Prostate gland is a component of the male reproductive system (ie it does not exist in women), which like lemon or an apple in size and located in front of the rectum and under the urinary bladder, and passes the middle of the urethra urinary procedure, which carries urine from the bladder to the urethra urinary outside of the penis (ie, genital for men) and within the prostate meets the urethra and semen to be the course of one to the external urinary urethra, so any inflammation or swelling or tumor to the prostate will reflect negatively on the efficiency of sexual function for men, as well as symptoms of weakness and delayed entry into the urine.
The functions of the prostate gland
Not recognized by scientists to date on all the functions of the prostate; but what is known of them is the secretion of the prostate for the media to the children during sex and is about one quarter of the full amount of semen and this helps the liquid to feed the gametes sperm of a man and a supply of energy that helps the movement of gametes to reach the location of the egg in the woman's uterus, prostate gland and surrounding muscles to contract during ejaculation of semen through the penis, and because all of these functions related to sexual and reproductive function of men attributed this gland of the male reproductive system was attributed to the urinary system. Another advantage is the prostate secretion of anti-bacteria, which help prevent bacterial infections of the urine.
What is prostate cancer?
Cancer is the growth of a random continuous anomaly for a specific type of cells involved in the formation of a particular member of the body, and in prostate cancer, we find that the cells grow and divide and multiply in an undesirable component and a tumor in the prostate, and if you do not discover that the tumor early, the cancer cells travel to other organs Kalazam, lung and liver tumors made up the other in these organs is known as metastatic prostate cancer, a condition more serious than the presence of tumor in the prostate only.
The difference between BPH and prostate cancer
BPH is a condition that appears when all the men who exceeded the age fifty years, where swells the prostate gland updated symptoms such as poor flow and rush of urine and frequency, especially during the night, a benign condition not known to science a cause, so far, and almost be one of the syndromes of aging that are inevitable human ones, and vary the case of benign prostatic hyperplasia is completely different from prostate cancer as the cells in benign prostatic hyperplasia is not divided, it grows in size only as the disease does not spread to other organs such as in prostate cancer.
Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer
Many prostate cancer patients have no symptoms and signs do not discover they have the disease only in late cases the tumor has grown or moved to other organs in the body. There are other patients show they have symptoms and signs such as: the presence of blood in the urine or semen - the need for Paul, especially during the night - pain during urination - twice the rush and the descent of the urine - persistent pain in the lower back and upper thighs (Important Note: These symptoms do not only exist in prostate cancer , but there may be many benign reasons such as chronic inflammation of the prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia).
What is the cause of prostate cancer?
Did not discover the science so far the main cause of prostate cancer; the rights, including the jurisprudence of the God of science and knowledge could reduce the mortality of this disease, malignant, through thousands of scientific research that focuses its field in hubs: the first study of factors for the emergence of prostate cancer. The second axis, and the methods and ways in which either help in early detection of the disease or reduce the rate of appearance, and compile the results of all this research, we can sum up the ways and means of prevention of prostate cancer.
Prevention of prostate cancer
When he saw the doctors that prostate cancer begins to appear more after the age of forty with disease in this age, one out of every 2,500 people in the age of fifty affects one out of every 470 people, thus increasing the ratio the greater the human lifespan, which is why a program of detection and regular screening when these men for the purpose of early detection of prostate cancer and is the program checks anal regularly by the doctor for every man over the age of fifty years and despite the simplicity of this test is no need of the time only ten minutes and requires no hardware or the like; However, we find a lot of elderly do not adhere to this examination of the door of modesty and the doctor during the examination of anal touching the back wall of the prostate and see if the tumor or who had a rough surface is smooth. The second test are the measurement of the proportion of protein in particular are found in the blood and excreted from the prostate and is emanated from the normal level preliminary indication of the likelihood of injury prostate cancer or inflammation, or benign, and called this article to prostate specific antigen and both Alvhchin provide no definitive diagnosis in the case of prostate cancer - God forbid - but the doctor giving an strong motivation for the work of other tests in the case that these two Alvhassan is normal.
2 - One of the reasons for adultery prostate cancer
In addition to sexual diseases many caused by adultery, such as AIDS and herpes; the obscene and the sin of adultery a major source of infection prostate infections considerable some may be difficult treatment which destroys prostate tissue, turning it instead from a member of juicy and moist facilitates the process of urine and sexual contact to a rock rough deaf deprive the owner of the grace of enjoy sex and turned his life into hell with the increase in symptoms or difficulty urinating Ahtbash.
In the new research found that prostate cancer than men who engaged in adultery, found researchers at the University of Illinois-American after a follow-up to 1456 of men aged 40-64 years, the risk of men with prostate cancer increases with the presence of several partners of the opposite sex, just like women who are at increased risk of cervical cancer in the case of several partners of men. They noted that the risk of disease in men who identified forbidden relations with 30 people or more sexual partners increased between the age of forty or sixty approximately doubled, compared with men in the same age group who have had only one partner. The Illinois researchers to repeat the sexual practices are limited to one partner does not affect the development of prostate cancer in men, after the exclusion of risk factors such as age, race, age sex when the man first, and a genetic predisposition to the disease. The campus of our religion adultery; and even the campus is also what leads to the preliminaries of adultery such as being alone with a woman or looking at the taboos (the Almighty said: "And come not near adultery, it was shameful and an evil way" [Al-Isra: 32]) as the status of Islam offers an approach for the prevention of sexual immorality and is urging young people to marry early and permit polygamy for men Muqtadir financially and physically.
3 - Smoking and its relationship to prostate cancer
Demonstrated many of the scientific studies of smoking on the risk of prostate, where he is involved in inflammation and as an adjunct to cancer-stricken; for that .. The stop and quit smoking are important in maintaining a healthy prostate, and has called for Islam to save five things: a soul and mind, wealth, religion and honor. Now that I agree doctors and scientists on the damage smoking, affecting at least four points of the first called for Islam to save them, the scholars find no shame in the prohibition of smoking, based on the many verses of the Koran and the Hadith, which says to God: (and replace them with good things and prohibits them as evil), The smoke from all evils, and the Almighty said: (do not throw yourselves into destruction) and smoke signs in deadly diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis, and God said: (and do not kill yourselves) and smoke killed slowly in the same, and God said: (, but the sin is greater than will benefit them), and smoking is harmful more than good, but the whole damage.
4 - agricultural pesticides and their relationship to prostate cancer
U.S. researchers said that farmers who use pesticides in particular seems to suffer from high likelihood of prostate cancer. The researchers who published their study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the results of previous studies show that farmers are more exposed than others to the risk of this cancer. This shows that the risk of prostate cancer increases by 14% among those dealing with pesticides, compared with the rest of the population. It also threatens to pesticides Mtaatian khat plant, which is usually filled with pesticides and that makes sure farmers on the frequent introduction of pesticides and chemical fertilizers by up to grow and are harvested as soon as possible, to achieve fiscal gains large at the expense of the health of thousands of people who use this tree which is planted and abuse prohibited religious and internationally in many countries of the world.
5 - Food for the prevention of prostate cancer
Recommended Cancer Institute, the American eating food that contains vegetables and fruits as an adjunct for the prevention of prostate cancer also advised not to a lot of eating red meat and the many fat, as indicated by a number of other research that address the types of food would reduce the incidence of prostate cancer and This research follows:
A - A study on the usefulness of new medical mission to garlic and onions in reducing the risk of men with prostate cancer. The scientists found that foods rich in garlic, onions, leeks, reduce the exposure of men to get prostate cancer by about half, because they contain compounds that "today" active against free radicals, harmful, which occurs naturally in the body after handling food, and lead to premature aging and cancer growth. Scientists believe that men can eat ten grams of at least garlic, onions, leeks, and vegetables like, a day to enjoy the best protection, noting that this amount is equivalent to two lobes and a half of garlic raw, but it is unacceptable to many people, so the lobes of one of the garlic cooked a little with quotas good of other vegetables may be inadequate.
B - A study conducted by researchers that the daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Professor Colin Binns Curtin University in Perth (Western Australia) newspaper (west australian): The Chinese researchers to compare the cases of 130 Chinese patients with prostate cancer with 274 others do not suffer from this disease. They said the result showed that the risk of prostate cancer down three times in men who drank tea per day compared with men who do not drink tea.
C - study revealed that eating fatty fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel, could reduce significantly the risk of prostate cancer. The Finnish researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden: The tests were conducted for men did not eat fish during the period of 30 years showed that they are more likely to get prostate cancer twice or three times of those who eat fish.
This was the discovery of genes that cause prostate cancer
Where he was able, some researchers and scientists in the discovery of the cause of the tumors of prostate cancer, which facilitates the way for the discovery of a new treatment for prostate cancer.
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