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Asthma and pregnancy

الربو والحمل Pregnancy & Asthma

The reason for this is unknown. There is a belief that the reason is that when women realize they are pregnant stop taking asthma medications, thus increasing the risk of attacks.

Effects of asthma on pregnancy and fetal Effects of Asthma on pregnancy & baby:
Asthma leads to increased risk of some complications of pregnancy by a small.. The reason is also unknown. It was found compared with non-pregnant women with asthma that usury pregnant women more likely to have a little injury to one of the following complications:
• high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia.
• the birth early (premature).
• the birth of Qasaria.
• A child is small for his age.
And in all cases, the vast majority of pregnant women with asthma and their children to Aasabon any complications during pregnancy and childbirth. And good control of the treatment of asthma reduces the incidence of such complications.

Tips pre-pregnancy Care before pregnancy:
And offers these tips for every woman wants to give birth to:
• All women should eat an integral contains at least 400 mcg of folic acid. And this leads to decrease the risk of neural tube lesions in the embryo, which starts even before taking it in order to pregnancy and continues until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, at least.
• Quit smoking and stop drinking all alcohol and narcotic drugs before attempting pregnancy.
• If the woman is taking medication, whether prescription or not, you must present it to her doctor. Some of the medicines safe during pregnancy and some of them very serious. In some cases, medication can be used for alternative medicine distorted.
• must be determined caffeine intake to less than 250 mg per day, through trying to conceive and for the duration of pregnancy.
• advised blood tests for each of rubella, chicken pox, AIDS, hepatitis B, and some genetic diseases (such as cystic fibrosis) before pregnancy.

Care During Pregnancy Care during pregnancy:
Must be conducted jointly by the asthma specialist and a specialist generation. Determine where asthma specialist visits, according to the severity of asthma during pregnancy. As for visits to a specialist obstetric, most pregnant women Azrnh every two to four weeks until week 28 of pregnancy. Every two weeks in the period between week 28-36. Each week in the period between birth and 36 weeks. At each visit is being measured blood pressure and urine examination.
And to monitor the evolution and growth of the fetus during pregnancy, you must know the exact date of birth, if the woman is not sure of the date of last menstruation or from the day were loaded must be carried out before filming Echo week 12 of pregnancy, during this time can be calculated birth date accurately.
After week 12, being measured fetal heart rate at each visit. It is advisable to conduct Aiko between weeks 18-20 of pregnancy to ensure the safety of growth and development of the fetus.
Pregnant women who take steroid pills (such as Predinsone) during pregnancy is being Eco them to monitor fetal growth every 4 weeks in the period after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Asthma Asthma treatment:
Similar to the treatment of asthma during pregnancy, pregnancy outside of treatment with minor differences. And you should be aware of the following points:
• Monitoring Monitoring:
1. Lung function in the mother: The jobs natural for the mother are important for maternal health and well-being of the fetus. And these functions can be monitored in the clinic or hospital. The home monitoring it gives important information when asthma symptoms worsen. Especially at night and after waking up.
The pregnant woman's control and pulmonary function at home using a simple device measures the intended maximum exhalation and, as the rate of attacks has advised the doctor to carry Kiesin day: After waking up and after 12 hours.
It was found that the decrease in maximum expiratory flow rate indicates that the patient tends to worse even if it feels good health.
The lung function tests performed in a doctor's office is important to differentiate between the dyspnea due to asthma or slip natural that you get with a lot of women during pregnancy.
2. Monitoring the health and well-being of the fetus Baby's well-being: watching attentively through regular visits and an increasingly important when there is asthma.
In addition, you should monitor fetal movements at every pregnant after 24 weeks of pregnancy, if fetal movements are abnormal, you should immediately contact your generation, the more important when there is asthma.
There is a special test is recommended after 32 weeks of pregnant women who suffer from frequent asthma symptoms or attacks. Called the Non-Stress test being to assess the status of the fetus. This is done by monitoring the test of fetal heart rate using a small device placed on the mother's abdomen. Device relies on ultrasound to measure fetal heart rate during a specified time, usually 15-30 minutes. Where we find in the natural state that the average is between 120-160 beats a minute. Increasingly, this rate periodically 15 strokes per minute above the average for 15 seconds.
The test is considered reassuring if the observed increases of one or more (increase periodic) over a period of 20 minutes. If we did not notice any of them during a period of 40 minutes must be conducted other tests the most important and most complex.

• Avoid Triggers Avoiding triggers:
There are many simple steps that serve to control the environmental factors that may exacerbate or induce asthma symptoms and attacks, including:
1. Avoid exposure to some specific allergens, such as wool and feathers pet. Household dust, and some non-specific stimuli. Such as cigarette smoke, strong perfume smell, and pollutants.
2. Cover the bed pillows and blankets especially to reduce exposure Lat bed. And avoid sleeping on upholstered furniture (couch, for example ..).
3. Pregnant women should not smoke and do not allow smoking in her house.
4. Women who will be pregnant in flu season (winter in most areas) should be Taatqah influenza. It is believed that the flu vaccine is quite sound on the fetus, and the flu shot is usually given once a year each autumn.

• Learning Education:
Learning the patient's asthma can control symptoms better, and avoid attacks, and the reaction course during the attacks. And increase the importance of learning during the pregnancy. Where the focus is on the signs and symptoms and predisposing factors of the attacks, and the correct use of medications that control asthma.
• Medications Medication:
With some exceptions, are drugs used to control asthma during pregnancy is similar to drugs used outside of pregnancy. The quality medicine and dose on many factors, which are drugs inhaled the best, because their effects are limited to the mother and fetus. It may be necessary to modify the type and dosage of the drug user during pregnancy to fit with the metabolic changes and changes in the severity of asthma.

Details about asthma medications More details:
Note: asthma medications during pregnancy (is it sound?): It is difficult to say that asthma medications are safe during pregnancy, but used by pregnant women for many years, did not observe the existence of risks to remember.
It is important to note that the risk of uncontrolled asthma and attacks that may lead to fetal hypoxia at much greater risk (low) potential of drugs.

• Bronchodilators Bronchodilators:
Extenders impact short-term quick impact on the symptoms of asthma through relaxation of bronchial, including albuterol,
Metaproterenol, terbutaline, and other drugs. The bronchodilators with a long-term impact, such as salmeterol, formoterol is important to control asthma symptoms and do not affect the fast.
Extenders with short-term effect seems safe during pregnancy. Where the study showed that children born to mothers who consumed these drugs during pregnancy were sound excluding other factors.
It does not have sufficient information on the safety of stents with long-term impact during pregnancy. Should check with your doctor before continuing to address during pregnancy.

• steroids Glucocorticoids:
Used in the treatment of many diseases other than asthma, and used in a safe for the mother and fetus. It is a grain, such as prednisone, and inhaled, such as beclomethasone, triamcinolone, flunisolide, budesonide, fluticasone.
1. Oral steroids: some studies found the presence of a very small increase in risk for some distortions Kfilh palate (cleft palate) in children of mothers who took oral steroids during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. In two other studies found a slight increase in the risk of premature birth, and one study found a slight increase in the risk of birth weight is small. Taking into account the fact that the researchers could not rule out the possibility that these effects are caused by the intensification of asthma attacks, not steroids.
And attention must always be the danger is much less risk of uncontrolled asthma, which may be fatal.
2. Inhaled steroids:
Budesonide is the safest during pregnancy, has been used Beclomethasone significantly during pregnancy and was safe.

• theophylline Theophylline: used for many years during pregnancy did not show any significant effects, but it is no longer used in the treatment of asthma, inhaled steroids after the discovery of the most effective and least side effects.

• Cromolyn sodium Cromolyn sodium: in one study about a woman who used this drug during pregnancy was safe. But it is less effective than inhaled steroids to control asthma.

• rates Allukutran Leukotriene modifiers:
zafirlukast, montelukast, zileuton and is considered safe with little information on the latter.

• Antihistamines Antihistamines:
It is not a cure for asthma, but they are used to treat allergic asthma is usually associated. Including: diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, loratadine, fexofenadine, cetirizine.
In studies conducted on animals and humans found that antihistamines are not dangerous or there is a small increase in risk for some distortions. Is now considered a chlorpheniramine, loratadine, cetirizine is a therapeutic option during pregnancy.

• Decongestants Decongestants:
Is not a cure for asthma, but are used to treat allergy symptoms in the upper respiratory tract. Pseudoephedrine is the most of them available. Studies on the safety of these drugs have been few, but it is recommended using a decongestant nasal spray form (three consecutive days) instead of eating oral decongestants during the first 13 weeks. After Week 13 is the safe use of Pseudoephedrine in the absence of an increase in pressure.

• Immunotherapy Immunotherapy: These are the injections to reduce the sensitivity of the patient's sensitivity to allergens. Are considered safe during pregnancy although there is a risk anaphylactic shock (and the risk to all individuals, including pregnant women). Where it is safe to continue to remedying a pregnant woman during pregnancy. But not recommended using this treatment the first time during pregnancy.
Labor and delivery and the postpartum period:
Must be a plan for labor and delivery after discussing the doctor's attention so as to change some of the commonly used drugs. You can use oxytocin to induce labor and to control bleeding after childbirth. Prefer to use epidural anesthesia during childbirth to ease the burden on the lungs.

Breastfeeding is beneficial in reducing the risk of episodes of wheezing that may infect the baby during the first two years. It may be the reason that breastfeeding reduces the risk of respiratory infections. And breastfeeding may reduce the risk of developing asthma later, if at all breastfeeding is recommended for women naturally infected with asthma because it will benefit her and her fetus.


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