of these events, and we have to remember that children and adolescents Smoking is the worst case, they have 0

Q: How is the treatment?

Parents take the child to the doctor as early as possible to receive treatment that is usually in the form of antibiotic that tipped the bacteria with antipyretic and drugs incidental to the congestion, cough, runny nose, and dealing with complications and is rarely forced to treatments, such as liquids veins, my advice to parents not to use drugs without the advice medical, the use of antibiotics, if necessary, continue to be effective against the mixing of rheumatic fever as long as the start during the first nine days after the onset of symptoms, and usually shows improvement over (24) hours, after hours of receiving the vaccine in the case of streptococcal bacteria stop the risk of infection - and thankfully - and recommend antibiotics generally common, and avoid being a modern lead to the development of bacterial resistance to quick to mention the expensive price of 0

* Is it tips?

The patient should avoid other injury and Lester mouth during sneezing and coughing with a tissue and not with his hand, and not let anyone else use his belongings, the cold liquids nicely, especially the juice is better than solids, and milk (yogurt), vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits help to overcome the lack of appetite , The fat, fat, heavy on the stomach infected and may cause nausea or vomiting, the gurgling water, saline or warm lemon juice or the like are useful, and I would advise avoiding atmospheric severe, and to avoid sitting face air-conditioners, and to avoid fluid too cold, and note the important, and is that it may not force the child to eat, but to be wise all the wisdom to make it accept the right of food, despite the loss of appetite 0

The issue is simple and treatment is simple and thank God, but tolerated in the management of - God forbid - get us to the unthinkable 0


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