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Child obesity or obesity society?

The old days are referred to the child fat stigmatized, but now has become something of obesity is common even in the youngest ages, is changed habits rights?, Or changed the rules late?, Or met this and that was the product ensure languishing under the weight of the burden of heavy harm to their body soft soft?.
The story of obesity deserve attention, they are attractive Bsrdha, harmless really going on, waiting to be explored and Rdhadtha Tbaght not even our children in the age of Gelle Gastronomic food and exciting harbor and choice, which, on this subject was the next meeting with Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Muttalib bin Sh consultant pediatric and neonatal Al Hammadi Hospital in Riyadh and a member of the American Genetic Association and the European Society of Human Genetics.
The beginning of what is obesity?
Obesity is not a disease itself, they are the width and the appearance of hiding under the cloak accumulation plus the fat in the body, there is increased weight that are not up to the point of obesity, and there is obesity, which represents the problem really, that just taking the child's weight is not enough for the diagnosis of obesity, there are children's body sports and the skeleton of a huge plus and the length, and in medical practice standards and there are plans to help with clinical examination identified obesity, and to set intensity.
What is the reason behind it? Many reasons, there is what we call the balance of power of positive deals with child food surplus to needs, and with time accumulates surplus, and why dealing with the child food is Thami Plus, the factors are many psychological and neurological and glandular pituitary and brain and hormonal and even genetic and social and cultural and environmental factors that the surrounding environment, of course, comes in the first place, a child imitates his parents, as well as the child who loses the love and compassion may be compensated for by making the food lover. Vilthm it is up to him with his hands, and the result is not only obesity, the body fat can be resistant to insulin, make him this and help in the failure to resolve the fat and thus storage and increasing obesity, and to accustom the baby on the bottle whenever complained or cried is not desirable, as it creates has a habit of resorting to food whenever narrowed it means, that the introduction of foods Solid high-calorie early unnecessarily can lead to weight gain fast, and that the pattern of nutrition and a life of comfort and laziness, and watching television, games, programs Alkmpiotrsaat long and a lack of effort and anti-sport and relying on food multiple and rapid and cuisine ready-packed Bashhomha all of which are closely related to obesity.
Where and when to abound?
The current generations and longer than ever Özen of generations at least during the last century, but this does not negate the fact that obesity explicit spread in our time more, and when most societies with different ratios, in Canada at a rate of 7-43%, and in Britain 7.3%, and in the United States 10-15%, while in Saudi Arabia and the obesity rate has reached 20% over the age of 15 years, and at a rate of 10.7% in men, and 27.4% in women , and reached 28% of those who were aged 30-64 years, and in the last decade, and is one of the very high rates in the world, but with regard to obesity, excessive study was published in 1996, the proportion of obesity in the UK 20% , when most women, offset by 2.7% in Japan, and 11% in the Netherlands, and 13.5% in the United States, and 44% in Kuwait, obesity abound between the people of the cities the proportion of the rural areas, and they abound in the high levels of social and more economically, and the percentage varies according to the presence of obesity in the parents, and by their culture, and by the number of family members and the pattern of events followed, and obesity does not distinguish between male and female.
What are the manifestations of obesity?
Obesity can appear at any age and for children more than they are during the first year of age and the age of 5-6 years and during adolescence, appear on the affected blocks of fat accumulated "Some call it the health!", And the males grow breasts, and hanging abdominal Ttahedl and become soft and there by lines of white or purple, often, and look the genitals of males is relatively small because of the soaked within the folds of fat, it can happen puberty early, and thus the final length is less than in peer obesity parties most in the arms and thighs, the hands seem a small and relatively short fingers, and frequently a Almilanat in the knee joint, and the child is suffering from the hardships and difficulties, psychological, social, and it is not free from harassment in school, society and even at home.
Are there diseases mimic obesity?
Yes, there is Cushing's disease which is caused by increased hormone cortisone and a thyroid gland insufficiency and growth hormone deficiency and Turner syndrome and other chromosome, but all this does not constitute more than 1% of cases of obesity in children.
What are the complications and problems brought about by obesity?
Many obese child is expected to be obese in the future, since the (10-30%) of obese adults were obese in childhood, as Cetkther the obese heart disease and blood veins and increase blood pressure, increase cholesterol and harmful fats in the blood , as well as insulin and diabetes, and frequent stones gall bladder, and injuries bone, and shortness of breath, and there is a rare complication called the syndrome "Beckwith", which include heart problems and breathing very serious, and may occur so-called tumor-brain false, and It is awful large number of early deaths ages.
The high rates of obesity in the Arab countries of concern, since the future will hold many challenges, health, social and economic, even if not rectify the matter quickly and seriously.
How to rectify the matter?
Prevention, "We are people who do not eat so hungry we ate, and if not satisfying," This is the title outright, it must be fed at the time of hunger, especially in early childhood, and must stay away from the attractions and excitement of the organization of food and mealtimes, you familiarize children and their parents before them on sport and exercise and proper and balanced meals, taking care not the ideal weight for aesthetic reasons only, and but for the purposes of health as well.
And what about treatment?
Treatment depends on the strengthening of the will of the child, and introduced the activities of sports daily regularly, especially in light of the nature of modern life that made the laziness inherent to man most of his day, had to adjust meals and content of caloric, as well as altering the behavior of children, the meal can be adjusted so that the balanced calories and denied time to meet all the requirements necessary food and are not detrimental to the growth and development of the child, you must add vitamins if we felt Bnqsa, especially vitamin "D" during the stages of child development, the involvement of family treatment plans and monitoring and control and follow-up is necessary , does not even involve the child himself so, the operations of adult medicine and surgery and put balloons in the stomach is not suitable for children at all.
During treatment are not in favor of a quick weight loss, and must continue medical monitoring even after weight loss, and to maintain the increased height, and offer psychological support required, and keep patience is the key to solving the problem represents a medical challenge, and in the case of obesity due to diseases and certain cases we treat the cause as possible.
Are the examples of the practice?
Rajatna day mother with her child, who was two, was supposed to be weight (12 or 13 kg), and the weight as I recall (20 kg) only!, And the wonder, the mother was asking me to describe him vitamins to increase health and of course the intended weight!!, and on another day Rajni-old boy (9) years, a cold as I remember, and he weighed more than my weight at least (30 kg), and his mother was of the Secretariat wants me to more of my advice for him to give up for some quick meals, in the first story I can only refer to the mother as a party to the subject, and in the second story is what is worrying that the child has reached the boat weight percent, and what joy is to try the mother access to some solutions.
In conclusion:
The fact I have hung bellies adult became young copycats intentionally or unintentionally, often Gbr tradition of eating habits, and become teenagers follow her example with a view to the belief that the rumen essential mark of the signs of maturity and manhood, and the statements that try to problem with two parties of society and the child, and to be re- of habits may not be from our habits.
The salvation of obesity is the difficulties faced during the management of both at the level of the individual or the community, as the case very serious, really should not rejoice much at the sight of a child barely moving, and the corresponding child view Agile movement and strength of cod and pleased viewers, a big difference... God knows _ _.


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