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Secrets of the beauty industry and natural facial care

The face is the reflection of first character where open our face to the outside world allowing us to discover others. And since it is constantly to external aggressions such as sun, pollution and emotions of it we have to protect it, but you must know the quality of the skin because the methods of care vary according to quality 0.1 - What is the skin? Consists of the skin from the fat and sugars and proteins in addition to water, which constitutes 70% of it, and this explains the need for moisture. Is divided into the skin of several layers and the outer layer: the epidermis and underlying dermis, which nourish the skin and gives him flexibility and is available in the dermis, collagen fibers famous and fiber rubber which gives the skin softness and youth
Importance of skin
When buying us a cosmetics written with the word hydration means wetting the surface layers of the skin that is, it does not penetrate the dermis, the cosmetics are not curative, as do some ointments since the main task of cosmetics is to maintain skin moisture and balance, and the important thing is not to forget the neck because the neck skin is more fragile skin of the face and it requires daily care of the Cleansing Milk and Tonic, and oils.
Skin types:
1 - Normal skin: In order to know what is the normal skin near the reflective face of a child before the age of adolescence to be a net smooth thin skin.
2 - Dry Skin: The rough and is characterized by Bmsamaa very narrow and we feel after washing the face, it has shrunk and has become tighter than ever before this skin it is ready for the aging prematurely and are of the staining patches of red, you need the skin for cosmetics moisturizing .. prevent dry skin through the formation of fatty layer on the surface of the skin.
3 - oily skin: thick and shiny features Bmsamaa wide that produce a lot of fat especially on the sides of the nose and when the chin where the pimples small advantage basic it is not aging early and gaining brown quickly. Can be identified by touch drawback is essential appearance of the aesthetic and difficult to put makeup on them. often resort women with oily skin to use products to clean the face of highly effective and this is wrong because the cosmetics temporarily remove the excess fat, but soon the strong reaction of the skin and increases the fatty secretions compounding the problem. 3 - combination skin: dry, oily, and that one when dry cheeks and oily at the front and sides of the nose and chin, and this type is most common.
Before thinking moisten the skin and fed us first remove the dirt daily.
What do you wash the face? Plain soap is the result of a chemical reaction called Baltsbn is characterized by its ability to cleaning and sterilization, and in turn must be wary of its negative impact if a very strong destroys the fat layer of water and if Hamadath high impact on the acidity of the skin would prefer not to use soap for sensitive skin and dry excess and use the soap container to oils.
Natural cosmetics
Algae: lotion and masks made from algae are useful in stimulating blood circulation and is used in the case of very pale.
Avocado: face masks and nourishing for the skin resistance to aging and it is important to purify the skin of mind.
Oats: Oats flakes used in the form of a mask to address the pale, as well as make him Cosmetics for eczema treatment.
Islands: rich in vitamins and works to resist oxidation and inflammation and helps to gain a tan removes pimples from the face and Aadoba freshness. Do not peel carrots because the shell when you eat contain a lot of good elements.
Option: option cleans the skin and is used especially on the skin dry and fragile skin. Is preferable to use the option of season (June July August).
Black under the eye:
Appear black under the eyes when fatigue is often genetically impossible to get rid of it but can mitigate and reduce the swelling of the eyelids compresses by a private (especially after leaving the tea compresses cool).

What are the enemies of your skin? 1 - constant exposure to the sun 2 - smoking 3 - underfeeding 4 - hormonal deficiencies.
Good nutrition for the aging delay 1 - Choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and poor in thermal units and sugars and cholesterol, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 2 - eating fish, olive and soybean oil 0.3 - eating calcium-rich dairy products and vegetables and dry fruits rich in magnesium, who lives aches and regulates the brain waves 0.4 - including the speed of renewal of proteins decrease after the age of seventy on the elderly should take foods rich in protein (meat fish).


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